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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
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Moderators: Death_Angel
Tue 24-Sep-24 11:55 AM 31360 topics
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Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic RienisKarelWed 07-Jun-06 11:12 PM535
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Vinstabrar the Evil Knight, Connoisse...Death_AngelWed 07-Jun-06 03:48 PM169
Topic Enniallien goneEnniallien (Guest)Wed 07-Jun-06 01:18 AM432
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Charis the Vanquisher of Adversaries...Death_AngelTue 06-Jun-06 09:14 PM265
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Jastren the Affirmation of LifeDeath_AngelTue 06-Jun-06 06:56 PM202
Topic (AUTO) [None] Zhrihuah the Warrior of the ShieldDeath_AngelTue 06-Jun-06 06:12 PM144
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Yhenku the Wizard of EvocationDeath_AngelTue 06-Jun-06 02:28 PM161
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Lharz the Student of Owaza, Impe...Death_AngelTue 06-Jun-06 12:14 AM238
Topic (DELETED) [None] Dalithar the Master of BindingDeath_AngelMon 05-Jun-06 11:00 PM169
Topic (AUTO) [None] Quorg the Desecrator of the HolyDeath_AngelMon 05-Jun-06 06:44 PM141
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Lashandro the HandDeath_AngelMon 05-Jun-06 03:00 PM190
Topic (DELETED) [None] Nopup the Communer of Curses, Anathema...Death_AngelMon 05-Jun-06 01:30 PM334
Topic (AUTO) [None] Grantrak the Warrior of the GauntletDeath_AngelMon 05-Jun-06 11:00 AM154
Topic (AUTO) [None] Akilodain the Evil KnightDeath_AngelMon 05-Jun-06 03:28 AM168
Topic (DELETED) [None] Pzirx the Master of Offense, Bloodoath...Death_AngelSun 04-Jun-06 07:36 PM151
Topic (AUTO) [None] Adwon the Evil LordDeath_AngelSun 04-Jun-06 04:08 PM149
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Rienis the Legend of the Battl...Death_AngelSun 04-Jun-06 01:56 PM168
Topic (DELETED) [None] Kandeena the Champion of Ancient WaysDeath_AngelSun 04-Jun-06 12:48 PM294
Topic (DELETED) [None] Achak the Knight of the GladeDeath_AngelSun 04-Jun-06 11:08 AM129
Topic (AUTO) [BATTLE] Nothron the Harai GoshiDeath_AngelSun 04-Jun-06 08:12 AM173
Topic (AUTO) [HERALD] Tulpe the Initiate of the MacallaDeath_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 11:34 PM315
Topic (AUTO) [None] Cay the Master of VisionDeath_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 07:00 PM142
Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Pater the Master BardDeath_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 02:40 PM261
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Krithnar Zhrzt'Dar the Master of the ...Death_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 12:40 PM169
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ioana the Sword of the ForestDeath_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 08:28 AM165
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ciaran the Warrior of the ShieldDeath_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 08:00 AM144
Topic (DELETED) [None] Kervuk the Lady of the ApocalypseDeath_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 07:36 AM169
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Redegis the High Sorceress of the Arc...Death_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 05:57 AM355
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Mataaria the Dai Sensei of the Miy...Death_AngelSat 03-Jun-06 12:16 AM145
Topic (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Izar the Master of Offense, Sheathed Bl...Death_AngelFri 02-Jun-06 11:48 PM124
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