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RE: Bug with evade?
In this melee, the fox evades my hamstring even though we are already in combat, and I shouldn't be able to hamstring.

<670hp 504m 818mv (2 AM) (11:23:38)> ss
You swing a leaf-bladed dagger at a fox's
hamstring but miss.
A fox's claw EVISCERATES you!
A fox is in perfect health.

<621hp 504m 818mv (2 AM) (11:23:40)>
A fox bites you.
A fox's bite MASSACRES you!
A fox is in perfect health.

<554hp 504m 818mv (2 AM) (11:23:40)> fle
You dodge a fox's claw and close in for a concealed attack!
Your pierce EVISCERATES a fox!
A fox's claw EVISCERATES you!
A fox dodges your pierce.
A fox dodges your wrath.
A fox dodges your pierce.
A fox dodges your pierce.
A tattoo of a Gaping Maw purses its lips.
A glob of slime is ejected from your lips aimed at the eyes of a fox!
A fox narrowly avoids your spit!
A fox has a few scratches.

<506hp 504m 818mv (2 AM) (11:23:43)> ss

A fox bites you.
A fox's bite EVISCERATES you!
A fox has a few scratches.

<462hp 504m 818mv (2 AM) (11:23:44)>
You parry a fox's claw.
A fox's claw EVISCERATES you!
A fox dodges your pierce.
A fox dodges your wrath.
Your pierce MASSACRES a fox!
A fox has some small but disgusting cuts.

<412hp 504m 818mv (2 AM) (11:23:48)> A fox dodges your hamstring.
A fox has some small but disgusting cuts.

<412hp 504m 818mv (2 AM) (11:23:48)> fle
A fox bites you.
A fox's bite devastates you!
A fox has some small but disgusting cuts.

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