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RE: The rest...

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Someone's wild overhead attack === OBLITERATES === you!
You yell 'Help! Someone is trying to axe murder me!'
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::907 (81%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
The bright spot fades from your vision.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::929 (83%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: sig

Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk swats your slice away from him.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::929 (83%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::929 (83%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a suit of black chainmail.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::863 (77%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: Armonk is already affected by a Sigil of Pain!
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::863 (77%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bas
Teranax looks at Armonk.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::863 (77%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bas
Charging forward, you hit Armonk with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash wounds Armonk.
Armonk is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::863 (77%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice misses Armonk.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::818 (73%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bas

Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk twists himself around your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk's wrath MANGLES you!
Armonk is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Armonk.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax sits down and rests.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: flur

Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk is DEAD!!

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: eBut you aren't fighting anyone!

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: exam corpse
The corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Armonk contains:
a wide bronze belt
a brass dragonscale bracer
a suit of black chainmail
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a cowhide knapsack
( 2) a canoe
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
( 2) a silver Justice badge
( 2) Mahn-Tor's Great Axe
a horned minotaur helm
a skin from the snow leopard
( 2) a shiny black hematite ring
a broad-bladed battleaxe crackling with energy
red-trimmed black adamantite plate boots
a pair of black steel gauntlets
(Glowing) a strange silver key
an aquamarine bracelet
a notched axe with a wicked blade
a large savage mask
642 copper coins

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax mutters something quietly to himself.

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax looks at you.

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax goes to sleep.

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: where
whoPeople near you:
Teranax The Circle of Rites
(PK) Hunsobo The Circle of Rites

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: who pk
[51 W-Elf Dru] (PK) Linaeren Bloodleaf the Acumen of Beasts, Harbinger of
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Felar Asn] (PK) Mesashian the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
[50 Arial Shf] (PK) Akreick the Grand Master of Shapeshifting
[50 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Grand Wizard of Transmutation
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
[51 Elf Pal] (PK) Niheriva Vilisital the Redeemed Warrior-Priest of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
[51 D-Elf Tra] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon

Players found: 10

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Izuhlzin tells you 'Let me know when you can find an opening to knock down this guards twice.'

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: t izuh yuh me come now. Had to smash some r
The sky is getting cloudy.

:::840 (75%)::1%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: t izuh yuh me come now. Had to smash some rageguy
Teranax wakes up and starts resting.

:::840 (75%)::1%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: t izuh yuh me come now. Had to smash some rageguys first
You tell Izuhlzin 'yuh me come now. Had to smash some rageguys first'


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