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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Tue 24-Sep-24 04:45 AM 31359 topics
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Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kragthak the Berserker of Blind RageDeath_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 07:48 PM143
Topic (AUTO) [None] Phaeren the Master of the ArcaneDeath_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 12:40 PM138
Topic (CON LOSS) [OUTLANDER] Raen the Legend of the Battlefie...Death_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 11:47 AM354
Topic (AUTO) [None] Xazol the Student of the MindDeath_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 11:20 AM130
Topic (AUTO) [None] Thabazil the Battle-ScarredDeath_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 02:24 AM219
Topic (AUTO) [None] Furrita the Master of OffenseDeath_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 01:28 AM164
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Candra the Student of the MacallaDeath_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 01:16 AM133
Topic (AUTO) [None] Miettinen the Knight of the ApocalypseDeath_AngelThu 20-Apr-06 12:16 AM162
Topic (DELETED) [None] Rovanan the Overlord of the ForestDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 09:55 PM232
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Harkleet the Champion of WarfareDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 07:22 PM245
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Torg the Student of the MacallaDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 06:48 PM272
Topic (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Wakazula Zilco the Blade of the W...Wakazula (Guest)Wed 19-Apr-06 05:50 PM484
Topic (AUTO) [None] Illiniak the Sword of the ForestDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 04:32 PM182
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Thaeden the Battle-ScarredDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 03:28 PM167
Topic (AUTO) [None] Melina the Lady of the ApocalypseDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 01:20 PM165
Topic (DELETED) [None] Grzilt the HandDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 12:52 PM183
Topic (AUTO) [None] Glyp the Master of OffenseDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 12:44 PM164
Topic (AUTO) [None] Leysan the Grand Master of ShapeshiftingDeath_AngelWed 19-Apr-06 05:56 AM130
Topic (DELETED) [None] Eral the XenomorphDeath_AngelTue 18-Apr-06 11:06 PM205
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [SCION] Ulzammon Zyn'Kala the Grand Maste...Death_AngelTue 18-Apr-06 11:00 PM195
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [SCION] Iander Caihn the Evil LordDeath_AngelTue 18-Apr-06 11:41 AM309
Topic (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Kejat the Hand, Shadow DwellerDeath_AngelTue 18-Apr-06 06:04 AM155
Topic (AUTO) [None] Hagkryth the Master of Defense, Bloodoath...Death_AngelTue 18-Apr-06 12:48 AM133
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Dihemsous the Master of Notes, Blo...Death_AngelTue 18-Apr-06 12:32 AM167
Topic (AUTO) [None] Uhtzza the Master of DefenseDeath_AngelMon 17-Apr-06 11:52 PM146
Topic (AUTO) [None] Soarizach the MetamorphDeath_AngelMon 17-Apr-06 11:40 PM131
Topic (AUTO) [None] Dhemen the InfernalDeath_AngelMon 17-Apr-06 10:32 PM136
Topic (AUTO) [None] Czvanek the HuntsmanDeath_AngelMon 17-Apr-06 10:28 PM153
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Chralsh the Warrior of the Gauntle...Death_AngelMon 17-Apr-06 06:40 PM194
Topic (AUTO) [None] Waslid the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelMon 17-Apr-06 12:32 PM161
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