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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic [FORTRESS] Arrna Holdfast the Sapper-Trained Blaze of ...Death_AngelSat 17-Oct-09 04:16 PM2703
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Zaruthral the Invoker of Suffering, Magistr...Death_AngelSat 17-Oct-09 04:12 PM1033
Topic [EMPIRE] Larkis the Shihan, Imperial Shadow LordDeath_AngelMon 12-Oct-09 12:32 AM746
Topic [FORTRESS] Ilobe Dupree the Affirmation of Life, Acoly...Death_AngelMon 12-Oct-09 12:28 AM800
Topic [FORTRESS] Iunnrais Stormdancer the Grand Master of Ch...Death_AngelMon 12-Oct-09 12:28 AM650
Topic [FORTRESS] Baog Winterborn the Dweller of the Wilds, P...Death_AngelMon 12-Oct-09 12:28 AM851
Topic [HERALD] Thaltran the Hand of the Unseen, Bandit King ...Death_AngelSat 03-Oct-09 11:52 AM590
Topic [OUTLANDER] Kaskin the Dweller of the WildsDeath_AngelSat 03-Oct-09 11:52 AM678
Topic [FORTRESS] Grumbol Grimblade the Legend of the Battlef...Death_AngelSat 03-Oct-09 11:52 AM739
Topic [None] Durble StickyFingers the Hand of the Unseen, Ki...Death_AngelFri 25-Sep-09 09:16 PM686
Topic [EMPIRE] Zorvuul the Master Poet, Stowaway, Imperial B...Death_AngelFri 25-Sep-09 09:16 PM548
Topic [FORTRESS] Nyshvaar the Grand Master of ArtistryDeath_AngelFri 25-Sep-09 09:16 PM660
Topic [BATTLE] Delakan the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelFri 25-Sep-09 09:12 PM696
Topic [EMPIRE] Tanpolhin Duckbill a Deckhand to the Maiden, ...Death_AngelFri 25-Sep-09 09:12 PM1029
Topic [SCION] Bambizlo Zloborl the High Wizard of the Arcane...Death_AngelFri 25-Sep-09 09:12 PM2272
Topic [OUTLANDER] Calue Treeclimber the Sprightly Spriggan o...Death_AngelSun 20-Sep-09 10:24 AM2048
Topic [OUTLANDER] Hakdu the Dweller of the Wilds, Tongueless...Death_AngelSun 20-Sep-09 10:24 AM1651
Topic [FORTRESS] Goganop the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelSun 20-Sep-09 10:24 AM752
Topic [BATTLE] Delalken the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelSun 20-Sep-09 10:24 AM1023
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Oethipius T'llathereyon the Jaguar of Justi...Death_AngelSun 20-Sep-09 10:24 AM846
Topic [BATTLE] Khurm the Fierce Warlord, Keeper of the White...Death_AngelSun 20-Sep-09 10:24 AM706
Topic [SCION] Arianzae the KaidenDeath_AngelSun 20-Sep-09 10:20 AM637
Topic [BATTLE] Kearokatur the Master of StealthDeath_AngelThu 17-Sep-09 05:56 PM726
Topic [None] Dakazhul Rah-Zhul the Warlord of the Grinning S...Death_AngelThu 17-Sep-09 05:56 PM681
Topic [OUTLANDER] Zil the Champion of WarfareDeath_AngelThu 17-Sep-09 05:56 PM612
Topic [HERALD] Aldvum the Master SongsmithDeath_AngelThu 17-Sep-09 05:56 PM560
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Takezenallan the Legend of the Battlefield,...Death_AngelSat 12-Sep-09 02:20 PM764
Topic [NEXUS] Abzyn the Druid of StoneDeath_AngelSat 12-Sep-09 02:16 PM713
Topic [None] Nezerbekna the Lady of the UnderworldDeath_AngelMon 07-Sep-09 09:44 PM598
Topic [None] Callaien the Champion of BattlefieldsDeath_AngelMon 07-Sep-09 09:44 PM581