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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic [None] Canewelal Al'Arcald the Champion of the VirtuesDeath_AngelMon 07-Sep-09 09:44 PM700
Topic [OUTLANDER] Yaelin the Druidess of FlameDeath_AngelMon 07-Sep-09 09:44 PM836
Topic [None] Fatfrumos the Weaver of the ElementsDeath_AngelMon 07-Sep-09 09:40 PM1061
Topic [BATTLE] Bartis HammerHand the Observant Eyes of the V...Death_AngelWed 02-Sep-09 09:08 PM2610
Topic [FORTRESS] Frorania L'Litor the Beacon of Courage, Sta...Death_AngelWed 02-Sep-09 09:08 PM2213
Topic [None] Pleebert Pussgut the Captain of the Grinning Sk...Death_AngelWed 02-Sep-09 09:08 PM1545
Topic [FORTRESS] Merothmos Echaya the TaiotoshiDeath_AngelWed 02-Sep-09 09:08 PM1037
Topic [SCION] Melrauko the SlayerDeath_AngelWed 02-Sep-09 09:04 PM884
Topic [None] Swyrtt the CoastrunnerDeath_AngelTue 25-Aug-09 10:08 PM744
Topic [None] Inuleki the Warrior of the ShieldDeath_AngelTue 25-Aug-09 10:08 PM560
Topic [HERALD] Edika LightFeather the Gambler's Girl, Deckha...Death_AngelTue 25-Aug-09 10:08 PM779
Topic [SCION] Ezranil Ran'jil the High Wizard of the ArcaneDeath_AngelTue 25-Aug-09 10:08 PM679
Topic [BATTLE] Vaez the TaiotoshiDeath_AngelFri 21-Aug-09 08:40 PM728
Topic [BATTLE] Hudralon the Legend of the Battlefield, Appre...Death_AngelFri 21-Aug-09 08:40 PM761
Topic [OUTLANDER] Eschelian the Elemental LordDeath_AngelFri 21-Aug-09 08:40 PM1313
Topic [HERALD] Celenai Tin'ril the Mystic of the Quasi-Eleme...Death_AngelFri 21-Aug-09 08:40 PM954
Topic [FORTRESS] Filinyl Dasthen the ShinanDeath_AngelFri 21-Aug-09 08:40 PM780
Topic [NEXUS] Kyaltaru Tel'dethian the Despondent Dirgesinge...Death_AngelFri 21-Aug-09 08:36 PM2540
Topic [NEXUS] Kohrzeck the Caller of the PackDeath_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 03:00 PM976
Topic [BATTLE] Khiiral the Commander of WarfareDeath_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 03:00 PM737
Topic [BATTLE] Selene Montrose the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 03:00 PM1016
Topic [NEXUS] Calbaseeti Tel'dethian the Blessed Touch of Re...Death_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 03:00 PM2187
Topic [BATTLE] Ghrummin Dhrummin the Iron-Arm Berserker, Com...Death_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 03:00 PM2339
Topic [BATTLE] Dolza the Legend of the Battlefield, Veteran ...Death_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 03:00 PM1049
Topic [FORTRESS] Saldovir the Paragon of FortitudeDeath_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 03:00 PM712
Topic [BATTLE] Thirkus the Victorious ChampionDeath_AngelSun 16-Aug-09 02:56 PM580
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Shalsad the Scourer of the Skies, Vindicato...Death_AngelSun 09-Aug-09 01:52 PM907
Topic [FORTRESS] Dargin the High Wizard of the ArcaneDeath_AngelSat 08-Aug-09 01:08 PM742
Topic [OUTLANDER] Mreash Bloodfang the Dweller of the Wilds,...Death_AngelSat 08-Aug-09 10:40 AM844
Topic [BATTLE] Quas the Legend of the Battlefield, MageSlaye...Death_AngelSat 08-Aug-09 10:40 AM1230