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RE: Cezar
<980/985(99%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: unPeople near you:
(PK) Feilinal The Temple Altar
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<980/985(99%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: unlock n

<980/985(99%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: wi cobra
You stop using the tail of a drolem.
You stop using the tail of a drolem.
You wield the Ancient Staff of the Cobra.
The Ancient Staff of the Cobra feels like a part of you!

<980/985(99%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: n
clAlas, you cannot go that way.

<980/985(99%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: close s
You see no s here.

<980/985(99%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: op n
You open a hidden door.

<980/985(99%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: n
A Candlelit Hallway

east south west]
Cezar is here.

<980/985(99%) 698 1130(1138) civilized 6 PM>
::: dt
Cezar is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Cezar.
Cezar yells 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Cezar has a few scratches.

<980/985(99%) 698 1130(1138) civilized 6 PM>
Cezar parries your poisonous bite.
You parry Cezar's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's black light.
You parry Cezar's black light.
Cezar has a few scratches.

<980/985(99%) 698 1130(1138) civilized 6 PM>
Cezar thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Blood gushes out of your severed artery!
A spray of blood erupts from your wound!
Cezar's deep gash MUTILATES you!
Your warcry has worn off.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery EVISCERATES you!
Cezar wipes the dirt from his eyes.
Cezar is in perfect health.

<897/985(91%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: dis

Cezar parries your poisonous bite.
Cezar parries your poisonous bite.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's pierce.
Cezar is in perfect health.

<897/985(91%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: You swat with one end of the Ancient Staff of the Cobra at a jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed', smashing it out of Cezar's grip!
You disarm Cezar!
You glide around Cezar's stab with elven grace.
Cezar is in perfect health.

<897/985(91%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
Cezar dodges your poisonous bite.
Cezar dodges your poisonous bite.
Cezar dodges your poisonous bite.
You dodge Cezar's punch.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's black light.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's black light.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's punch.
Cezar is in perfect health.

<897/985(91%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
Your poisonous bite MASSACRES Cezar!
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil MUTILATES Cezar!
You dodge Cezar's punch.
You dodge Cezar's punch.
You parry Cezar's punch.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<897/985(91%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: dis
You lunge and thrust one end of the Ancient Staff of the Cobra against the chain of a drake-scaled flail named, 'Crimson Slumber', forcing it from Cezar's
You disarm Cezar!
Cezar wields a jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed'.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<897/985(91%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
Cezar lunges at you and stabs you with a jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed'!
Cezar's stab DISMEMBERS you!
Cezar twists his dagger further into your shoulder wound!
Cezar's twist MUTILATES you!
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS Cezar!
A gleaming diamond circlet glows briefly, and the calm of Temperance gives you peace.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's pierce.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
Cezar dodges your poisonous bite.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil EVISCERATES Cezar!
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's pierce.
You swing your staff in wide arcs, forcing Cezar's pierce back.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow DISMEMBERS Cezar!
Cezar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
Cezar dodges your poisonous bite.
Cezar dodges your poisonous bite.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's pierce.
You parry Cezar's pierce and retaliate with lightning quickness!
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES Cezar!
Cezar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Cezar!
The Ancient Staff of the Cobra poisons Cezar.
Cezar looks very ill.
Cezar has fled!
Cezar leaves east.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: close s
You close the door.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: lock s

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: wiYou get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

<799/985(81%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: wiYou finish eating a speckled pill.
You still feel slightly hungry.
The power of your protections interfere with the healing.
You feel better!

<859/985(87%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 7 PM>
::: where

You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery EVISCERATES you!

<818/985(83%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<818/985(83%) 698 1138(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: e
A Candlelit Hallway

<818/985(83%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: dt
They aren't here.

<818/985(83%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: A Candlelit Hallway

east west]

<818/985(83%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: dt
They aren't here.

<818/985(83%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<818/985(83%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Cezar is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<818/985(83%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: speck
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

<818/985(83%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: You finish eating a speckled pill.
You no longer feel hungry.
The power of your protections interfere with the healing.
You feel better!

<878/985(89%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: speck
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

<878/985(89%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: You finish eating a speckled pill.
You start to feel full.
The power of your protections interfere with the healing.
You feel better!

<938/985(95%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: dash They aren't here.

<938/985(95%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: dash e di c
Cezar has arrived.

