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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic So take two with a clearer head.OnewingedangelMon 11-Apr-16 07:12 PM348
Locked Topic I think we all need to have this conversationOnewingedangelMon 11-Apr-16 05:35 PM351
HOT Topic Ground control needs revisiting. [ View all ]The Perpetual Uke (Anonymous)Mon 11-Apr-16 02:48 PM723
Topic Tattoos and StuffNo Names (Anonymous)Mon 11-Apr-16 01:24 AM307
Topic Centaurs cannot select hometown at creation.Centaurhopeful (Anonymous)Fri 08-Apr-16 01:10 PM227
HOT Topic Greenway Pagan [ View all ]stlucian1992Fri 08-Apr-16 10:53 AM656
Topic I'm getting a "Your site has been banned from this mud....SwordsosaurusFri 01-Apr-16 09:31 PM245
Topic Can't choose a hometown for a wood-elfWood-elf wannabe (Anonymous)Fri 01-Apr-16 02:24 PM281
Topic Commerce skillsOrcNewb (Anonymous)Thu 31-Mar-16 03:55 PM463
Topic Centaur gear help?Contemplating Centaur (Anonymous)Tue 29-Mar-16 11:52 PM274
Topic Rear kick questionCentaur wannabe (Anonymous)Tue 29-Mar-16 02:01 PM441
Topic (Cross Post) Easter Egg HuntUmironMon 28-Mar-16 02:00 PM843
Topic Why I'm in ROTD?ThatMage (Anonymous)Mon 28-Mar-16 06:14 AM666
Locked Topic Come on manPebi (Anonymous)Sun 27-Mar-16 12:06 PM338
Topic Sure footing questionFellow caverndweller (Anonymous)Sun 27-Mar-16 11:09 AM212
Topic What was the point of making the Macho flaw so bad? [ View all ]TMNSSat 26-Mar-16 12:56 PM478
Topic So was wights being able to use pills and potions a bug...KaguMaruThu 24-Mar-16 06:22 PM318
HOT Topic Since we're posting ideas: [ View all ]TsunamiThu 24-Mar-16 11:42 AM443
HOT Locked Topic Obs/Exp suggestion [ View all ]SaagkriTue 22-Mar-16 09:07 PM623
Topic Another way to deal with edges.mharlndarnTue 22-Mar-16 01:53 PM262
HOT Topic Bring back Scion? [ View all ]KaguMaruTue 22-Mar-16 09:34 AM559
Topic Edge point gripingKaguMaruMon 21-Mar-16 06:34 PM415
Topic Wait wait wait imps, I thought we discussed that long t...mharlndarnMon 21-Mar-16 04:37 PM291
HOT Topic Vote for return edge points for PK! [ View all ]RFPSat 19-Mar-16 08:33 PM542
Topic How do you deal with hand/shield paladins?squishy duerg (Anonymous)Sat 19-Mar-16 03:14 PM296
Topic Daunting Presence Edge Prereq RequestACuriousBard (Anonymous)Wed 16-Mar-16 01:56 PM564
HOT Topic Liches and age [ View all ]Necro55 (Anonymous)Wed 16-Mar-16 08:30 AM676
Topic GoodbyesDargatha (Anonymous)Tue 15-Mar-16 07:49 PM307
Topic Imms are doing it again.DoofTue 15-Mar-16 07:36 PM245
Topic Hometown change for outies?Outie (Anonymous)Sat 12-Mar-16 12:24 PM361