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RE: Yuolud and Cavani vs Gharzal

** Cavani (the Sunwarden) and I run into each other while tracking the Mummy down.

Cavani tells you 'shall we move together?'

You tell Cavani 'Aye.'

You tell Cavani 'Can ye summon there?'
Cavani tells you 'maybe, or run in and swarm him'
wilderness <1313hp 461m 1289mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM> who pk
<43 Gnome Shf> (PK) Mamble the Elder Sorcerer of Transformation
*51 Dwarf War* (PK) Yuolud the Jaguar's Fighter, Marshall of the Fortress
<51 Storm Sha> (PK) Cavani the Storm of Scythes, Sunwarden of Thar-Eris
<51 Mummy Nec> (PK) Gharzal al'zigurdson the Mummy Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
<51 Fire War> (PK) Naldigar Zun the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Before the Walls of a Keep
Emerging in mossy darkness harmonious with the languid threat of the swamp, a
small courtyard of plain undressed stone rises from the fetid waters towards a
tall black-rusted gate set into the vine-covered walls of a sprawling grey
stone Keep. The sheer and towering walls rise above the tallest of the
surrounding trees, topped by twin towers that reign over the green squalor of
the surrounding quagmire with a clumsy, masculine grandeur. Perhaps it is the
moist-rotting ambiance of the swamp or the absence of sky or light, blocked
solidly from sight by the tangled limbs of drooping, matronly trees, but this
spot and the slowly decaying edifice ahead seem ominous, abandoned by all
benign life and left only to the hungry and the mad.

(Red Aura) A glauruk crouches here, his amphibious skin slick with moisture.
A large gargoyle is perched here, its stony face frozen in a solemn glare.
A large gargoyle is perched here, its stony face frozen in a solemn glare.
Cavani has arrived.
wilderness <1313hp 461m 1253mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM> People near you:
(PK) Yuolud Before the Walls of a Keep
(PK) Cavani Before the Walls of a Keep

wilderness <1313hp 461m 1253mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Cavani now follows you.

wilderness <1313hp 461m 1253mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Sensing the dark powers within Gharzal you strike swiftly!
Gharzal yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Yuolud!'
Your slash DISMEMBERS Gharzal!
Gharzal has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
Gharzal has a few scratches.

wilderness <1313hp 461m 1253mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Gharzal parries your slash.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Gharzal!
Your acidic bite MANGLES Gharzal!
Gharzal's defilement misses you.
Gharzal's defilement MUTILATES you!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks you!
You parry a zombie of a unicorn's punch.
A ghoul screams and attacks you!
You parry a ghoul's claw.
A flesh golem screams and attacks you!
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
An unseen force from Gharzal steals away a piece of your essence!
Gharzal's energy drain hits you.
The Unholy Sword of Zurcon glows a deathly black!
Gharzal has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness <1267hp 230m 626mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Gharzal utters the words, 'grzzs'.
Gharzal has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness <1267hp 230m 626mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Gharzal yells 'Die, Cavani, you sorcerous dog!'
Cavani narrows her eyes and glares in Gharzal's direction.
Cavani causes a stinging swarm of insects to descend upon Gharzal!
Gharzal has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness <1267hp 230m 626mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM> Cavani joins your group.
Gharzal has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness <1267hp 230m 626mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Gharzal utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Gharzal has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness <1267hp 230m 626mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Your slash MANGLES Gharzal!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Gharzal!
Your slash DISMEMBERS Gharzal!
Gharzal parries your slash.
You execute the form Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind!
You yell 'Mia ayende!'
Your slash === OBLITERATES === Gharzal!
You barely manage to turn Gharzal's defilement aside.
Gharzal's defilement maims you!
Gharzal is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness <1232hp 210m 626mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Gharzal partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry DISMEMBERS Gharzal!
Gharzal partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MANGLES Gharzal!
Gharzal partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES Gharzal!
Your flurry *** DEMOLISHES *** Gharzal!
Gharzal partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry DISMEMBERS Gharzal!
Your flurry *** DEMOLISHES *** Gharzal!
Your flurry MASSACRES Gharzal!
Your flurry *** DEMOLISHES *** Gharzal!
Gharzal is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness <1232hp 210m 446mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 PM>
Cavani entangles Gharzal's feet and sends him to the ground!
Cavani's lash scratches Gharzal.
Gharzal bats vainly at the biting insects.
Gharzal is unaffected by his own swarm of insects.
Gharzal is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness <1263hp 219m 560mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 PM>
A zombie of a unicorn's punch DISMEMBERS you!
You parry a zombie of a unicorn's punch.
You parry a ghoul's claw.
You parry a ghoul's claw.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
A flesh golem's smash nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
Gharzal parries your slash.
Gharzal parries your acidic bite.
Gharzal parries your slash.
Gharzal parries your slash.
You parry Gharzal's defilement.
Gharzal is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness <1210hp 219m 560mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 PM>
A zombie of a unicorn's punch EVISCERATES you!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch EVISCERATES you!
You parry a ghoul's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your slash MANGLES a ghoul!
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
You dodge a flesh golem's smash.
The Phoenix Blade, 'Darkbane' flares with brilliant silvery flame as you make a powerful lunge at Gharzal!
Your flaming bite *** SCORCHES *** Gharzal!
Gharzal is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Gharzal.
A zombie of a unicorn groans and topples into dust.
A ghoul groans and topples into dust.
A flesh golem groans and topples into dust.

** Kudos to Gharzal for taking hard-core risks, like coming out to suprise-sleep one of us.

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