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RE: Unfamiliar

<857/857(100%) 673(96%) 931(92%) wilderness 6 PM>
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A dark, skeletal figure garbed in ancient armor stalks through the forest.

You scan west.
You scan up.
***** Range 1 *****
A hulking tower of ore and earth squats here on three great legs.
A fierce winged angel stands here, bathed in a holy aura.
Looking like a human toddler with wings, a cherub flies around here.
(Translucent) Asteron is here.
Galron is here.
Alanrias is here.

You scan down.

<857/857(100%) 673(96%) 931(92%) wilderness 6 PM>
Along the Southwestern Slopes of a Mountain

[Exits: north east south west]
A large pine tree has fallen to the ground, apparently chopped down haphazardly.
A hulking tower of ore and earth squats here on three great legs.
A fierce winged angel stands here, bathed in a holy aura.
Looking like a human toddler with wings, a cherub flies around here.
(Translucent) Asteron is here.
Galron is here.
Alanrias is here.

<857/857(100%) 673(96%) 919(91%) wilderness 6 PM>

Asteron leaves south.
A winged cherub leaves south.
Alanrias leaves.
Galron leaves south.

<857/857(100%) 673(96%) 919(91%) wilderness 6 PM>
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow
and ice.
An earth elemental yells 'Die, Althamael, you sorcerous dog!'
You fade into existence.
Your iceball MANGLES an earth elemental!
Your iceball *** DEVASTATES *** a winged angel!
An earth elemental has a few scratches.

<857/857(100%) 648(92%) 919(91%) wilderness 6 PM>

A winged angel has left.
Galron yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a skeletal warrior!'
An earth elemental has left.

<857/857(100%) 648(92%) 919(91%) wilderness 6 PM>

The smell of the undead joins the sound of a ruckus near Alanrias.

<857/857(100%) 648(92%) 919(91%) wilderness 6 PM>

Asteron has arrived.
A winged cherub has arrived.

<857/857(100%) 648(92%) 919(91%) wilderness 6 PM>
Along the Southern Slopes of a Mountain

[Exits: east south west up]
The bludgeoned corpse of a skeletal warrior lies here.
A small chip of bone from a skeletal warrior lies here.

<857/857(100%) 648(92%) 907(89%) wilderness 6 PM>
Along the Southwestern Slopes of a Mountain

[Exits: north east south west]
A large pine tree has fallen to the ground, apparently chopped down haphazardly.
A hulking tower of ore and earth squats here on three great legs.
A fierce winged angel stands here, bathed in a holy aura.
Looking like a human toddler with wings, a cherub flies around here.
(Translucent) Asteron is here.

<857/857(100%) 648(92%) 895(88%) wilderness 6 PM>

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by a winged cherub!'
You parry a winged cherub's divine power.
A winged cherub is in perfect health.

<857/857(100%) 648(92%) 895(88%) wilderness 6 PM>

A winged cherub's divine power mauls you.
Your flaming bite MUTILATES a winged cherub!
Your defilement MUTILATES a winged cherub!
Your flaming bite EVISCERATES a winged cherub!
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter'.
Your ghostly flame DISMEMBERS a winged cherub!
A winged cherub is covered with bleeding wounds.

<834/857(97%) 648(92%) 895(88%) wilderness 6 PM>
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow
and ice.
An earth elemental yells 'Die, Althamael, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball === OBLITERATES === an earth elemental!
Your iceball >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a winged angel!
Your iceball MASSACRES a winged cherub!
Asteron yells 'Die, Althamael, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball === OBLITERATES === Asteron!
A winged cherub is covered with bleeding wounds.

<834/857(97%) 623(89%) 895(88%) wilderness 6 PM>

You parry a winged angel's wrath.
An earth elemental's crush devastates you!
You parry an earth elemental's crush.
You parry a winged cherub's divine power.
You parry a winged cherub's divine power.
Your flaming bite misses an earth elemental.
Your defilement misses an earth elemental.
Your flaming bite MANGLES a winged angel!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS a winged angel!
Asteron deflects your flaming bite with his shield.
Asteron parries your defilement.
Your flaming bite misses a winged cherub.
Your defilement EVISCERATES a winged cherub!
Your flaming bite EVISCERATES a winged cherub!
Your flaming bite EVISCERATES a winged cherub!
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter'.
Your ghostly flame MASSACRES a winged cherub!
A winged cherub is convulsing on the ground.

<802/857(93%) 623(89%) 895(88%) wilderness 6 PM>
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow
and ice.
Your iceball === OBLITERATES === an earth elemental!
Your iceball >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a winged angel!
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** a winged cherub!
A winged cherub is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (35% bonus).
Asteron's familiar's death <<< ERADICATES >>> him!
Your iceball === OBLITERATES === Asteron!
Asteron is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Asteron is nearly dead.

<802/857(93%) 598(85%) 895(88%) wilderness 6 PM>

With careful timing you deflect a winged angel's wrath.
A winged angel's wrath devastates you!
An earth elemental's crush misses you.
Your flaming bite MASSACRES an earth elemental!
Your defilement misses an earth elemental.
Your flaming bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a winged angel!
Your defilement EVISCERATES a winged angel!
Your flaming bite MANGLES Asteron!
Asteron is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Asteron.
An adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Asteron's
A piercing howl emanates from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' as its hunger increases.
A winged angel vanishes, its binding broken.
An earth elemental vanishes, its binding broken.

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