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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Possible bugged prayer?Vengeance Shaman (Anonymous)Fri 09-Feb-18 01:10 PM428
HOT Topic Stock Areas [ View all ]SPNWed 07-Feb-18 05:20 PM546
Topic Five Faces of EvilStupid user (Anonymous)Mon 05-Feb-18 08:08 PM327
Topic Now I really do have a great idea.RelioFri 02-Feb-18 05:08 PM410
Topic Does outcry reduce mvt lag? ntRelioFri 02-Feb-18 02:44 PM105
Topic Make patches of Eastern wild?SertiusWed 31-Jan-18 10:20 AM343
Topic Orc Chiefs get leader age/con? ntSaagkriSun 28-Jan-18 09:17 AM244
Topic Auto-log and post feature.DallevianSat 27-Jan-18 03:35 AM351
Topic tiger claw and broken throata mage is casting ... (Anonymous)Mon 22-Jan-18 07:19 AM328
Topic Which is better against trip: Outcry of Steel or Harmon...Faceplant (Anonymous)Sun 21-Jan-18 01:13 AM295
Topic Malleability questionsNot so flexible (Anonymous)Thu 18-Jan-18 09:22 AM246
Topic Is this a good idea?RelioTue 16-Jan-18 01:49 AM265
Topic Game seems to be downmageMon 15-Jan-18 10:33 AM197
Topic Veil Sense spell for magesamazingdonnieMon 15-Jan-18 08:31 AM295
Topic Explore and Observation XPShravthar (NOT Explorer)Sun 14-Jan-18 02:12 PM281
Topic Healers and flyNoobAgainFri 12-Jan-18 06:57 AM272
Topic IMM emailEmailer of an IMM (Anonymous)Thu 11-Jan-18 08:30 PM274
Topic Lets get rid of exp penalty on mob deaths!enyuuThu 11-Jan-18 02:15 AM401
Topic MercenariesVillager (Anonymous)Thu 11-Jan-18 12:17 AM277
Topic Veil Render/TenderEdge Questioner (Anonymous)Wed 10-Jan-18 04:06 PM181
Topic Visible immortal commentsJaegendarTue 09-Jan-18 01:34 PM384
Topic Sleep Spell Change?Sleepy Necro (Anonymous)Tue 09-Jan-18 11:05 AM306
Topic Twitter is still broken fyi (nt)DeathIncarnateMon 08-Jan-18 04:50 PM175
Topic Empire Dead: Save it for the BattlefieldUmironFri 05-Jan-18 11:20 AM234
Topic Item CleanupTacThu 04-Jan-18 06:57 PM446
Topic A certain talismanFrustrated Priest (Anonymous)Thu 04-Jan-18 04:02 PM358
Topic Item Seach is Broken FYI ntDeathIncarnateThu 04-Jan-18 07:45 AM215
Topic Erode Confidence.Bard (Anonymous)Wed 03-Jan-18 07:53 PM185
Topic Did it just crash?Online player (Anonymous)Fri 29-Dec-17 03:50 PM178
HOT Topic December PBFs [ View all ]SeriphaxFri 29-Dec-17 03:56 AM527