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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Fri 18-Oct-24 02:40 AM 31436 topics
31443 messages
Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Sat 12-Oct-24 10:55 AM 4183 topics
84480 messages
Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (DEL) Eleciar the Alchemist, Imperial MagusDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM819
Topic (DEL) Zieofsr the Baron of MeteorsDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM739
Topic (DEL) Averia the Footwoman of Legion, Betrayer of Legio...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM776
Topic (DEL) Feystrim the Assassin HeroDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM845
Topic (DEL) Achknar the Holy Hero, Ahoy IdiotDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM808
Topic (CON) Adrhesa the Leader of the Great SiegeDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM745
Topic (CON) Arikel the Knight Hero, Servant of the DawnDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM699
Topic (CON) Kelbecso the Excitable Knight Hero, Hunter of abo...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:26 PM733
Topic (DEL) Graffilon the Knight Hero, Apostle of the DawnDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM812
Topic (DEL) Woinuic the OverlordDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM818
Topic (DEL) Mordihln the Footman of LegionDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM833
Topic (DEL) Gagoram the Footwoman of LegionDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM865
Topic (DEL) Lotor the Knight of Legion, Imperial SorcerorDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM912
Topic (DEL) Calion the Grand Master of ThievesDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM899
Topic (CON) Grenick the Baron of HurricanesDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM958
Topic (DEL) Tecuea the Knight Hero, Servant of the DawnDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM907
Topic (DEL) Davarin the Master of MelodyDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM945
Topic (DEL) Avxeus the Demon SummonerDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM907
Topic (DEL) Bethany the AlchemistDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM1003
Topic (DEL) Drenalian the Knight Hero, Leader of BattleDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM1088
Topic (DEL) Dakaar the Baron of Thunder, Imperial SoldierDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:25 PM1064
Topic (DEL) Jolleph the Baron of Thunder, Imperial SoldierDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1053
Topic (CON) Kharne the Entrance to Owaza, Imperial SoldierDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1142
Topic (DEL) Eilvanion the Guardian of the ForestDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1181
Topic (DEL) Airakoth the Baron of Thunder, Imperial SoldierDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1156
Topic (DEL) Shandower the Master of UkemiDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1178
Topic (DEL) Acyrid the Wizard of InvocationDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1125
Topic (DEL) Xerimous the Greater Crime Lord, Imperial SoldierDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1189
Topic (DEL) Volrath the Captain, Hunted by the VillageDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1121
Topic (DEL) Yasmori the OgoshiDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:24 PM1118
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