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Top Santa Zulg 2011
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic My age instead of con thing?TacThu 01-Dec-11 01:16 AM411
Topic Criminals and "good" guards.AthiolesMon 28-Nov-11 11:29 AM411
Topic Warriors and shieldsDoofMon 28-Nov-11 11:29 AM414
Topic Add Trainer setting to Galadon GuildmastersConundrumSun 27-Nov-11 12:15 PM507
Topic Dual wield for rangersOnewingedangelSun 27-Nov-11 12:14 PM400
Topic Thief GuildsdoltSun 27-Nov-11 12:13 PM327
Topic Roll the bones...For Familiars!GaplemoSun 27-Nov-11 12:12 PM330
Topic Storm giants and waterGasparSun 27-Nov-11 12:12 PM351
Topic Possible to ambush everyone that is snared including as...-flsoSun 27-Nov-11 10:11 AM417
Topic Shifters / Newbie ChannelDoofSat 26-Nov-11 04:10 PM302
Topic Limited container overmaxedincognitoFri 25-Nov-11 08:45 PM358
Topic fighting stylesxrusFri 25-Nov-11 08:11 PM313
Topic Warriors big weaponsxrusFri 25-Nov-11 08:10 PM314
Topic Can Beastmasters get "Call Messenger" andAlstonFri 25-Nov-11 08:09 PM385
Topic Call Lightning Failure TextConundrumFri 25-Nov-11 03:10 PM361
Topic Shaman AlignmentCalFri 25-Nov-11 03:10 PM349
Topic On Strength and Dual WieldingGasparFri 25-Nov-11 03:09 PM385
Topic A different idea for "maxing" limited items.AmberionThu 24-Nov-11 11:55 PM297
Topic Let Illusionary items vanish after one tick so they can...JoeCloudThu 24-Nov-11 11:52 PM307
Topic Allow humans/halfies to choose their prime stat with an...vargalThu 24-Nov-11 11:52 PM356
Topic Sleep regenerationDrakaadThu 24-Nov-11 11:51 PM381
Topic Gnome Rangers.AlstonThu 24-Nov-11 11:51 PM435
Topic Repertiore Change TImer in affects for bards?lasentiaThu 24-Nov-11 02:45 PM298
Topic Prompt for YearFather of Time (Anonymous)Thu 24-Nov-11 02:45 PM301
Topic Timed Attack help file.AlstonThu 24-Nov-11 01:28 PM325
Topic Half-elf/Gnomes/wood-elves and the tame skill.AlstonThu 24-Nov-11 01:28 PM297
Topic A timer of mark of the prey when the victim is in the w...AlstonThu 24-Nov-11 01:28 PM272
Topic Mariner's avoid quicksand like Marshies and Bedouins. n...AlstonThu 24-Nov-11 01:27 PM291
Topic Mariner rangers and Dirt kick.AlstonThu 24-Nov-11 01:27 PM285
Topic Coding helpTacThu 24-Nov-11 12:28 AM348