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RE: Dagger spec showdown.

(Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is sleeping here.
A huge figure in deep gray armor guards the gate.
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
That person is still clutching their leg from the last hamstring.

<811/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning>
Rektath wakes up and starts resting.

<811/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning>
Rektath goes to sleep.

<811/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning> murder Rektath
Rektath yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Guendhyr!'
Rektath dodges your brilliant radiance.
Rektath is covered with bleeding wounds.

<811/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning> art

Rektath tries to land a stunning blow on you but misses.
Rektath is covered with bleeding wounds.

<811/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning>
Rektath's punch DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance EVISCERATES Rektath!
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance MASSACRES Rektath!
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance EVISCERATES Rektath!
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath parries your slash.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath is covered with bleeding wounds.

<751/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning> You thrust your dagger towards Rektath, attempting to sever his artery!
Rektath's artery begins pumping out bright red bursts of blood!
Your deep gash MUTILATES Rektath!
Rektath is covered with bleeding wounds.

<751/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning>
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance DISMEMBERS Rektath!
You dodge Rektath's punch.
Rektath's punch MASSACRES you!
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<683/811hp 533/533m 802/817mv 15818tnl civilized 5 PM waning>
Rektath continues to bleed from his wounds.
Rektath's bleeding artery decimates him!
You are thirsty.
*** THIRSTY ***
Rektath is gushing blood.

<694/811hp 533/533m 817/817mv 15818tnl civilized 6 PM waning> *** HOUR ***

You fail to get in one more shot as Rektath flees.
Rektath has fled!
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block Rektath's path.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<694/811hp 533/533m 817/817mv 15818tnl civilized 6 PM waning> lash
You must wield a flail or whip to lash.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<694/811hp 533/533m 817/817mv 15818tnl civilized 6 PM waning>
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance MUTILATES Rektath!
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance MUTILATES Rektath!
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Your rune-covered silver armguards glow a faint pink momentarily.
Rektath is surrounded by a pink outline.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<694/811hp 533/533m 817/817mv 15818tnl civilized 6 PM waning>
You fail to get in one more shot as Rektath flees.
Rektath has fled!
Rektath leaves south.

<694/811hp 533/533m 817/817mv 15818tnl civilized 6 PM waning> s
hams Rektath
Redhorn Gate
The winds howl fiercely through the pass. Here on the western side of the
pass, the snow piles into drifts as high as the cliffs. A gigantic snow
drift lies directly across the pass, blocking any attempts to go further
to the east. The freezing cold cuts right down to your bones. The way
down to warmer climes lies to the west.

Scarring the path here is a horrendous black crack in the earth, forever
filled with a solid piece of the purest white stone.

(Red Aura) A small pool of fresh blood congeals near the base of a large boulder.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 813/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> Rektath leaves west.

<694/811hp 533/533m 813/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 813/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> murder Rektath
They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 813/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> w
murder Rektath
Near Redhorn Gate
The steep path winds its way up to the pass. The snow piles into small
drifts here where it isn't ankle-deep. The cliff looms above you to the
north as high as the chasm on the south side of the path is deep. The rubble
partially blocking the path is slick with ice. To the east the path
continues up to the top of the pass, known as Redhorn Gate. The snowdrifts
seem to be deeper in that direction. To the west the path descends to warmer,
friendlier climes.

A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.

<694/811hp 533/533m 805/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> In the Mountains
The path runs between a deep gorge and an overhanging cliff here. Boulders
and smaller rocks litter the path. The air chills you to your bones as some
snowflakes drift down, collecting into small drifts along the edge of the
gorge. The steep path seems to climb forever to the east but starts leveling
out to the west.

A crude water skin made from the corpse of Teylauna is lying here.
A cured hide sack made from the corpse of Teylauna is lying here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 797/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> w
They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 797/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> murder Rektath
In the Foothills
The path climbs up towards a high pass over the mountains. The path
has almost disappeared in many places, blocked with fallen stones. The air
swirls with a chilly wind. The path continues deeper into the mountains to
the east and goes down into the foothills to the south.

A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.
A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.

<694/811hp 533/533m 790/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> s
They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 790/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> In the Foothills
The path forks here as it winds through the foothills. To the east it
continues to follow the dried streambed while to the north it leads to a
trail winding toward a notch between two peaks. The barren plains stretch
out far below to the west.

<694/811hp 533/533m 787/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> w
In the Foothills
The streambed of the dried river twists through the hills as it winds its way
out of the snowy mountains. To the south and west stretches the barren plain.
The hills seem to have a little more life to them, notably in the bracken
growing over the path. The peaks of the mountains cut jagged edges in the
sky as they tower above you. The peaks are topped with never-melting snow.
The path seems to be heading eastwards. To the south, the path exits the foothills.

(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 781/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> where
Rektath leaves south.

<694/811hp 533/533m 781/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> murder Rektath
People near you:
(PK) Rektath A Dried Streambed
(PK) Guendhyr In the Foothills

<694/811hp 533/533m 781/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> s
They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 781/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> s
Along a Dried Streambed
The streambed runs fairly straight through here. Few plants grow here and
there is no trace of animals to be found. The mountains tower above to the
north and east over the barren plains. To the north, the path follows the
streambed into the foothills and to the south it leads toward the chimney
smoke of a small village.

<694/811hp 533/533m 776/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> murder Rektath
A Dried Streambed
A rough path follows the dried streambed of an old river here. What might
have been a wide brook has vanished, leaving only rounded pebbles behind.
The narrow plains surrounding the streambed are barren, dry and dusty. The
dried streambed turns to the southeast, lined by a hedge of holly trees.
To the north the path leads towards the towering peaks of the mountains.
A small sign has been strung from one of the holly trees, the old twine
suspending it barely able to contain such a slight weight.

(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 772/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> Rektath leaves south.

<694/811hp 533/533m 772/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 772/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> s
murder Rektath
Rocky Plains
Great plains stretch out all around you as a light wind blows across your face.
The wild grass that grows is quite green, although the rocky ground would make
farming difficult. To the south and east the land seems rich and you can just
make out a farm. To the west the ground slopes up and starts a slow climb
towards the distant mountains. To the north the plains look barren, and you
can find no tracks leading that way.

A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

<694/811hp 533/533m 767/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> s
murder Rektath
They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 767/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> A Farm Yard
This lonely farm seems to be doing well enough, with a few animals running
around the yard here and a small garden growing to the side of a small, white
house to the west. A chicken coop and a large sheep pen take up most of the
yard. Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. To the
north the crops seem to die off and wild grass takes there place.

A cow stares at you and chews its cud.

<694/811hp 533/533m 762/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the
land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the
rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and
realize that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of
all the rocks that litter the ground.

<694/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> They aren't here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> where
People near you:
(PK) Rektath Lush Farmland
(PK) Guendhyr Lush Farmland

<694/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> sca a
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A cow stares at you and chews its cud.

***** Range 2 *****
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

***** Range 3 *****
A young girl is here washing clothing in the stream.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

***** Range 3 *****
An aggressive bear cub snarls at you.
An enormous sow bear stands here, defending her cubs.
A timid bear cub sits here, cowering behind his mother.
A timid bear cub sits here, cowering behind his mother.

***** Range 4 *****
A brutish young felar stands here, his spear glinting in the sunlight.

***** Range 5 *****
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<694/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> e
Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the
land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the
rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and
realize that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of
all the rocks that litter the ground.

(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

<694/811hp 533/533m 754/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> murder Rektath
Rektath yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Guendhyr!'
Rektath deflects your brilliant radiance with his shield.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<694/811hp 533/533m 754/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning>
You dodge Rektath's poisonous bite.
You dodge Rektath's poisonous bite and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance EVISCERATES Rektath!
Rektath deflects your brilliant radiance with his shield.
Rektath parries your slash.
Rektath dodges your slash and closes in for a concealed attack!
Rektath's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS you!
Rektath parries your slash.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<641/811hp 533/533m 754/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> stab

You get in one more shot on Rektath as he flees.
Your parting blow MUTILATES Rektath!
Rektath has fled!
Rektath leaves west.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<641/811hp 533/533m 754/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> w
hams Rektath
Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the
land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the
rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and
realize that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of
all the rocks that litter the ground.

(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

<641/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> You swing the diamond dagger named 'Light of Redemption' in a sweeping blow to Rektath's hamstring!
Your hamstring slice MUTILATES Rektath!
Rektath is gushing blood.

<641/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning>
Rektath hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Rektath's hurled dagger wounds you.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<621/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning>
You parry Rektath's poisonous bite.
Rektath's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Rektath's poisonous bite.
Your brilliant radiance MASSACRES Rektath!
Rektath parries your slash.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath is writhing in agony.

<571/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning>
You parry Rektath's poisonous bite.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath parries your slash.
Rektath is writhing in agony.

<571/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning> trip
You push in close to Rektath and forcibly sweep his legs out with your foot!
Your trip scratches Rektath.
Rektath is writhing in agony.

<571/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning>
You dodge Rektath's poisonous bite.
You dodge Rektath's poisonous bite and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance EVISCERATES Rektath!
You dodge Rektath's poisonous bite.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath barely turns your slash aside.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath is writhing in agony.

<571/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 6 PM waning>
Rektath continues to bleed from his wounds.
Rektath's arterial blood pools upon the ground.
Rektath's bleeding artery devastates him!
Rektath continues to bleed from his wounds.
Rektath's bleeding hamstring hits him.
You are thirsty.
*** THIRSTY ***
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding EVISCERATES you!
Rektath is writhing in agony.

<522/811hp 533/533m 762/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> *** HOUR ***

You parry Rektath's poisonous bite.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath deflects your slash with his shield.
Rektath deflects your brilliant radiance with his shield.
Your slash MUTILATES Rektath!
Rektath is convulsing on the ground.

<522/811hp 533/533m 762/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning>
You fail to get in one more shot as Rektath flees.
Rektath has fled!
Rektath leaves north.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<522/811hp 533/533m 762/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> n
hams Rektath

Rektath has arrived.
A Farm Yard
This lonely farm seems to be doing well enough, with a few animals running
around the yard here and a small garden growing to the side of a small, white
house to the west. A chicken coop and a large sheep pen take up most of the
yard. Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. To the
north the crops seem to die off and wild grass takes there place.

A cow stares at you and chews its cud.

<522/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> They aren't here.

<522/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> murder Rektath
They aren't here.

<522/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> where
People near you:
(PK) Rektath Lush Farmland
(PK) Guendhyr A Farm Yard

<522/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> sca a
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

***** Range 3 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.

You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
A young boy sits on a rock and daydreams.
A young boy rests on the banks of the stream hoping to catch a fish.

***** Range 3 *****
An ox stands here waiting to plow fields.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<522/811hp 533/533m 758/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> s
Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the
land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the
rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and
realize that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of
all the rocks that litter the ground.

(Red Aura) Traces of fresh blood are visible on the vegetation growing here.

<522/811hp 533/533m 754/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> underhand Rektath
Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the
land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the
rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and
realize that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of
all the rocks that litter the ground. A small farm can been seen over the
crops to the east.

<522/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> They aren't here.

<522/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> where
People near you:
(PK) Rektath Lush Farmland
(PK) Guendhyr Lush Farmland

<522/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> sca a
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
A cow stares at you and chews its cud.

***** Range 3 *****
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A large ram stands here watching over his herd.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
An ox stands here waiting to plow fields.

***** Range 2 *****
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A sly looking human sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<522/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> e
A Farm Yard
This lonely farm seems to be doing well enough, with a few animals running
around the yard here and a small garden growing to the side of a small, wooden
house to the west. A chicken coop and a large sheep pen take up most of the
yard. Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. To the
north the crops give way to rolling hills.

An ox stands here waiting to plow fields.

<522/811hp 533/533m 746/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> underhand Rektath
Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here
the land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of
the rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of
rocks and realize that to work this land first it would have had to have
been cleared of all the rocks that litter the ground.

(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is resting here.

<522/811hp 533/533m 742/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> You maneuver in but Rektath catches on and forces you back.
Rektath's punch MASSACRES you!
Rektath is gushing blood.

<449/811hp 533/533m 742/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning>
Rektath pummels you with his fists.
Rektath's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
Rektath's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
Rektath's pummeling blow DISMEMBERS you!
Rektath's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
Rektath's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
You are dazed by all the blows.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<206/811hp 533/533m 742/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning>
Rektath's punch DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Rektath's punch.
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath parries your slash.
Rektath is gushing blood.

<144/811hp 533/533m 742/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> flee

You dodge Rektath's punch.
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance MASSACRES Rektath!
You dodge Rektath's punch.
You dodge Rektath's punch and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance EVISCERATES Rektath!
Your brilliant radiance EVISCERATES Rektath!
Rektath parries your slash.
Rektath dodges your slash.
Rektath is convulsing on the ground.

<144/811hp 533/533m 742/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning> Rektath gets in one more shot as you flee.
Rektath's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A Farm Yard
This lonely farm seems to be doing well enough, with a few animals running
around the yard here and a small garden growing to the side of a small, wooden
house to the west. A chicken coop and a large sheep pen take up most of the
yard. Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. To the
north the crops give way to rolling hills.

An ox stands here waiting to plow fields.
You flee from combat!

<79/811hp 533/533m 738/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 7 PM waning>
You are thirsty.
*** THIRSTY ***
The pain subsides.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!

<31/811hp 533/533m 750/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> *** HOUR ***
Inside a Small House
This one room seems to function as the kitchen, dining room, living room and
bedroom. You see simple wood furniture here with no decorations. Everything
seems to be simple and functional. The dirt floor is dirty and uneven. You fear
what lies in the sink as it seem to have taken on a life of its own and you
are pretty sure the stench is emanating from the pile of clothes by the door.

<31/811hp 533/533m 748/817mv 15818tnl civilized 8 PM waning> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<31/811hp 533/533m 748/817mv 15818tnl civilized 8 PM waning> bersker

<31/811hp 533/533m 748/817mv 15818tnl civilized 8 PM waning> berserk
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<123/811hp 503/533m 698/817mv 15818tnl civilized 8 PM waning> e
sca a
A Farm Yard
This lonely farm seems to be doing well enough, with a few animals running
around the yard here and a small garden growing to the side of a small, wooden
house to the west. A chicken coop and a large sheep pen take up most of the
yard. Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. To the
north the crops give way to rolling hills.

An ox stands here waiting to plow fields.

<123/811hp 503/533m 696/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> You scan north.
***** Range 3 *****
A small frog hops from rock to rock.
A small frog hops from rock to rock.
A small child plays in the stream catching frogs.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<123/811hp 503/533m 696/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> e
Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here
the land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of
the rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of
rocks and realize that to work this land first it would have had to have
been cleared of all the rocks that litter the ground.

(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) Rektath the duergar is here.

<123/811hp 503/533m 692/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> hams Rektath
That person is still clutching their leg from the last hamstring.

<123/811hp 503/533m 692/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> murder Rektath

Rektath wields a razor-thin dagger 'Storm Shear'.
Rektath yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Guendhyr!'
Rektath parries your brilliant radiance.
Rektath is convulsing on the ground.

<123/811hp 503/533m 692/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning>
You dodge Rektath's electrical discharge and close in for a concealed attack!
Your brilliant radiance MASSACRES Rektath!
Rektath's electrical discharge MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Rektath's electrical discharge.
Your brilliant radiance MASSACRES Rektath!
Rektath is DEAD!!
You hear Rektath's death cry.

<49/811hp 503/533m 692/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> stab
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<49/811hp 503/533m 692/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> exa corpse
Red and blistered flesh covers the corpse of Rektath.
The burnt corpse of Rektath contains:
(Humming) the slavemaster's insignia
a pair of black suede boots
a bone-buckled belt
a primitive fertility mask
some spiked sleeves
some spiked gauntlets
a helmet with a long spike
( 2) a brass dragonscale bracer
the amulet of Moudrilar
a pair of jagged leggings
a suit of silver-gray platemail
a skin from the snow leopard
a tarnished silver ring
a large saddle bag
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a light coracle
(Glowing) a shield of mirror-white dragonscales
a pitch-black ring
an envenomed dagger
( 5) a small skiff
a brass dragon's talon
(Glowing) (Humming) a razor-thin dagger 'Storm Shear'
6 gold coins
35 silver coins
13 copper coins

<49/811hp 503/533m 692/817mv 15818tnl wilderness 8 PM waning> get all.coins corpse
You get 6 gold coins from the burnt corpse of Rektath.
You get 35 silver coins from the burnt corpse of Rektath.
You get 13 copper coins from the burnt corpse of Rektath.

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