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RE: Possible fiend bug
It looks like the fiend thinks I'm out of combat when I'm fighting it already.

I'm already fighting it by the time this log starts.

Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer parries your caustic slime.
The phantasmal killer is in perfect health.

<759hp 292m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM>
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault misses you.
Your caustic slime scratches the phantasmal killer.
Your caustic slime scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

<759hp 292m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM>
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

<759hp 292m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM> com dem
You narrow your eyes and glare in the phantasmal killer's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments scratches the phantasmal killer.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your caustic slime scratches the phantasmal killer.
Your caustic slime scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<759hp 272m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM> com dem

Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault wounds you.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<741hp 272m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM>
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your caustic slime scratches the phantasmal killer.
Your caustic slime scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<741hp 272m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM>
You narrow your eyes and glare in the phantasmal killer's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

<741hp 252m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM> com dem

Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
The phantasmal killer's mental assault wounds you.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault wounds you.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your caustic slime scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer parries your caustic slime.
The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

<706hp 252m 405mv 19120tnl 1 AM> You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You narrow your eyes and glare in the phantasmal killer's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments grazes the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is DEAD!!
You receive 1 experience points.
You hear the phantasmal killer's death cry.
You can't find it.

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