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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Drakuni the Master of Copper, Sheath...Death_AngelWed 22-Oct-03 10:59 AM318
HOT Topic (AGE DEATH) [None] Kucerael Pidirillics, Elder Magus of... [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 22-Oct-03 12:12 AM941
Topic (RAGE) Mossi the Weaver of the Elements, High Herald of...Death_AngelTue 21-Oct-03 02:32 AM267
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Gamaliel the Ranger LadyDeath_AngelMon 20-Oct-03 11:05 AM321
Topic (AUTO) Mheeko the Weaponsmaster, Historian of TaliaDeath_AngelMon 20-Oct-03 02:32 AM179
Topic (AUTO) Tyroc the Invoker HeroDeath_AngelSun 19-Oct-03 07:11 AM306
Topic (AUTO) Chroatan the Dweller of the WildsDeath_AngelSun 19-Oct-03 02:32 AM262
Topic (AUTO) Straenaal the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelSat 18-Oct-03 07:08 PM214
Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Ayuzen the ShihanDeath_AngelSat 18-Oct-03 05:07 PM292
Topic (DELETED) [None] Ashirin the Ranger KnightDeath_AngelSat 18-Oct-03 07:20 AM195
Topic (AUTO) Zarrato the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelSat 18-Oct-03 02:36 AM197
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Kahnryn the Field MarshallDeath_AngelThu 16-Oct-03 09:44 AM303
Topic (RAGE) Rhual Steelclaw the Savage Fury of the PhoenixDeath_AngelThu 16-Oct-03 06:09 AM542
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Arkozian the Defender of the Faithfu...Death_AngelWed 15-Oct-03 11:00 PM498
Topic (AUTO) Yuvien the PlanewalkerDeath_AngelWed 15-Oct-03 02:32 AM188
Topic (RAGE) Gwyythinniel the Call of the Clarion, Trumpeter ...Death_AngelTue 14-Oct-03 08:25 AM334
Topic (RAGE) Chorkinstil the Weaponsmistress, Betrayer of the...Death_AngelTue 14-Oct-03 02:38 AM313
Topic (RAGE) Azagren the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelTue 14-Oct-03 02:32 AM231
Topic (AUTO) Galainx the Dai Sensei of the Miyama RyuDeath_AngelSun 12-Oct-03 02:32 AM192
Topic (DELETED) [None] Amitofo the ShihanDeath_AngelFri 10-Oct-03 03:12 AM402
HOT Topic [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Clario... [ View all ]Gwy (Guest)Wed 08-Oct-03 04:57 AM946
Topic (RAGE) Tekara the Grand Mistress of ChangelingsDeath_AngelWed 08-Oct-03 02:32 AM199
Topic (RAGE) Lakina the Grand Mistress of ChangelingsDeath_AngelTue 07-Oct-03 12:09 PM400
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Isodel the Exorcist of ManifestationsDeath_AngelMon 06-Oct-03 05:43 PM403
Topic (AUTO) Dylerion the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelMon 06-Oct-03 02:32 AM278
Topic (RAGE) Jdenskyn the Protector of Faith, Guide of the Go...Death_AngelMon 06-Oct-03 02:32 AM256
Topic (RAGE) Jurrintaila the Aimless and Bloodthirsty, Mercen...Death_AngelMon 06-Oct-03 02:32 AM263
Topic (RAGE) Trinton the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelFri 03-Oct-03 11:43 AM338
Topic (AUTO) Ywyrrn the High Sorceress of the ArcaneDeath_AngelThu 02-Oct-03 02:36 AM218
Topic (RAGE) Huomdrest the PlanewalkerDeath_AngelWed 01-Oct-03 03:38 PM336
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