<938/985(95%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: dash e di cez

You yell 'Help! Cezar hurled a dagger at me!'
You can no longer find the strength to wield the Ancient Staff of the Cobra.
Cezar hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Cezar's hurled dagger wounds you.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<921/985(93%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: It's called fleeing, look into it.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<921/985(93%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: di
Cezar spins gracefully away from your dirt kicking.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<921/985(93%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: wi
Cezar dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Cezar's pierce EVISCERATES you!
Cezar dodges your punch.
Cezar's pierce MUTILATES you!
Cezar's pierce bounces harmlessly off of your stony hide.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<831/985(84%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: wi spear

Cezar parries your punch.
You dodge Cezar's pierce.
You dodge Cezar's pierce.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<831/985(84%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
Cezar stops using a jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed'.
Cezar wields the Black King's scepter.
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<831/985(84%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
You take a chance and somehow hurl yourself away from Cezar's batter!
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<831/985(84%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: You wield a long titanium spear.
A long titanium spear feels like a part of you!
Cezar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<831/985(84%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Cezar!
Cezar dodges your shocking bite.
A long titanium spear grows warm in your hands!
The power of your protections interfere with a long titanium spear's healing.
You feel better!
You parry Cezar's wrath.
You dodge Cezar's wrath.
Cezar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<843/985(85%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: imp
You impale Cezar on a long titanium spear!
Your impalement MANGLES Cezar!
Cezar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<843/985(85%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
Cezar dodges your shocking bite.
Cezar parries your shocking bite.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil EVISCERATES Cezar!
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's wrath.
Cezar's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Cezar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<789/985(80%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
Cezar parries your shocking bite.
Cezar dodges your shocking bite.
Cezar dodges your shocking bite.
Your defensive spin deflects Cezar's wrath.
You parry Cezar's wrath.
Cezar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<789/985(80%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow MUTILATES Cezar!
You have become better at parting blow!
Cezar has fled!
Cezar leaves west.

<789/985(80%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: w
mtA Candlelit Hallway

<789/985(80%) 698 1135(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: mt
They aren't here.

<789/985(80%) 698 1135(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: A Candlelit Hallway

east west]
(Iron) Resting in a tight coil, the flail ending in taloned claws rests here.
The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.

<789/985(80%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<789/985(80%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<789/985(80%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: mt
They aren't here.

<789/985(80%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: where
People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<789/985(80%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
Cezar has arrived.

<789/985(80%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: mt
Cezar yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Feilinal!'
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Cezar!
Cezar is gushing blood.

<789/985(80%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: close
Cezar dodges your shocking bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Cezar's pierce EVISCERATES you!
Cezar dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Cezar!
You dodge Cezar's pierce.
Cezar is gushing blood.

<739/985(75%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: close
You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow EVISCERATES Cezar!
Cezar has fled!
Cezar leaves east.

<739/985(75%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: mnt

<739/985(75%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 8 PM>
::: mt
They aren't here.
You feel less confident as the surety leaves your hands.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding MUTILATES you!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery EVISCERATES you!

<654/985(66%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<654/985(66%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: where
People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<654/985(66%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: speck
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

<654/985(66%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: speck
speckYou finish eating a speckled pill.
You start to feel full.
The power of your protections interfere with the healing.
You feel better!

<714/985(72%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: speck
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

<714/985(72%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: You finish eating a speckled pill.
You feel completely full.
The power of your protections interfere with the healing.
You feel better!

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: where
whipYou get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: whipYou are too full to eat more.

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: whip
People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: wPeople near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: wherYou stop using a long titanium spear.
You wield the tail of a drolem.
The tail of a drolem feels like a part of you!

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: where
You dual wield the tail of a drolem.
The tail of a drolem feels like a part of you!

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: People near you:
(PK) Feilinal A Candlelit Hallway
(PK) Cezar A Candlelit Hallway

<774/985(78%) 698 1137(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: e
latA Candlelit Hallway

<774/985(78%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
They aren't here.

<774/985(78%) 698 1136(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

east west]

<774/985(78%) 698 1135(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<774/985(78%) 698 1135(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

<774/985(78%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<774/985(78%) 698 1134(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

east west]

<774/985(78%) 698 1133(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<774/985(78%) 698 1133(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

<774/985(78%) 698 1132(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<774/985(78%) 698 1132(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

Cezar is here.

<774/985(78%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: You lash at Cezar with the tail of a drolem!
Your lash misses Cezar.
Cezar yells 'Help! Feilinal is lashing me!'
Cezar is gushing blood.

<774/985(78%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 9 PM>
You fail to get in one more shot as Cezar flees.
Cezar is gushing blood.

<774/985(78%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 9 PM>
Cezar parries your whip.
Cezar parries your whip.
A gleaming diamond circlet glows briefly, and the calm of Temperance gives you peace.
You dodge Cezar's pierce.
Cezar's pierce MUTILATES you!
Cezar is gushing blood.

