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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Sun 22-Sep-24 12:25 AM 31357 topics
31364 messages
Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
84409 messages
Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (AUTO) [None] Relzin Ruxfol the Grand Master of Artistr...Death_AngelFri 13-Aug-04 08:32 PM132
Topic (DELETED) [None] Remth the Warrior of the GauntletDeath_AngelFri 13-Aug-04 03:28 PM152
Topic (DELETED) [None] Methras the Great DruidDeath_AngelFri 13-Aug-04 02:21 PM209
Topic Brief absence.CadothuFri 13-Aug-04 01:11 PM169
Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Derrsomarga the Harai GoshiDeath_AngelFri 13-Aug-04 08:12 AM341
Topic (DELETED) [None] Ithiok the Merciless HunterDeath_AngelFri 13-Aug-04 12:17 AM423
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Viotra the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelFri 13-Aug-04 12:08 AM184
Topic (AUTO) [BATTLE] Merari the Student of OwazaDeath_AngelThu 12-Aug-04 11:24 PM170
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Itarille the Healer-LadyDeath_AngelThu 12-Aug-04 06:36 PM158
Topic (DELETED) [None] Ejin the Master of VisionDeath_AngelThu 12-Aug-04 05:08 PM137
Topic (AUTO) [None] Rashgar the Evil KnightDeath_AngelThu 12-Aug-04 05:04 PM153
Topic (DELETED) [None] Mardrek the Keeper of Faith, Bloodoath...Death_AngelThu 12-Aug-04 03:36 PM145
Topic (DELETED) [None] Mixiyatrix the Grand Master of Changel...Death_AngelThu 12-Aug-04 01:41 PM179
Topic (AUTO) [None] Islodyn the Adept of DivinationDeath_AngelThu 12-Aug-04 06:48 AM132
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [OUTLANDER] Vonyx Ignimbryte the Elementa...Death_AngelWed 11-Aug-04 10:05 PM421
Topic My death thread is obviously hiding, so here goes...Naloueme (Guest)Wed 11-Aug-04 09:13 PM410
Topic (DELETED) [None] Wahi the Mistress of MetamorphosisDeath_AngelWed 11-Aug-04 05:32 PM152
Topic (AUTO) [None] Brienraw the Victorious Champion, Bloodoa...Death_AngelWed 11-Aug-04 03:56 PM182
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Diiafd Ben Al the Weaver of the Eleme...Death_AngelWed 11-Aug-04 01:52 PM453
Topic (DELETED) [None] Ouderkai the Master of OffenseDeath_AngelWed 11-Aug-04 01:20 AM151
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Juzasumus the Warrior of the Bla...Death_AngelWed 11-Aug-04 12:52 AM176
Topic (DELETED) [None] Dacke the Master of the Material Realm...Death_AngelWed 11-Aug-04 12:36 AM287
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Graithar the Koshi GarumaDeath_AngelTue 10-Aug-04 09:56 PM206
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Faruss the Master of OffenseDeath_AngelTue 10-Aug-04 09:52 PM212
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Korgh the WatcherDeath_AngelTue 10-Aug-04 11:08 AM222
HOT Topic (RAGE DELETE) [OUTLANDER] Psyrel Galler the Drunken Bar... [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 10-Aug-04 08:48 AM800
Topic Gone for about a week.Krollos (Guest)Tue 10-Aug-04 08:11 AM183
Topic (AUTO) [None] Myrhus the Shapeshifter AdeptDeath_AngelTue 10-Aug-04 04:28 AM192
Topic (AUTO) [None] Qadar the Ranger PrinceDeath_AngelTue 10-Aug-04 02:36 AM197
HOT Locked Topic (CON LOSS) [SCION] Sargataneos Xansin the Spectre [ View all ]Death_AngelMon 09-Aug-04 11:40 PM879
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