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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectEdge list wierdness?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=12579
12579, Edge list wierdness?
Posted by Catastrophic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a mid level invoker and I had just gotten back from exploring a new place, and I see this when I typed discuss:

<(82%)314hp (89%)685m (35%)140mv 13202tnl (-14.60%)> discuss 2.
The guildmaster is pleased to hear of your bold explorations. (You have earned 650 experience points, and 13 movement points.)

The guildmaster is pleased to hear of your keen observations. (You have earned 570 experience points.)

The guildmaster notes your accomplishments in the world of commerce. (You have earned 65 experience points.)

You can choose the following edges:

<(82%)314hp (89%)685m (33%)140mv 11917tnl (-3.45%)> discuss 2.
You have discussed your exploits so recently. You'll need to go out and do more before it is worth doing again.
You can choose the following edges:

I can choose the following edges? Where? Which ones? Hehe.

I'm actually not sure if its a bug, but I just wanted to make sure since I remember it not saying "You can choose the following edges:" if I had none available. Thanks!
12580, FNCR...
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You can choose the following edges:
>I can choose the following edges? Where? Which ones? Hehe.
>I'm actually not sure if its a bug, but I just wanted to make
>sure since I remember it not saying "You can choose the
>following edges:" if I had none available. Thanks!

You have none you can choose, fixed it so it won't show that if you can't choose anything.