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Topic subjectPummeling with a weapon in hand while distorted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=16154
16154, Pummeling with a weapon in hand while distorted.
Posted by Brexamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

A sign points north towards Voralian City and south to the Dwarven Forest.
Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.
(Ghost) A motionless lizard lies here in the sand.
Kyaltaru the wood-elf is here.

1229/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
A sand lizard leaves north.

You lower a mithril glaive with jade etchings and charge Kyaltaru, but miss!
Your charge misses Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru yells 'Help! Brexamir is charging me!'
Kyaltaru is in perfect health. (100%)

1229/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
You parry Kyaltaru's divine power.
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
As you fight Kyaltaru, you find your confidence shaken by his taunts and posturing.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru is in perfect health. (100%)

1229/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
You FAIL to cut off Kyaltaru's route of escape with your polearm!
You get in one more shot on Kyaltaru as he flees.
Your parting blow devastates Kyaltaru!
Kyaltaru has fled!
Kyaltaru leaves east.
The freezing temperatures chill you to the bone.
The extreme cold decimates you!

1203/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
A sand lizard has arrived.

1203/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
A sand lizard leaves south.

1203/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
Kyaltaru has arrived.

1203/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
A sand lizard has arrived.

1203/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
Kyaltaru sings 'The ghosts remain, and chant the chorus
Forget not souls who've come before us;
Those spirits cold, and without number
Who pass the night in endless slumber.'

A coldness descends upon you; you feel yourself falling deeply asleep.

In your dreams, or what?

In your dreams, or what?

You are affected by:
Skill: 'chill touch' modifies strength by -2 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 7 hours.
Physical effect: 'demoralize' modifies morale by -12 for 5 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -13 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 16 hours.

1203/1229hp 441/539m 966mv 24350tnl 8 AM
The extreme cold mauls you.
The sudden pain startles you awake!
A metal canteen insulated in a wolves pelt freezes and shatters!

Loz has arrived.
Approaching a Large Crossroads
Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here, approaching a large
crossroads to the east. Another road, perpendicular to this one, is
visible running through the fields of golden grain that cover the gently
rolling hills to the north. Stretching off to the south of the road as
far as the eye can see is a sparse forest of twisted and stunted trees.
A few wagons and carts are visible in a dusty clearing just off the road
to the south.

A Large Crossroads
Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, the Eastern Road
intersects two decidedly different roads here. To the north is a shady
lane that slopes slightly upwards as it transforms itself into Bramblefield
Road. Constructed of a multitude of flat stones, the wide road to the
south runs through a sparse forest of twisted and stunted trees. Both
the western and eastern segments run straight as a bow shot towards the
horizon, dividing the dwarf forest to the south from the cultivated fields
and pastures to the north. A few wagons and carts are visible in a dusty
clearing just off the road to the southwest.

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

A sign points north towards Voralian City and south to the Dwarven Forest.
Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.
Brillem the elf is here.
Kyaltaru the wood-elf is here.

You lower a mithril glaive with jade etchings and charge Kyaltaru!
Kyaltaru is stunned by your charge!
Your charge MANGLES Kyaltaru!
Kyaltaru yells 'Help! Brexamir is charging me!'
Kyaltaru has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

You parry Kyaltaru's divine power.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

1181/1229hp 441/539m 964mv 24350tnl 8 AM
Kyaltaru sings 'Can you trust your eyes, do they see what's real
Am I here just near to you, near enough to feel?
Or am I near the gnarled oak just over to your left
Or maybe standing to your right before the granite cleft?'
You feel your senses blur.
Kyaltaru has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

1181/1229hp 441/539m 964mv 24350tnl 8 AM
You parry Kyaltaru's divine power.
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

