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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Thu 26-Sep-24 03:00 PM 31366 topics
31373 messages
Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (AUTO) [None] Maiseth the OgoshiDeath_AngelWed 08-Nov-06 06:44 PM137
Topic (DELETED) [None] Pyrameth the Guardian of the SpiritDeath_AngelWed 08-Nov-06 01:57 PM321
Topic (CON LOSS) [OUTLANDER] Orau Angelbane the Burdened Spir...Death_AngelWed 08-Nov-06 10:40 AM512
Topic (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Lahgrendul the Shaman of Ice, Rebo...Death_AngelTue 07-Nov-06 11:48 PM144
Topic (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Gadrozan Kaveel the Master of Guile, Im...Death_AngelTue 07-Nov-06 08:36 PM156
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Molgoth the Battle-HardenedDeath_AngelTue 07-Nov-06 07:20 PM152
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Isda the Student of the MacallaDeath_AngelTue 07-Nov-06 08:12 AM131
Topic (AUTO) [None] Flozel the SpelunkerDeath_AngelTue 07-Nov-06 12:04 AM151
Topic (AUTO) [None] Dirjssriyl the Man-At-ArmsDeath_AngelMon 06-Nov-06 10:24 PM137
Topic (AUTO) [None] Zaxfila the Grand Elder of ChangelingsDeath_AngelMon 06-Nov-06 08:32 PM133
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vinwe the Adept of DivinationDeath_AngelMon 06-Nov-06 07:22 AM170
Topic (DELETED) [None] Kellenthil the Master of OffenseDeath_AngelMon 06-Nov-06 05:08 AM133
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Elisarnia the Slayer of InfidelsDeath_AngelSun 05-Nov-06 10:28 PM232
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Bargahka the Knight of the ApocalypseDeath_AngelSun 05-Nov-06 09:52 PM167
Topic Raged Deleted - Knash, Grand Master of ChangelingsKnash (Guest)Sun 05-Nov-06 06:03 PM144
Topic (AUTO) [None] Raulwyn the Master of DisruptionDeath_AngelSun 05-Nov-06 02:36 AM133
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Raphru Kin Katrin the Watermarked,...Death_AngelSun 05-Nov-06 12:04 AM390
Topic (AUTO) [OUTLANDER] Heyral the Sentinel of SummertideDeath_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 01:48 PM157
Topic (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Lushof the Victorious Champion, Sheathe...Death_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 11:16 AM150
Topic (AUTO) [None] Hram the Legend of the Battlefield, Anath...Death_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 09:16 AM137
Topic (AUTO) [None] Pollut the Master of OffenseDeath_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 06:44 AM110
Topic (AUTO) [None] Eilrenya the Adept of the Outer PlanesDeath_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 06:04 AM131
Topic (AUTO) [None] Sheddarg the Man-At-ArmsDeath_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 05:24 AM143
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Narses the Master of Necromancy, Eli...Death_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 01:08 AM93
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Narses the Master of Necromancy, Eli...Death_AngelSat 04-Nov-06 01:08 AM104
Topic (AUTO) [None] Tachirr the Harai GoshiDeath_AngelFri 03-Nov-06 09:28 PM184
Topic (DELETED) [None] Kerosain the Master Poet, Bloodoathed ...Death_AngelFri 03-Nov-06 01:28 PM185
Topic (AUTO) [None] Rugunandun the Seeker of the MacallaDeath_AngelFri 03-Nov-06 11:08 AM150
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Mergullah the Exorcist of Lesser ...Death_AngelThu 02-Nov-06 09:11 PM321
Topic (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Ibcade the Legend of the Battlefield, E...Death_AngelThu 02-Nov-06 07:16 PM193
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