<733/985(74%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 9 PM>
You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Cezar!
Cezar is gushing blood.

<733/985(74%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: la
You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow misses Cezar.
Cezar has fled!
Cezar leaves west.

<733/985(74%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
They aren't here.

<733/985(74%) 698 1131(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: A Candlelit Hallway

<733/985(74%) 698 1130(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<733/985(74%) 698 1130(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: A Candlelit Hallway

east west]

<733/985(74%) 698 1129(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

<733/985(74%) 698 1128(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: A Candlelit Hallway

east west]

<733/985(74%) 698 1127(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<733/985(74%) 698 1127(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

<733/985(74%) 698 1126(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<733/985(74%) 698 1126(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: lat
A Candlelit Hallway

east west]
( 2) The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
(Iron) Resting in a tight coil, the flail ending in taloned claws rests here.
Cezar is here.

<733/985(74%) 698 1125(1138) civilized 9 PM>
::: Cezar skillfully positions his body so that your lash cannot succeed.
Cezar yells 'Help! Feilinal just attacked me!'
Your whip EVISCERATES Cezar!
Cezar dodges your whip.
Cezar dodges your whip.
Cezar dodges your whip.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil MUTILATES Cezar!
You parry Cezar's pierce.
You parry Cezar's pierce.
Cezar is writhing in agony.

<733/985(74%) 698 1125(1138) civilized 9 PM>
Cezar opens the door.
Cezar is writhing in agony.

<733/985(74%) 698 1125(1138) civilized 9 PM>
You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Cezar!
Cezar has fled!
Cezar leaves west.
With the speed of a prowling jungle cat, you leap in front of Cezar, courage blazing from your eyes!
A Candlelit Hallway

Cezar is here.
Cezar is writhing in agony.

<733/985(74%) 698 1125(1138) civilized 9 PM>
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding MUTILATES you!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery EVISCERATES you!
Cezar shivers and suffers.
Cezar's poison decimates him!
Cezar continues to bleed from his wounds.
Cezar's bleeding maims him!
Cezar is convulsing on the ground.

<648/985(65%) 698 1128(1138) civilized 10 PM>
Cezar parries your whip.
Your whip MASSACRES Cezar!
You dodge Cezar's pierce.
Cezar is convulsing on the ground.

<648/985(65%) 698 1128(1138) civilized 10 PM>
::: lat

You get in one more shot on Cezar as he flees.
Your parting blow EVISCERATES Cezar!
Cezar is stunned, but will probably recover.
Cezar has fled!
Cezar leaves east.

<648/985(65%) 698 1128(1138) civilized 10 PM>
::: They aren't here.

<648/985(65%) 698 1128(1138) civilized 10 PM>
::: e
A Candlelit Hallway

east south west]
( 2) The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
(Iron) Resting in a tight coil, the flail ending in taloned claws rests here.
Cezar is lying here stunned.

<648/985(65%) 698 1127(1138) civilized 10 PM>
::: wi spear
You stop using the tail of a drolem.
You stop using the tail of a drolem.
You wield a long titanium spear.
A long titanium spear feels like a part of you!

<648/985(65%) 698 1127(1138) civilized 10 PM>
::: wi spear
A great silver spear named 'Righteousness' is too heavy for you to wield.

<648/985(65%) 698 1127(1138) civilized 10 PM>
::: imp cez
You impale Cezar on a long titanium spear!
Your impalement *** DEVASTATES *** Cezar!
Cezar is DEAD!!
A jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed' vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
A tuft of Cezar's feathers is ripped from his dead body.

<648/985(65%) 698 1127(1138) civilized 10 PM>
::: exam corpse
Ozone stings your eyes as you approach the smoldering corpse of Cezar.
The burnt corpse of Cezar contains:
a cowhide knapsack
a slightly curved club of wood
(Humming) a plain mithril dagger
a knotted leather whip
( 3) a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a girdle of giant strength
a pair of crystal armguards
(Humming) a barbed black-steel whip
a three-headed flail of dark steel
( 2) an adamantite bracer
midnight dragon leggings
a polished mithril breastplate
a pair of silver-tipped feathered ribbons
a pair of mithril-reinforced talons
a red-gold dragon skull
a dark staff of crooked walnut
(Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
(Iron) a pair of eog-lined gauntlets
(Glowing) the Black King's scepter
( 2) a large emerald ring
a brass dragon's talon
a tendril of serpentine weed
(Glowing) a worn key
(Glowing) the orb of fire
(Glowing) a mantle of fire
9 gold coins
294 silver coins
460 copper coins

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