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RE: Marsen

Marsen has arrived.

civilized <642/642(100%) 11/932(1%) 341mv 16018tnl> 7 PM where

Marsen strikes you over the head with a mithril morningstar.
Marsen's cranial hit devastates you!
You yell 'Help! Marsen hit me over the head!'
Marsen is in perfect health.

civilized <610/642(95%) 11/932(1%) 341mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
Marsen yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a winged morosa demon!'
A winged morosa demon's slice EVISCERATES Marsen!
Marsen yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a water elemental!'
A water elemental's drowning DISMEMBERS Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's slice EVISCERATES Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's slice EVISCERATES Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's slice EVISCERATES Marsen!
A winged morosa demon mutters mad profanities from the Abyss.
A lightning bolt leaps from a winged morosa demon's hand and arcs to Marsen.
A winged morosa demon's lightning mauls Marsen.
The bolt arcs to a winged morosa demon...whoops!
A winged morosa demon's lightning MANGLES it!
The bolt arcs to Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's lightning EVISCERATES Marsen!
The bolt arcs to a winged morosa demon...whoops!
A winged morosa demon's lightning devastates it!
The bolt arcs to Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's lightning injures Marsen.
The bolt arcs to a winged morosa demon...whoops!
A winged morosa demon's lightning DISMEMBERS it!
The bolt arcs to Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's lightning hits Marsen.
The bolt arcs to a winged morosa demon...whoops!
A winged morosa demon's lightning DISMEMBERS it!
The bolt arcs to Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's lightning grazes Marsen.
The bolt arcs to a winged morosa demon...whoops!
A winged morosa demon's lightning decimates it!
The bolt arcs to Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's lightning scratches Marsen.
The bolt arcs to a winged morosa demon...whoops!
A winged morosa demon's lightning scratches it.
Marsen's crush EVISCERATES you!
You parry Marsen's crush.
A water elemental's drowning DISMEMBERS Marsen!
Marsen parries your stinging lash.
Marsen is gushing blood.

civilized <567/642(88%) 11/932(1%) 341mv 16018tnl> 7 PM cast 'magic missile'

A winged morosa demon mutters mad profanities from the Abyss.
Marsen appears to be blinded.
You parry Marsen's crush.
Marsen's crush DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Marsen's crush.
You dodge Marsen's crush.
A blast of water expands from a water elemental!
A water elemental creates a geyser aimed at Marsen!
A water elemental's geyser devastates Marsen!
Marsen parries your stinging lash.
Marsen is gushing blood.

civilized <510/642(79%) 11/932(1%) 341mv 16018tnl> 7 PM People near you:
(PK) Marsen By the Temple Altar
(PK) Bachloi Inside the West Gate
(PK) Ayalah By the Temple Altar
Niehgul The Training Grounds and Battlefield
Aganthas Southwest Tower
Marsen is gushing blood.

civilized <518/642(80%) 19/932(2%) 350mv 16018tnl> 7 PM >> Marsen has fled!
Marsen has fled!
Marsen deflects your spell!
Marsen's spellbane devastates you!
Marsen MUTILATES you!
You parry Marsen's crush.
Your shield blocks Marsen's crush.
You parry Marsen's crush.
Your shield blocks Marsen's crush.
A winged morosa demon's slice DISMEMBERS Marsen!
You parry Marsen's crush.
Marsen's crush EVISCERATES you!
Marsen's crush MASSACRES you!
Marsen parries your stinging lash.
Marsen is gushing blood.

civilized <334/642(52%) 19/932(2%) 350mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
A winged morosa demon's slice DISMEMBERS Marsen!
Marsen has fled!
Marsen leaves north.

civilized <334/642(52%) 19/932(2%) 350mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
Marsen has arrived.

civilized <334/642(52%) 19/932(2%) 350mv 16018tnl> 7 PM cast 'magic missile' marsen

A winged morosa demon yells 'Marsen! Now you die!'
A winged morosa demon's slice EVISCERATES Marsen!
Marsen has fled!
Marsen leaves south.

civilized <334/642(52%) 19/932(2%) 350mv 16018tnl> 7 PM They aren't here.

civilized <334/642(52%) 19/932(2%) 350mv 16018tnl> 7 PM s
The Dark Temple

[Exits: north west]
Marsen is here.
A water elemental has arrived.

