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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Suggestion: de-link wis & skill learn targettingSad Giant (Anonymous)Wed 06-Sep-17 07:50 PM336
Topic Quiver of arrows!xrusTue 05-Sep-17 08:14 AM218
Topic Down until Scar gets here. (nt)UmironTue 05-Sep-17 06:57 AM135
Topic Are we going to get an extended bonus?? the reboot is k...HonestpaladinMon 04-Sep-17 11:58 PM198
Topic Entropy InductionRahsaelFri 01-Sep-17 03:16 AM337
HOT Locked Topic That was wrong. [ View all ]Phelzhis (Anonymous)Tue 29-Aug-17 06:37 PM494
Topic Chromatic Fire (the supplication): A Humble RequestAnarchist (Anonymous)Thu 24-Aug-17 07:27 PM311
HOT Topic I don't like to post here, but this time you guys have ... [ View all ]Glikhardiz (Anonymous)Thu 24-Aug-17 02:12 AM588
Topic Thanks for everyone that was involved.Glikhardiz (Anonymous)Wed 23-Aug-17 02:03 PM162
Topic Destuvius, are you still around?Priest wannabe. (Anonymous)Tue 22-Aug-17 10:02 AM225
Topic Increasing the auto-delete timerKhargqwzxdds (Anonymous)Tue 22-Aug-17 05:58 AM186
Topic Blood Moon EventRahsaelSat 19-Aug-17 11:10 AM223
Topic RE: Recent Area UpgradeLhydiaWed 16-Aug-17 07:53 AM347
Topic Bartering in Non-Protected CitiesCurious Outty (Anonymous)Wed 16-Aug-17 06:04 AM212
Topic Practicing scrollsIlliterate Mage (Anonymous)Wed 16-Aug-17 05:12 AM323
Topic Thieves's cheapshotvorian (NOT A thief)Tue 15-Aug-17 12:14 AM367
Topic Game crash? ntI wanted to play some CF (Anonymous)Sun 13-Aug-17 09:21 AM192
Topic Is there/will there be an IC explanation of Ignolmeer's...Looking to the path ahead. (Anonymous)Thu 10-Aug-17 04:52 AM376
Topic Global Quests Request [ View all ]E4rthWed 09-Aug-17 06:49 AM482
Topic Picking your own race, your own class, your own...wareagleWed 09-Aug-17 02:57 AM364
Topic Carrion Fields Event CalendarRahsaelTue 08-Aug-17 02:57 PM1303
Topic Small change to Ears of the BatVersatile Shifter (Anonymous)Fri 04-Aug-17 01:13 AM392
Topic Improvised weaponSavage (Anonymous)Mon 31-Jul-17 03:06 AM373
Topic Improbability TunnelShifty Shifter (Anonymous)Wed 26-Jul-17 09:11 PM396
Topic Chances of putting in level limit to Animate dead? AbusedByZombies (Anonymous)Wed 26-Jul-17 06:17 AM324
Topic Keep con deaths, remove crap HP gains when dying 100 ti...enyuuMon 24-Jul-17 06:54 PM277
Topic Accelerate and Metabolic Quickeningmuter (Anonymous)Mon 24-Jul-17 08:17 AM195
Topic Prep OverhaulIAmSteversSun 23-Jul-17 04:58 PM246
HOT Topic Item Search overhaul [ View all ]KstatidaFri 21-Jul-17 05:55 AM877
Topic Game crash again? ntSomeone (Anonymous)Wed 19-Jul-17 04:15 PM153