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Topic subjectAnother questy type bug, I think
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13045, Another questy type bug, I think
Posted by Little guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I got the exp for the quest, it bumped me over 14, but I did get credit for the quest, then it said I failed, here it is

00%hp 100%m 13%mv 161tnl (97.44%)> Near the Stage
Here at the corner of the stage, several small tables have been set around
a small fireplace for the musical admirers. This fireplace serves to heat
a large pot of coffee and bake loaves of bread in the ashes. The people
here seem considerably less rowdy than in the nearby section by the bar.
The common room extends to the north and west and the stage lies to the east.

A drunk is wandering through here, randomly hitting things.
A drunk is wandering through here giggling.
The innkeeper surveys the room, glad-handing the drunks.
Fhragnar says to you 'Bless you for clearing Silverwood of goblins, but I can only pay you for six.'
Fhragnar gives you 10 silver coins, 10 copper coins.

Fhragnar says to you 'Pal, you've done me a favor but I haven't the copper to spare.'
Fhragnar says to you 'Some drunk left this ring behind. It's yours.'
Fhragnar gives you a silvery ring.

(You have gained 250 experience points.)
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 14/296 hp, 7/196 m, 14/330 mv 3/10 prac.
You have learned 1% of your whip ability.
You have earned 1 training session.
You failed to complete the quest 'Copeham Inn: Goblin Raiders' by level 14.
(You feel as if you understand more about COMMERCE as well.)

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6561tnl (1.34%)> af
You are affected by:

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6561tnl (1.34%)> quest
Completed Quests:
Success, Copeham Inn: Goblin Raiders
Failed , Copeham Inn: Goblin Raiders
Success, Violet Woodland: Mysterious Runes
Success, Academy: Fine Leather Gathering
Success, Academy: Simon's Delivery Quest
Success, Aldevari: Gralan's First Task
Success, Aldevari: Gralan's Second Task

13251, FNCR (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM