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RE: So sexy.

*** We have the head. Oogy has killed Hexugar, but logged off. Hexugar is waiting his ghost timer in the Imperial War guild past the Centurions. Vanquisher is convulsing, I'm positive he's going to run past and kill it, then kill me, so I'm spamming sleep to try and stop him from doing so. ***

<912/912(100%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>
They aren't here.
Hexugar deftly catches you in the throat with a throwing dagger!
Hexugar's hurled dagger hits you.
Hexugar is in perfect health.

<902/912(98%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>
People near you:
(PK) Hexugar Before the Imperial Palace
Hexugar is in perfect health.

<902/912(98%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>
All that comes out of your mouth is the sound of silence.
Hexugar is in perfect health.

<902/912(98%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>

Hexugar parries your flaming bite.
Hexugar dodges your defilement.
Hexugar dodges your flaming bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Hexugar's pierce mauls you.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter'.
Your ghostly flame MASSACRES Hexugar!
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
You parry Hexugar's piercing venoms.
You parry Hexugar's piercing venoms.
Hexugar has a few scratches.

<879/912(96%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>
Hexugar thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Hexugar's deep gash decimates you!
Hexugar has a few scratches.

<851/912(93%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>
You slash Hexugar's face with the dagger of scarring!
A spray of blood erupts from Hexugar's wound!
Your face slash MASSACRES Hexugar!
Hexugar dodges your flaming bite.
Hexugar dodges your defilement and closes in for a concealed attack!
Hexugar's pierce decimates you!
Hexugar parries your defilement.
Hexugar's pierce maims you!
You parry Hexugar's piercing venoms.
Hexugar's pierce maims you!
Hexugar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<752/912(82%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>
Hexugar stops using the iron dirk "Black as Night and Sweet as Sin".
Hexugar stops using a jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed'.
Hexugar wields a polearm of elvish design.
Hexugar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<752/912(82%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>

Hexugar dodges your flaming bite.
Hexugar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Hexugar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter'.
Your ghostly flame *** DEMOLISHES *** Hexugar!
Hexugar's chop decimates you!
Hexugar's chop decimates you!
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<700/912(76%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>

Hexugar tries to knock the dagger of scarring to the ground, but fails.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<700/912(76%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>

Hexugar dodges your flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter'.
Your ghostly flame *** DEVASTATES *** Hexugar!
You remain safe as Hexugar's chop bounces harmlessly off of a spider hide breastplate.
Hexugar's chop devastates you!
You parry Hexugar's chop.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<669/912(73%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>
You trip Hexugar and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Hexugar.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<669/912(73%) 617(79%) 1010(100%) civilized 3 PM>

You start making noise again.
You feel yourself shrink back to normal size.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
Hexugar continues to bleed from his wounds.
Hexugar's bleeding mauls him.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<759/912(83%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Hexugar parries your defilement.
Your flaming bite MASSACRES Hexugar!
Hexugar's chop decimates you!
Hexugar is gushing blood.

<732/912(80%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Hexugar's chop maims you!
Hexugar's chop MUTILATES you!
Hexugar is gushing blood.

<657/912(72%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar yells 'Ugah'Cull!'
Hexugar appears more confident as he shouts 'Ugah'Cull!'

Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<657/912(72%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>
Hexugar skillfully positions his body so that your trip cannot succeed.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<657/912(72%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar stops using a polearm of elvish design.
Hexugar wields a jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed'.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<657/912(72%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar dual wields the iron dirk "Black as Night and Sweet as Sin".
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<657/912(72%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar gets a wild look in his eyes.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<657/912(72%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar dodges your flaming bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Hexugar's pierce MUTILATES you!
Hexugar parries your defilement.
Hexugar dodges your flaming bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Hexugar's pierce MUTILATES you!
Hexugar parries your defilement.
Hexugar's pierce EVISCERATES you!
You parry Hexugar's piercing venoms.
Hexugar's pierce misses you.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<529/912(58%) 623(80%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow
and ice.
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** Hexugar!
Your iceball <<< ERADICATES >>> a lizard!
A lizard is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (35% bonus).
A lizard's severed head plops on the ground.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<529/912(58%) 598(76%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>
Hexugar dodges your flaming bite.
Hexugar dodges your defilement.
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
Hexugar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<529/912(58%) 598(76%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow
and ice.
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** Hexugar!
Hexugar has fled!

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1010(100%) civilized 4 PM>
The Gates of the Palace

[Exits: north south]
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1009(99%) civilized 4 PM>
They aren't here.

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1009(99%) civilized 4 PM>
People near you:

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1009(99%) civilized 4 PM>
Before the Imperial Palace

[Exits: north east south west]
The corpse of a lizard is here, frozen into an unnaturally twisted position.
The severed head of a lizard is lying here.
A large pool of fresh blood has been trampled somewhat by the passage of many feet.

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
They aren't here.

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
People near you:
(PK) Hexugar The Avenue of Conquest

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
The lithe form of Hexugar stands here defiantly, covered in the blood of magi.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
They aren't here.
Hexugar closes in but you manage to force him back.
Your flaming bite MANGLES Hexugar!
Hexugar is gushing blood.

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
People near you:
(PK) Hexugar Before the Imperial Palace
Hexugar is gushing blood.

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
You can't concentrate enough.
Hexugar is gushing blood.

<529/912(58%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>

Your flaming bite misses Hexugar.
Hexugar dodges your defilement and closes in for a concealed attack!
Hexugar's pierce EVISCERATES you!
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
You parry Hexugar's piercing venoms.
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
Hexugar is gushing blood.

<478/912(52%) 573(73%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow
and ice.
Your iceball === OBLITERATES === Hexugar!
Hexugar is convulsing on the ground.

<478/912(52%) 548(70%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>

Hexugar dodges your flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter'.
Your ghostly flame DISMEMBERS Hexugar!
Hexugar's pierce EVISCERATES you!
You parry Hexugar's piercing venoms.
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
You parry Hexugar's pierce.
Hexugar is convulsing on the ground.

<427/912(46%) 548(70%) 1008(99%) civilized 4 PM>
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow
and ice.
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** Hexugar!
Hexugar is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Hexugar.
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' shrieks as it savagely feeds on the soul of Hexugar.
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
A piercing howl emanates from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' as its hunger increases.
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' shrieks as it savagely feeds on the mind of Hexugar.
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Hexugar's
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' shrieks as it savagely feeds on the mind of Hexugar.
Your weapon howls at you and you feel able to control it better.
Your weapon briefly crackles with electricity.
You feel a sudden rush of insight into Arcing Touch of Akkabal.
A jagged, ebony shard, 'Mana Bleed' vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
Hexugar spills his guts all over the floor.

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