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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Mon 30-Sep-24 12:05 PM 31375 topics
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Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (DELETED) [None] Obwano the PlanewalkerDeath_AngelWed 01-Feb-12 01:52 PM196
Topic (AUTO) [None] Fraltarn Der'charn the Legend of the Batt...Death_AngelWed 01-Feb-12 10:36 AM166
Topic (AUTO) [NEXUS] Mhadinar the Master of MutationDeath_AngelWed 01-Feb-12 04:28 AM182
Topic (AUTO) [None] Raedric the Guardian of the EarthDeath_AngelTue 31-Jan-12 05:12 PM162
Topic (DELETED) [None] Kinsh the Communer of Famine, StowawayDeath_AngelTue 31-Jan-12 01:52 PM161
Topic (AUTO) [None] Braegurn the Vanguard of the VernalDeath_AngelTue 31-Jan-12 01:28 PM162
Topic (AUTO) [None] Mhournhul Ba'avarakh the Master of the Oc...Death_AngelTue 31-Jan-12 10:51 AM415
Topic (DELETED) [NEXUS] Kalash the Grand Master of Changeling...Death_AngelTue 31-Jan-12 01:28 AM304
Topic (DELETED) [None] Ulara the Student of Black MagicDeath_AngelMon 30-Jan-12 05:04 PM185
Topic (DELETED) [None] Titaia the Footwoman of LegionDeath_AngelMon 30-Jan-12 04:41 PM292
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Kip the Lord of the Underworld, Ki...Death_AngelMon 30-Jan-12 02:34 PM308
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Taeldur Frostbeard the Champion of...Death_AngelMon 30-Jan-12 12:48 PM319
Topic (DELETED) [None] Craetnal Queald the Druid of the New M...Death_AngelMon 30-Jan-12 11:19 AM309
Topic (DELETED) [NEXUS] Baerot the PlanewalkerDeath_AngelMon 30-Jan-12 02:24 AM212
Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Baraiku the Master of GuileDeath_AngelSun 29-Jan-12 10:04 PM300
Topic (AUTO) [None] Havasil the Master of SizeDeath_AngelSun 29-Jan-12 07:52 PM167
Topic (DELETED) [NEXUS] Oolein the Yama ArashiDeath_AngelSun 29-Jan-12 04:16 PM161
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Ckonnar the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelSun 29-Jan-12 09:48 AM177
Topic (DELETED) [None] Lezz the Changeling AdeptDeath_AngelSun 29-Jan-12 05:48 AM155
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Kaloriano the Entrance to OwazaDeath_AngelSun 29-Jan-12 03:32 AM218
Topic (AUTO) [None] Rangor the Battle-Scarred, Anathema to th...Death_AngelSat 28-Jan-12 11:24 PM166
Topic (AUTO) [TRIBUNAL] Helif Ornid the Grand Master of Chang...Death_AngelSat 28-Jan-12 05:48 PM166
Topic (AUTO) [None] Smorgum the Harai GoshiDeath_AngelSat 28-Jan-12 04:24 PM285
Topic (AUTO) [NEXUS] Limpletun the Grand Master of Changeling...Death_AngelSat 28-Jan-12 02:28 PM175
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kalryhar the Master of Nage Waza, Anathem...Death_AngelSat 28-Jan-12 05:16 AM148
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Zetha the Grand Eldress of Changel...Death_AngelSat 28-Jan-12 01:56 AM209
Topic (AUTO) [None] Hawwun the Grand Eldress of ChangelingsDeath_AngelFri 27-Jan-12 08:00 PM190
Topic (DELETED) [NEXUS] Churdalkan the Adept of the Outer Pla...Death_AngelFri 27-Jan-12 09:19 AM423
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Okcrahn StoneFoot the Legend of the B...Death_AngelFri 27-Jan-12 09:12 AM169
Topic (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Rizeltplx the Grand Master of Sha...Death_AngelFri 27-Jan-12 12:56 AM313
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