1181/1229hp 441/539m 964mv 24350tnl 8 AM You tear Kyaltaru's flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a mithril glaive with jade etchings!
Your slice EVISCERATES Kyaltaru!
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1181/1229hp 441/539m 964mv 24350tnl 8 AM
Kyaltaru sings 'I feel a weakness deep within me
I am but mortal, forever I cannot last
I look to the end, and I grow weary
My time is coming, coming fast
How I wish my time would last.'
You feel burdened as though by an enormous weight.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1181/1229hp 441/539m 964mv 24350tnl 8 AM
Crespel has arrived.
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Your slice devastates Kyaltaru!
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1181/1229hp 441/539m 964mv 24350tnl 8 AM
The sky is getting cloudy.
Brillem slowly floats to the ground.
Kyaltaru continues to bleed from his wounds.
Kyaltaru's bleeding artery MUTILATES him!
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1197/1229hp 452/539m 981mv 24350tnl 9 AM
Crespel leaves east.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1197/1229hp 452/539m 981mv 24350tnl 9 AM You do not have that item.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1197/1229hp 452/539m 981mv 24350tnl 9 AM You try to pummel some empty air near Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1197/1229hp 452/539m 981mv 24350tnl 9 AM
Kyaltaru sings 'A burden you feel, deep in your soul;
Your muscles grow weak, your thoughts slow.
Lethargy creeps slowly into your limbs,
Trudging through winter's deep snow.'
You feel yourself weakened by the languid notes.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1197/1229hp 452/539m 981mv 24350tnl 9 AM
Kyaltaru's divine power nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
You parry Kyaltaru's divine power.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1197/1229hp 452/539m 981mv 24350tnl 9 AM
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

Kyaltaru sings 'Some say the end shall someday come
By Inferno's hellish fire;
Some say that ice shall freeze us all,
A theory I admire.'
Kyaltaru's icy illusion DISTRESSES you!
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1157/1229hp 452/539m 973mv 24350tnl 9 AM You try to pummel some empty air near Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1157/1229hp 452/539m 973mv 24350tnl 9 AM
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1157/1229hp 452/539m 973mv 24350tnl 9 AM
Kyaltaru sings 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Kyaltaru's reverberating blast *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

1039/1229hp 452/539m 973mv 24350tnl 9 AM
Kyaltaru's divine power MUTILATES you!
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

997/1229hp 452/539m 973mv 24350tnl 9 AM Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Kyaltaru is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

Kyaltaru continues to bleed from his wounds.
Kyaltaru's arterial blood pools upon the ground.
Kyaltaru's bleeding artery MUTILATES him!
Your eyes see less truly.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

1111/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru's divine power DISMEMBERS you!
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
You try to attack some empty air near Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

1055/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
Kyaltaru sings 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Kyaltaru's reverberating blast *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

943/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
You parry Kyaltaru's divine power.
You parry Kyaltaru's divine power.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru flows to one side as your slice passes.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

943/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM You try to pummel some empty air near Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

943/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
Kyaltaru's divine power maims you!
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
You cut off Kyaltaru's route of escape with your polearm!
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
Quaduahau has arrived.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
Quaduahau leaves west.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
You keep Kyaltaru at bay with your polearm.
You try to attack some empty air near Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
You cut off Kyaltaru's route of escape with your polearm!
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
Quaduahau has arrived.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
Quaduahau looks at you.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

Quaduahau sits down and rests.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

907/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
Kyaltaru's divine power EVISCERATES you!
Kyaltaru dodges your slice.
Kyaltaru parries your slice.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

Quaduahau goes to sleep.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

858/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM You stop using a mithril glaive with jade etchings.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

858/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM You try to pummel some empty air near Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

858/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
You parry Kyaltaru's divine power.
Kyaltaru parries your punch.
Kyaltaru dodges your punch.
Kyaltaru parries your punch.
Kyaltaru dodges your punch.
You try to attack some empty air near Kyaltaru.
Kyaltaru is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

858/1229hp 432/539m 979mv 24350tnl 10 AM
You get in one more shot on Kyaltaru as he flees.
Your parting blow devastates Kyaltaru!
Kyaltaru has fled!
Kyaltaru leaves south.

16256, By design (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM