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RE: w Danrae vs. Shulyzara
<933/1019(91%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
You yell 'Die, Shulyzara, you sorcerous dog!'
Shulyzara utters the words, 'yaftze diesilla'.
Shulyzara's hands crackle with electricity as she unleashes a forked bolt of lightning!
Shulyzara's forked lightning maims you!
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<899/1019(88%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: it
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<891/1019(87%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: it
You impale Shulyzara on a barbed bone javelin!
Shulyzara can no longer find the strength to wield a marmalade orb.
Your impalement injures Shulyzara.
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<891/1019(87%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
You parry Shulyzara's burning touch.
Your poisonous bite hits Shulyzara.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<891/1019(87%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
Shulyzara utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on herself, Shulyzara slowly crouches down. As her chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes her! Standing up, she suddenly throws
Out her arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Shulyzara's pillar of lightning MUTILATES you!
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<852/1019(83%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: whip

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<846/1019(83%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: en
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
Shulyzara parries your poisonous bite.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<846/1019(83%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: entw

Danrae has arrived through a gate.
Shulyzara has a few scratches.

<846/1019(83%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: You stop using a barbed bone javelin.
You wield a knotted leather whip.
A knotted leather whip feels like a part of you!
You dodge Shulyzara's burning touch.
An amulet set with a throbbing bloodstone pulses with ruddy crimson light near Shulyzara's heart.
Shulyzara's soul drain hits you.
You develop awareness of Shulyzara's vital points, to better land harsh blows.
Your stinging lash injures Shulyzara.
Your stinging lash injures Shulyzara.
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<834/1019(81%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: You dual wield a barb tipped cat-o-nine tails.
A barb tipped cat-o-nine tails feels like a part of you!
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<827/1019(81%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: You lash out with a knotted leather whip and entwine Shulyzara tightly!
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<827/1019(81%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
Shulyzara utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on herself, Shulyzara slowly crouches down. As her chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes her! Standing up, she suddenly throws
Out her arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Danrae yells 'Die, Shulyzara, you sorcerous dog!'
Shulyzara's pillar of lightning devastates Danrae!
Shulyzara's pillar of lightning MUTILATES you!
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<789/1019(77%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
Danrae closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A golden pillar of light erupts under you as your wounds are healed!
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<989/1019(97%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
::: gt curse her

Shulyzara is unaffected by Danrae's searing cut!
Shulyzara is unaffected by Danrae's searing cut!
You dodge Shulyzara's burning touch.
Shulyzara absorbs the force of your punch with a pitted iron bracer.
Your sting injures Shulyzara.
Your sting hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<989/1019(97%) 673 1058(1070) civilized 12 AM>
Shulyzara continues to bleed from her wounds.
Shulyzara's bleeding grazes her.
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<990/1019(97%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: gt quickly

Shulyzara's burning touch MUTILATES you!
Your punch injures Shulyzara.
Your sting injures Shulyzara.
Your punch hits Shulyzara.
Your punch hits Shulyzara.
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<942/1019(92%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Danrae narrows her eyes and glares in Shulyzara's direction.
You tell your group 'curse her'
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<942/1019(92%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: wi speaYou tell your group 'quickly'
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

*** What Danrae DIDN'T say here was "I know what I'm doing, schmuck." ***

<942/1019(92%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: wi s
Shulyzara utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on herself, Shulyzara slowly crouches down. As her chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes her! Standing up, she suddenly throws
Out her arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Shulyzara's pillar of lightning decimates Danrae!
Shulyzara's pillar of lightning maims you!
Shulyzara has some small but disgusting cuts.

<907/1019(89%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: wi barbed

Shulyzara is unaffected by Danrae's searing cut!
Shulyzara's burning touch MUTILATES you!
You now have a keen eye for Shulyzara's movements, and can predict where she will go.
Your punch hits Shulyzara.
Your sting injures Shulyzara.
Your punch grazes Shulyzara.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil hits Shulyzara.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil mauls Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<867/1019(85%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: misYou stop using a barb tipped cat-o-nine tails.
You wield a barbed bone javelin.
A barbed bone javelin feels like a part of you!
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<867/1019(85%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: mis

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<859/1019(84%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: You try to misdirect Shulyzara but she twists away.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<859/1019(84%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: Danrae narrows her eyes and glares in Shulyzara's direction.
Danrae causes a stinging swarm of insects to descend upon Shulyzara!
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<859/1019(84%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: gt better.

