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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Question: Resist Arcane edge.SarienSun 05-Feb-17 02:33 PM320
Topic Cabal raiding and edge points.AthiolesFri 03-Feb-17 11:58 AM278
Topic Daaaaaaark feeeeeeaaaaast, you're ***!Necrosss (Anonymous)Fri 03-Feb-17 11:22 AM245
HOT Topic Things I would change about CF. [ View all ]TMNSThu 02-Feb-17 07:36 AM629
HOT Topic How many legacies does it take to win against STSF? [ View all ]TacThu 02-Feb-17 07:22 AM494
Topic axe specsezdralThu 02-Feb-17 02:30 AM263
Topic Auto assisting mobs.Necro4547 (Anonymous)Mon 30-Jan-17 03:38 PM413
Topic Dedicated server for CF to combat slugginess?-flsoSat 28-Jan-17 10:55 PM804
Topic Suggestion: trigger happy flawlaxmanFri 27-Jan-17 05:27 PM452
Topic Purity of the MindHealer (Anonymous)Fri 27-Jan-17 12:10 PM317
Topic Plz reset the FMUD browser player.laxmanFri 27-Jan-17 01:40 AM203
Topic Thank you for the ImmteractionTacWed 25-Jan-17 04:37 PM278
Topic Please consider changing bloodoath...SarienTue 24-Jan-17 01:35 PM354
Topic Parry questionSertiusMon 23-Jan-17 10:15 PM455
Topic GarrotteGarrotted Artery (Anonymous)Mon 23-Jan-17 11:04 AM268
Topic Request to revert change to axe murder edgelaxmanFri 20-Jan-17 04:10 PM338
Topic immune to purgingIsildurFri 20-Jan-17 01:38 PM228
Topic [51 D-Elf War] Malchazzar killed by WhiysdanSarienFri 20-Jan-17 10:53 AM230
Topic Immortals and forumJaegendarFri 20-Jan-17 09:36 AM252
Topic Forum policywlnFri 20-Jan-17 08:16 AM313
Topic water shifterswonderer (Anonymous)Wed 18-Jan-17 11:53 PM242
Topic Current ImplementorsDeathIncarnateWed 18-Jan-17 11:23 AM221
Locked Topic Please unban MatrikjalbrinTue 17-Jan-17 06:20 PM283
Topic Re: GronJormyrTue 17-Jan-17 12:29 PM267
Topic My total edgepoint theory for PK/EXPLORE/SOCIAL.KoeKhaosTue 17-Jan-17 10:59 AM184
Topic LikesOldfagTue 17-Jan-17 09:30 AM232
Topic question/equest: re: practiceIsildurTue 17-Jan-17 04:43 AM284
Topic AnthropomorphShifter (Anonymous)Mon 16-Jan-17 11:00 PM213
HOT Topic Add a +1 to bring back Umi! [ View all ]DeathIncarnateMon 16-Jan-17 10:05 PM295
Topic Can you please reboot the web client?laxmanMon 16-Jan-17 03:09 PM163