civilized <334/642(52%) 19/932(2%) 349mv 16018tnl> 7 PM >> Ayalah leaves west.
Temple Square

[Exits: east south west]
A fountain is here, gushing blood.

civilized <334/642(52%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM cast 'magic missile' mars

Marsen has arrived.
Marsen yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Marsen deflects your spell!
Marsen's spellbane devastates you!
Marsen misses you.
You parry Marsen's crush.
You parry Marsen's crush.
Marsen is writhing in agony.

civilized <302/642(47%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM cast 'magic missile' mars

Bachloi has arrived.
Aganthas has arrived.
Marsen is writhing in agony.

civilized <302/642(47%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
Marsen's crush DISMEMBERS you!
Marsen's crush MASSACRES you!
Your shield blocks Marsen's crush.
Marsen parries your stinging lash.
Marsen is writhing in agony.

civilized <174/642(27%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
Aganthas leaves east.
Marsen is writhing in agony.

civilized <174/642(27%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
Marsen has fled!
Marsen leaves east.

civilized <174/642(27%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
A water elemental has arrived.

civilized <174/642(27%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
Aganthas has arrived.

civilized <174/642(27%) 19/932(2%) 348mv 16018tnl> 7 PM
Bachloi looks at you.
A winged morosa demon checks the ground for tracks.
A winged morosa demon leaves east.
A winged morosa demon yells 'Marsen! Now you die!'

civilized <192/642(29%) 61/932(6%) 415mv 16018tnl> 8 PM
Aganthas looks at you.

civilized <192/642(29%) 61/932(6%) 415mv 16018tnl> 8 PM They aren't here.

civilized <192/642(29%) 61/932(6%) 415mv 16018tnl> 8 PM whois agan
[51 Arial War] Aganthas the Legend of the Battlefield

civilized <192/642(29%) 61/932(6%) 415mv 16018tnl> 8 PM
Aganthas leaves east.

civilized <192/642(29%) 61/932(6%) 415mv 16018tnl> 8 PM where
People near you:
(PK) Marsen Slave Pens
(PK) Bachloi Temple Square
(PK) Ayalah Temple Square
Niehgul The Training Grounds and Battlefield
Aganthas The Dark Temple

civilized <192/642(29%) 61/932(6%) 415mv 16018tnl> 8 PM e
The Dark Temple

[Exits: north west]
Aganthas is here.
A horned demon sits here grinning, its wings arched above its head.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 420mv 16018tnl> 8 PM sca n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(White Aura) The healer is here, administering healing as well as death.

***** Range 2 *****
(White Aura) The priest is here performing a sacrifice to his deity.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 420mv 16018tnl> 8 PM n
By the Temple Altar

[Exits: north east south west]
(Glowing) A brass lantern with a hood to keep the wind out lies here.
A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
(White Aura) The healer is here, administering healing as well as death.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM
A water elemental has arrived.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mars
They aren't here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mars
They aren't here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mars

Aganthas has arrived.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM They aren't here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mars
They aren't here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mars
They aren't here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mars
They aren't here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mars
They aren't here.
Aganthas scans west.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM sca all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(White Aura) The priest is here performing a sacrifice to his deity.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A horned demon sits here grinning, its wings arched above its head.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
(White Aura) The acolyte is sharpening her knife, waiting for the day she can help.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
Marsen is here.

You scan up.
You scan down.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM
Aganthas scans east.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM
Aganthas scans north.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' marsen
They aren't here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 419mv 16018tnl> 8 PM w
Slave Pens

[Exits: east]
Marsen is here.

civilized <201/642(31%) 69/932(7%) 418mv 16018tnl> 8 PM cast 'magic missile' mar
Marsen yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You wave your arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana for Marsen.
Your magic missile injures Marsen.
Your magic missile injures Marsen.
Your magic missile grazes Marsen.
Marsen is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <201/642(31%) 54/932(5%) 418mv 16018tnl> 8 PM
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
Marsen yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a winged morosa demon!'
A winged morosa demon's slice DISMEMBERS Marsen!
A winged morosa demon's slice DISMEMBERS Marsen!
Marsen is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A winged morosa demon tosses its head and gores Marsen with one of its horns!
A winged morosa demon's goring MUTILATES Marsen!
Marsen is DEAD!!
A water elemental has arrived.

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