Shulyzara is unaffected by Danrae's searing cut!
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
Venom innocuously rolls off of knee-high leather boots as Shulyzara is unharmed by your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
A barbed bone javelin poisons Shulyzara.
Shulyzara looks very ill.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<859/1019(84%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<851/1019(83%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Danrae closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A golden pillar of light erupts under you as your wounds are healed!
Danrae's wooden hummingbird pendant glows white!
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
You sense when Shulyzara will strike almost before she does, and time your own perfectly.
Shulyzara parries your poisonous bite.
Shulyzara parries your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Shulyzara dodges your poisonous bite.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil hits Shulyzara.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil mauls Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1019/1019(100%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: mis

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1013/1019(99%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Shulyzara says 'serioiusly?'
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1013/1019(99%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Shulyzara is unaffected by Danrae's searing cut!
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1013/1019(99%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: You tell your group 'better.'
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1013/1019(99%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: You push Shulyzara back into an awkward position.
Your misdirection hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1013/1019(99%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Ahnia has arrived.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1013/1019(99%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1006/1019(98%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Danrae lashes a firedrake tail at Shulyzara's feet!
Danrae's lash misses Shulyzara.
Some insects around Shulyzara fly away annoyed, not being able to get close enough to her due to all the fighting.
Shulyzara is unaffected by Danrae's searing cut!
You strike at Shulyzara in the moment after stopping her burning touch!
Your poisonous bite hits Shulyzara.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1006/1019(98%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<998/1019(97%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Some insects around Shulyzara fly away annoyed, not being able to get close enough to her due to all the fighting.
Shulyzara is unaffected by Danrae's searing cut!
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<998/1019(97%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Shulyzara says 'this isn't fair.'
Shulyzara is covered with bleeding wounds.

<998/1019(97%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: mis
wi mithri
Some insects around Shulyzara fly away annoyed, not being able to get close enough to her due to all the fighting.
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
You continue to observe Shulyzara, and revel in how you may predict her every maneuver.
Shulyzara parries your poisonous bite.
Venom innocuously rolls off of a pitted iron bracer as Shulyzara is unharmed by your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil hits Shulyzara.
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<991/1019(97%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: wi mithril;
Ahnia looks at Danrae.
Shulyzara utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on herself, Shulyzara slowly crouches down. As her chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes her! Standing up, she suddenly throws
Out her arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Shulyzara's pillar of lightning devastates Danrae!
Shulyzara's pillar of lightning MUTILATES you!
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<951/1019(93%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: wi mithril;
Danrae stops using a firedrake tail.
Danrae wields a length of flowering ivy tipped with razor-sharp thorns.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<951/1019(93%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: wi mithril;du You push Shulyzara back into an awkward position.
Your misdirection hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<951/1019(93%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: wi mithril;du whip
Danrae's whip hits Shulyzara.
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
You continue to observe Shulyzara, and revel in how you may predict her every maneuver.
Your poisonous bite hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<951/1019(93%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: las

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<944/1019(92%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
You continue to observe Shulyzara, and revel in how you may predict her every maneuver.
Your poisonous bite grazes Shulyzara.
Your necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white, and a ray of light strikes your enemy!
Your dispel evil hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<944/1019(92%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<937/1019(91%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Shulyzara utters the words, 'zabrahp fussrz'.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<937/1019(91%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Danrae lashes a length of flowering ivy tipped with razor-sharp thorns at Shulyzara's feet!
Danrae's lash misses Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<937/1019(91%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Danrae's whip hits Shulyzara.
Danrae's whip grazes Shulyzara.
Your defensive spin deflects Shulyzara's burning touch.
You continue to observe Shulyzara, and revel in how you may predict her every maneuver.
Your poisonous bite hits Shulyzara.
Your poisonous bite hits Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<937/1019(91%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<931/1019(91%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: You stop using a barbed bone javelin.
You wield a gleaming whip of flattened mithril.
A gleaming whip of flattened mithril feels like a part of you!
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<931/1019(91%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: Your weapon is too tightly entwined around them.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<931/1019(91%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: Shulyzara utters the words, 'bjyyzh'.
Shulyzara buffets you with a controlled blast of air!
Shulyzara's buffeting MASSACRES you!
The searing pain of your immolation momentarily distracts you from your task.
Shulyzara is gushing blood.

