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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectThat was noreply
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=18164&mesg_id=18247
18247, That was noreply
Posted by Llandis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I just noticed this.

That was a noreply command. You had just asked me to group (after I spent like 6 RL hours trying to find ANYONE to group with and was desperate to learn so I got sloppy). I ran all the way to the past, got jumped by a bloodoath on the way, escaped from them (using my last recall potion), ran back to the past this time running around the bloodoath all to learn...and you immediately jumped me and killed me when I finally got to you (with like 5% moves left and alas no recall potion.)

I didn't really 'blame' you cause I know what kind of game this is all too well, but I was pissed at myself and all the wasted time I've been spending playing and I figured I'd prevent myself from boiling over with rage and going OOC by just saying my civil bit about 'Oh well...' and hit noreply so I wouldn't have to continue the conversation. I hoped you'd take the hint. I consider ignore to be rude and ooc.

And then you started lecturing me about how I should learn something from all this. I believe that was the last time I logged in so I suppose I did learn something from it.

But yes, long story short. That was noreply. If many people are doing it to your characters, maybe that says something.