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RE: Sex, STD's and Thongs.
Shazirah utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.

Shazirah utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.

Andrlos says 'Wow, this is reminding me of sitting by the Warlock inner.'

Shazirah says 'I could further that familiarity by killing you.'

Nhiala says 'My wife wants me to quit.'

Nhiala smiles happily.

Nhiala waves happily.

The Theran form of Nhiala disappears before you.

You say 'Tell her '####k no''

You say 'Dude.'

Shokai says 'remind me to hand him a whip next time he's on'

You say 'Whipped.'

Soucivi: What are the opinions regarding Egan...those who have spoken to him.

(HERALD) Soucivi: What are the opinions regarding Egan...those who have spoken to him.

Valguarnera: I love Egan!

Valguarnera: Wait. Who's Egan?

(HERALD) Esfergref: I think my opinion is well known!

Soucivi: Quiet you lich.

Shazirah tells the group 'Damn, I don't have a boat. You need a boat to canoewhack? :p'

You tell your group 'Yeah. Buy the barge at Hamsah's shop :p'

(DEATH 53) (51 ranger) Andrlos killed by (55 assassin) Shazirah at 1200 by canoewhack

A Room with Three Doors
This room is rather plain and boring. Nothing of much interest is visible
here. Doors of varying sizes lie in each wall, to your north, south and

A sign stands here in the middle of the room.

(Exits: north south west)
(Wizi 51) Qaledus is here.
Zad is here.

Qaledus uncloaks his presence.

Qaledus peers around himself intently.

Qaledus hugs Zad.

Qaledus cloaks his presence and disappears.

Arvam (53): You rock.

A slight misdirection causes you to lose sight of Qaledus briefly and he is gone!

Valguarnera: Anything on fire?

Phaelim: Only when I pee.

(59 Lich CRE) (PK) (Wizi 51) (SHADOW) Scarabaeus Sacer the Ointment On Your Fly

Shazirah (53): Are we going to sell herald panties and bras?

Qaledus (53): Thongs are available, but I don't have a logo for them.

Valguarnera (53): I thought we decided the thong would include the words "Practice Polearm".

Qaledus (53): That was the boxers

Shokai (53): we've talked about revamping the old map...be a good time to do it and offer it

Arvam (53): We should put that on the banana warmer.

Shazirah (53): Or maybe "secret wand location"

Shokai (53): that would be kinda cool, Q

Qaledus (53): Shaz wins

Valguarnera (53): More thong logos: "I possess a primitive bone fetish."

Shazirah (53): don't forget the lifeshield condoms

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