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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic [FORTRESS] Ladia the Protector of Faith, Acolyte of th...Death_AngelSun 15-Jan-06 02:08 PM768
Topic [BATTLE] Curdan the Champion of WarfareDeath_AngelSun 15-Jan-06 02:08 PM786
Topic [EMPIRE] Niazuruzain Cadabra'Ra the Dark Spectre, Empe...Death_AngelWed 04-Jan-06 06:36 PM1138
Topic [EMPIRE] Ahzeed the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu, Elit...Death_AngelWed 04-Jan-06 06:32 PM776
Topic [FORTRESS] Levan the Holy of FaithDeath_AngelWed 04-Jan-06 06:32 PM661
Topic [OUTLANDER] Wunbol Stonefoot the Grand Master of Chang...Death_AngelWed 04-Jan-06 06:28 PM714
Topic [None] Karul the Evil Knight, Bloodoathed of the Empir...Death_AngelMon 02-Jan-06 11:32 AM714
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Obbekeje the Commander of Warfare, Magistra...Death_AngelMon 02-Jan-06 11:32 AM622
Topic [None] Zelmona the Spectre, Anathema to the EmpireDeath_AngelMon 02-Jan-06 11:32 AM600
Topic [OUTLANDER] Baltherias the Dark Druid of the MuseDeath_AngelFri 30-Dec-05 05:22 PM930
Topic [BATTLE] Korok Bloodsail the Champion of Warfare, Vete...Death_AngelFri 30-Dec-05 02:24 PM823
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Vicuric Omar'ral the Master of Necromancy, ...Death_AngelFri 30-Dec-05 10:20 AM653
Topic [None] Khobedi Smogcrest the ShihanDeath_AngelThu 29-Dec-05 09:15 AM728
Topic [FORTRESS] Ruren the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelWed 28-Dec-05 08:44 PM672
Topic [OUTLANDER] Jor the Dweller of the Wilds, Harbinger of...Death_AngelWed 28-Dec-05 08:44 PM684
Topic [SCION] Zilopza Ta'argna the Persistant Pursuer of For...Death_AngelWed 28-Dec-05 08:44 PM777
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Aestelor the High Wizard of the ArcaneDeath_AngelWed 28-Dec-05 08:44 PM781
Topic [BATTLE] Varthas tel'Alalantharias the Legend of the B...Death_AngelWed 21-Dec-05 09:04 AM1091
Topic [None] Oqoko Tel Avaendis the Mourning Lover, Betrayer...Death_AngelMon 19-Dec-05 05:48 PM1253
Topic [None] Mizzarah the Voiceless, Torn from the Shadows, ...Death_AngelMon 19-Dec-05 01:40 PM1375
Topic [SCION] Trulinta Buegen the Willing Servant of the Sha...Death_AngelSun 18-Dec-05 01:16 PM1140
Topic [SCION] Haravanzoth Ziraphael the Master of Transferen...Death_AngelTue 13-Dec-05 09:32 AM998
Topic [TRIBUNAL] Jaraffazar the Fabulous Legend, Vindicator ...Death_AngelSun 11-Dec-05 11:36 PM2403
Topic [EMPIRE] Zekado the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite I...Death_AngelSun 11-Dec-05 02:32 PM1002
Topic [OUTLANDER] Earendur the Weaver of the ElementsDeath_AngelSun 11-Dec-05 02:32 PM787
Topic [FORTRESS] Alven the Avatar of the Father, Faithful Ma...Death_AngelThu 08-Dec-05 03:13 PM1173
Topic [None] Hirken the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelWed 07-Dec-05 06:28 PM827
Topic [FORTRESS] Feichin the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelWed 07-Dec-05 06:24 PM893
Topic [OUTLANDER] Frearrir Nenvarsh the Grand Master of Chan...Death_AngelWed 07-Dec-05 06:24 PM842
Topic [FORTRESS] Faltarn the Maran, Blade of the FortressDeath_AngelWed 07-Dec-05 06:24 PM941