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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Sat 28-Sep-24 02:25 PM 31371 topics
31378 messages
Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
HOT Topic (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Vhloughvang the Whiteborn Witch Hun... [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 04-Sep-07 03:12 PM1756
Topic (AUTO) [None] Trion the Master MinstrelDeath_AngelTue 04-Sep-07 01:52 PM171
Topic (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Aciela BlackBeard the Champion of A...Death_AngelMon 03-Sep-07 03:21 PM470
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ambrioxil the Master of Nage WazaDeath_AngelSun 02-Sep-07 05:12 AM205
Topic (AUTO) [None] Omentahya the Grand Elder of ChangelingsDeath_AngelSun 02-Sep-07 04:32 AM198
Topic Rage/Gave up DeletionAwk (Guest)Sun 02-Sep-07 02:16 AM649
Topic (AUTO) [None] Xhosrya the Mistress of LightningDeath_AngelSat 01-Sep-07 04:56 PM184
Topic (DELETED) [None] Kiana the OgoshiDeath_AngelFri 31-Aug-07 11:40 PM185
Topic (DELETED) [None] Avara the Champion of Ancient WaysDeath_AngelFri 31-Aug-07 12:46 PM212
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [OUTLANDER] Shaanril the Grand Wizard of ...Death_AngelFri 31-Aug-07 09:32 AM170
Topic (DELETED) [None] Macomber the Man-At-ArmsDeath_AngelFri 31-Aug-07 06:48 AM139
Topic (AUTO) [None] Malius the Koshi GarumaDeath_AngelFri 31-Aug-07 02:36 AM192
Topic (DELETED) [NEXUS] Vhaile the Student of the MacallaDeath_AngelFri 31-Aug-07 02:27 AM288
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Dhanzen the MenkyoDeath_AngelFri 31-Aug-07 12:16 AM211
Topic (AUTO) [None] Sholmus the Guardian of the EarthDeath_AngelThu 30-Aug-07 09:48 PM265
Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Awk the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelThu 30-Aug-07 06:32 PM243
Topic (DELETED) [None] Vilje the Grand Sorcerer of Transforma...Death_AngelThu 30-Aug-07 05:12 PM227
Topic Dugareh is gone.AbernyteThu 30-Aug-07 10:10 AM885
Topic (AUTO) [None] Moyra the Greater Golem MakerDeath_AngelThu 30-Aug-07 07:20 AM236
Topic (DELETED) [None] Vardikoth the Master of DefenseDeath_AngelThu 30-Aug-07 01:24 AM305
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [SCION] Nurafenn the Grand Master of Chan...Death_AngelWed 29-Aug-07 08:24 PM224
HOT Topic (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of th... [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 29-Aug-07 06:17 PM674
Topic i'm outlesaard (Guest)Wed 29-Aug-07 06:10 PM159
Topic (AUTO) [None] Merlaan the Shinan, Bloodoathed of the Em...Death_AngelWed 29-Aug-07 04:40 PM179
Topic (AUTO) [None] Orien the Warrior of the ShieldDeath_AngelWed 29-Aug-07 03:00 PM148
HOT Topic (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Armonk Ironbeard the Legend of the ... [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 29-Aug-07 11:05 AM745
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Dehklar the Grand Master of Changelin...Death_AngelWed 29-Aug-07 12:16 AM171
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kenaar the Lurker in the MoorsDeath_AngelTue 28-Aug-07 09:08 AM147
HOT Topic (DELETED) [None] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 28-Aug-07 07:17 AM978
Topic (AUTO) [BATTLE] Vagothian the Ogoshi, Village ApplicantDeath_AngelTue 28-Aug-07 12:56 AM150
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