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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Thu 26-Sep-24 03:00 PM 31366 topics
31373 messages
Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
84409 messages
Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ingawiese the MysteryDeath_AngelSat 13-Mar-04 03:04 PM160
Topic (DELETED) [None] Sadreth Yarram the Grand Elder of Chan...Death_AngelSat 13-Mar-04 03:19 AM252
Topic (AUTO) [None] Chemsea the Master ChroniclerDeath_AngelFri 12-Mar-04 06:04 PM133
Topic (AUTO) [None] Dunneur the Mistress of BronzeDeath_AngelFri 12-Mar-04 03:28 PM143
Topic (AUTO) [None] Pirassununga the BardDeath_AngelFri 12-Mar-04 11:36 AM159
Topic (AUTO) [None] Parilon the Weaver of the Elements, Anath...Death_AngelFri 12-Mar-04 09:12 AM211
Topic (DELETED) [None] Sedovei the Master of Bronze, Bloodoat...Death_AngelThu 11-Mar-04 11:24 PM211
Topic (AUTO) [None] Hardesthar the Slayer of InfidelsDeath_AngelThu 11-Mar-04 10:56 PM163
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Galin the Master of WarDeath_AngelThu 11-Mar-04 09:28 PM210
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Marballa the Learned of OwazaDeath_AngelThu 11-Mar-04 08:12 PM513
HOT Topic (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Agarah Nysen the Soulless Spectr... [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 11-Mar-04 03:58 PM941
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kelcigab the Protector of FaithDeath_AngelThu 11-Mar-04 03:34 PM221
Topic (AUTO) [None] Induk the Baron of MeteorsDeath_AngelThu 11-Mar-04 03:24 PM164
Topic (AUTO) [None] Berrethiyr the Elder ThiefDeath_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 11:00 PM140
Topic (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Crerigord the Grand Master of Cha...Death_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 10:17 PM442
Topic (DELETED) [None] Chiltman the Ranger KingDeath_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 08:40 PM185
Topic (DELETED) [None] Grei the Master of IronDeath_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 11:34 AM189
Topic (AUTO) [None] Grendlma the TaiotoshiDeath_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 09:50 AM197
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Makonui the Yama ArashiDeath_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 05:36 AM157
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Drakugd the Evil King, Imperial Blac...Death_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 05:36 AM172
Topic (AUTO) [None] Rhyeina the Harai Goshi, Anathema to the ...Death_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 12:48 AM124
Topic (AUTO) [None] Lhaintor the Wizard of IceDeath_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 12:12 AM136
Topic (AUTO) [None] Lhurg the Master of BronzeDeath_AngelWed 10-Mar-04 12:08 AM127
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Rahbtor the Baron of HurricanesDeath_AngelTue 09-Mar-04 07:40 PM151
Topic (AUTO) [None] Demedrosoru the SpectreDeath_AngelTue 09-Mar-04 06:45 PM300
Topic (AUTO) [None] Gwynn the Communer of the Higher PowersDeath_AngelTue 09-Mar-04 06:32 PM149
Topic (AUTO) [None] Khidar the Baron of MeteorsDeath_AngelTue 09-Mar-04 11:00 AM151
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kandau the Harai GoshiDeath_AngelTue 09-Mar-04 06:04 AM134
Topic (AUTO) [None] Jegec the OgoshiDeath_AngelTue 09-Mar-04 02:24 AM245
Topic (AUTO) [None] Craemar the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelTue 09-Mar-04 12:04 AM175
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