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RE: Wolverine backlash
Backlash seems to happen only once a round regardless of how many times I'm hit at or above the threshold. Flagging it in case it was an oversight or a bug.

Automatic Abilities
Second Attack
Deflection : Thick Hide for Deflecting Blows
Backlash : Very painful blows cause you to strike back
Dam Reduction : Damage Reduction
Dodge : Minimal Dodge Ability


The edges of a felar shapeshifter's being stretch and twist and he becomes a tiger.
You dodge a tiger's claw.
You dodge a tiger's claw.
A tiger's claw DISMEMBERS you!
A tiger's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You ferociously backlash at a tiger as he strikes you hard.
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
A tiger is gushing blood.

A tiger's claw DISMEMBERS you!
A tiger's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You ferociously backlash at a tiger as he strikes you hard.
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
You dodge a tiger's claw.
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
Your claw *** DEVASTATES *** a tiger!
A tiger is covered with bleeding wounds.

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