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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic [BATTLE] Kackrik Scruffbeard the Undaunted, Bloody Ham...Death_AngelWed 21-Jan-04 12:32 PM2208
Topic [BATTLE] Sardinthal Tathiel, Purified by the Phoenix, ...Death_AngelSat 17-Jan-04 01:24 PM1715
Topic [EMPIRE] Aiekooso Krest'Nal, the Bane of Warders, Impe...Death_AngelFri 16-Jan-04 12:24 PM2124
Topic [None] Correllia the Weaponsmistress, Foolish Speaker ...Death_AngelWed 14-Jan-04 10:24 PM1521
Topic [BATTLE] Muhryl the HiddenDeath_AngelWed 14-Jan-04 09:48 PM1527
Topic [EMPIRE] Ruhbilon the Greater Golem Maker, Black Serva...Death_AngelWed 14-Jan-04 12:52 AM1537
Topic [BATTLE] Sharidum the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelTue 13-Jan-04 07:56 PM1822
Topic [FORTRESS] Jirash the Claw of Light, Elder MaranDeath_AngelSat 10-Jan-04 06:20 PM2127
Topic [EMPIRE] Zhenzar Kraliara the Holy of Faith, Imperial ...Death_AngelFri 09-Jan-04 09:20 PM1910
Topic [FORTRESS] Alynthorin the Priest of the Templars, Acol...Death_AngelFri 09-Jan-04 09:12 PM1703