<854/1019(83%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
Danrae's whip hits Shulyzara.
Danrae's wooden hummingbird pendant glows white!
You parry Shulyzara's burning touch.
Your flogging wounds Shulyzara.
Your flogging mauls Shulyzara.
Your flogging mauls Shulyzara.
Shulyzara parries your flogging.
Your flogging wounds Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is writhing in agony.

<854/1019(83%) 673 1063(1070) civilized 1 AM>
::: du cat

Shulyzara shivers and suffers.
Shulyzara's poison grazes her.
Shulyzara bats vainly at the biting insects.
Shulyzara's swarm of insects grazes her.
Shulyzara continues to bleed from her wounds.
Shulyzara's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Shulyzara's bleeding injures her.

You don't feel as frail anymore.
Shulyzara is writhing in agony.

<855/1019(83%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 2 AM>
::: lYou dual wield a barb tipped cat-o-nine tails.
A barb tipped cat-o-nine tails feels like a part of you!
Shulyzara is writhing in agony.

<855/1019(83%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 2 AM>
::: las

Shulyzara utters the words, 'bjyyzh'.
Shulyzara buffets you with a controlled blast of air!
Shulyzara's buffeting DISMEMBERS you!
You entangle Shulyzara's feet and send her to the ground!
Your lash misses Shulyzara.
Shulyzara is writhing in agony.

<791/1019(77%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 2 AM>
Danrae closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A golden pillar of light erupts under you as your wounds are healed!
Some insects around Shulyzara fly away annoyed, not being able to get close enough to her due to all the fighting.
Danrae's whip injures Shulyzara.
Shulyzara's burning touch misses you.
You continue to observe Shulyzara, and revel in how you may predict her every maneuver.
Your flogging MUTILATES Shulyzara!
Your flogging maims Shulyzara!
Your flogging decimates Shulyzara!
Shulyzara is convulsing on the ground.

<991/1019(97%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 2 AM>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.
Shulyzara is convulsing on the ground.

<985/1019(96%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 2 AM>
You parry Shulyzara's burning touch.
Shulyzara parries your flogging.
Your sting decimates Shulyzara!
Shulyzara is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your flogging EVISCERATES Shulyzara!
Shulyzara is DEAD!!
You unentwine your weapon from Shulyzara.

<985/1019(96%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 2 AM>
::: exam corpse

Ahnia winces in agony.
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation grazes you.

<979/1019(96%) 673 1070(1070) civilized 2 AM>
::: The corpse of Shulyzara is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Shulyzara contains:
( 2) rotting linen bandages
a magenta potion
(Glowing) a thin black belt etched with crimson runes
(Glowing) ice blue colored robes
( 2) (Iron) an iron ring set with a white moonstone
(Iron) a pitted iron bracer
(Glowing) (Humming) a black robe of the Magi
a blood-red veil
(Glowing) an ixitxachitl tail whip
a captain's hat
(Humming) the obsidian symbol of Talshidirus
knee-high leather boots
a pair of black steel gauntlets
a plain phylactery
( 3) a wooden disc marked with a triskelion
a stout staff of sturdy maple
a small burlap sack
a stone baton
( 2) a carved ivory scepter
an amulet set with a throbbing bloodstone
a silver-bound tome
a jumbled leather scroll
a canoe
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
a sleek black rod
(Invis) a marmalade orb
a sleek amber rod
4 silver coins
16 copper coins

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