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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Lagged after death as a ghostCareron (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 09:20 PM216
Topic Uptime checkPoster (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 09:19 PM209
Topic Improved at hand to hand when I shouldn't havewarrior (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 03:21 AM229
Topic Re: Combat steal: FNCR (n/t)ZulghinlourFri 28-Nov-03 12:43 AM146
Topic Giant running away from the villageConjie (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 12:29 AM212
Topic improved invisJyynik (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 12:18 AM191
Topic Stripping leaderweaponsJirash (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 12:17 AM227
Topic item crumblingJyynik (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 12:12 AM213
Topic Necros and centurionsGlaub (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 12:10 AM207
Topic the bridge is out!!fleshofchaosFri 28-Nov-03 12:10 AM232
Topic Mind Control Poison QuestionLarsettaFri 28-Nov-03 12:09 AM227
Topic Blackjacked while trying to unbind someone.Daning (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 12:08 AM191
Topic Repair Organ and other Repair spells.Nimaray (Guest)Thu 27-Nov-03 12:39 AM254
Topic neurological disrupt muscleseakrou (Guest)Wed 26-Nov-03 01:22 PM225
Topic disappearing help filesJyynik (Guest)Tue 25-Nov-03 03:10 AM171
Topic I cant camp in the plains of eregion, bug/design nttikkanen (Guest)Tue 25-Nov-03 01:09 AM179
Topic Another bug (?) with centurionsGlaub (Guest)Tue 25-Nov-03 01:01 AM226
Topic Help!In deep trouble (Guest)Mon 24-Nov-03 10:57 AM226
Topic Rolling, rolling, rolling... help!Quitter (Guest)Mon 24-Nov-03 01:01 AM251
Topic Thirst/pillar/poison/death bugBaielko (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 11:04 PM268
Topic Bug with barricadeConjie (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 11:01 PM225
Topic Water elemental's Ferry ability.Confused (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 10:23 PM267
Topic Re: Brundlir & Dol Guldur: FNCR (n/t)ZulghinlourSun 23-Nov-03 10:00 PM242
Topic Shouldn't these two be mutually exclusive?VladamirSun 23-Nov-03 09:53 PM240
Topic Vanishing eqMerandir (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 09:41 PM264
Topic ConstrictNicktshick (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 09:33 PM281
Topic sleep bugnecro (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 07:37 PM218
Topic Re: OverrunZulghinlourSun 23-Nov-03 07:35 PM176
Topic Snare in a burning roomSumun (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 06:09 PM182
Topic Possible entwine bug, possibly by design.Baielko (Guest)Sun 23-Nov-03 05:51 PM207