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jaynusWed 21-Jan-04 04:40 AM
Member since 16th Apr 2003
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#23923, "WOW! What a ride!"



Holy crap.

I think I rolled this character in August or something, with a few intentions of mine. I aimed to impress with this character. I remember after Kriack died, I turned to my friend and said "One day, when I get really good at CF, I'm going to make a Duergar Villager who kicks ass". Well, hopefully this was him. This was, after all, my first hero. At first, I decided I wanted to hero him. Then, I decided, I wanted in Battle. Then with that, came numerous other desires: title, lastname, tat and hopefully immort/pillar. (by the way! If you want to immort, MAKE SURE YOU PESTER THE IMMORTALS! AGH!E#@) This time in my life, I have ALOT of free time. There would 7 hour spans of gametime a *DAY*, based on this character - which also stemmed from the fact that I loved roleplaying Kackrik so very much.


Kackrik was my favourite character to roleplay ever. There have been many MUD's before this one, with memorable characters on them, but Kackrik is by far the best. The way I played him was quite simple: think of an irishmen mixed with a tiger. His sphere was Dedication and I attempted to roleplay it to its max. There would be times when I would have to stop myself from doing something that would benefit my character, because it cut my roleplay (for example, getting along with people! Ha!). I would usually argue for argues sake, this was very obvious. There were many times I was wrong with my arguing, but what everyone must understand is that it was all in my role. He believed everyone and everything was out to get him. So if your not on his side, then your against him. He would swear his ass off, just like I do in real life - only in medievel esque dwarf talk. I would make sure I went out of my way to disgust, belittle, piss off, anger, irritate and generally annoy everyone I got to know. It was all in the role, baby

Kackrik hated everyone/everything. Being Chaotic Evil, but sphere Dedication, proved to be quite an odd mix. On one hand, I didn't care about anything. On the other hand, I cared about something so much that I was willing to DIE for it. I believe this mixed well with Battle. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to join the cabal - its certainly not easy. Then I began to progress, speak with some of the members (Slathigern and Sardinthal come to mind) and generally became impressed with it. My induction was quite easy, actually . I, of course, am not complaining about this. However, I believe Sabiene gave me quite alot of credit back then - even if I didn't really get to what I wanted to do.


Kackrik was such a goddamned brain tiring character to roleplay, sometimes I would get tired just playing him. My brain ran at at least 1200billionRPS trying to figure out what to do with this character next. After reaching hero, I could never keep him AFK - as explained to one friend of mine, he was the (WANTED) man of Thera. As well, Battle is quite possibly the busiest cabal (ESPECIALLY WITH THE EMPIRE WAR) to play at. There were times when I would have to leave my console, or quit out sporadically, simply because of OOC reasons. My household is very unstable and I'm going to keep it at that. I apologize ahead of time to the IMM's and Battle members that would get disappointed in me going afk/leaving. However, I tried my absolute best to play this character to its full potential. Mind me if I say, I believe I succeeded.

Kackrik grew over a very long period of time. I gleaned/scammed a job in early October, not allowing me to play MUD. I played CS instead, but after the job fell through I found myself floating back to the mysterious Duergar of sphere Dedication. After I joined Battle, it was such a rollercoaster ride of gaming.. I don't know if I can play an FPS again. For example, when I played Kackrik, I simply couldn't pay attention to anything else. My parents/brother/annoyances would ask me for something and it was as if some flea was pecking at my ear. I would ignore IRC (chat program for my CS clan) for hours at a time, while I played Kackrik. I even yelled at my brother who told me about a job interview, because he interrupted my raid on the Empire

All in all, I'm glad I played him. I'm sort of pissed off I didn't get to immort, but as I found out tonight - it was completely my fault. Once again, if you wish to immort a character.. *-> HARASS THE IMMS <-*. I'll be back though and I'll be helping Asgaard out someway.. just with a different character.

(On a side note, man its hard to let go )


Kackrik was similar to the way I do math. I have a good question and somehow a good answer comes out of it. Completely by random chance and thought, Kackrik's stats/mechanics worked out perfectly. For those of you who were guessing, his two Legacies were Harmonious and Ward of blades. His specs were axe and mace. I picked his specs out because I always heard about the 'axe/mace giant'. The "tank" of CF, so to speak. Now, I made a character previously just to check out the way a mace spec worked. I was impressed. Axe on the other hand, is quiet possibly one of the best specs in the game.. I'm not sure if any of my warriors are going to stray from it for long

The legacies were there for an obvious reason: to patch up a hole. My defenses completely sucked ass. Tanking with axe without the phys resist is similar to stopping a mack truck with a lunch box. Though mace is a slightly better defensive spec, it certainly did not provide the protection I needed. So, I chose Ward of blades. It worked out great. I don't think I can count on my hands/feet/calculator how many times these legacies completely saved my ass. When the Imperials hoarde came crawling, I could walk out because bashes would lag for 1 round instead of 4, pincer 1 instead of 2. When Oblain would bash me with his big axes, I would just parry it all and walk away with a few scratches. Man, those are so damned nice legacies. Coupled with the Duergar tanking ability, resist magic/detect hidden, berserker path in Village, I think my character rounded itself out nicely.

Well, though I really hate to say it, here are my goodbyes.


You still reign supreme as the best cabal in the game. Even after trying Empire and Scion, I still can't find a cabal that kicks as much ass as Battle. There is a sort of 'brotherhood' in Battle, because of the adversity it faces. Though there are many misconceptions about 'honor' or 'words', I still think Battle is the best. You rock!

Sabiene: You were like a mom to Kackrik. After the rites (where I completely sucked, might I add), I was actually going to delete. I roleplayed it, of course, but your roleplay turned out very nicely - and I kept my character. I thank you for this, because without your help and guidance I wouldn't have been able to do what I could. Your con quest owned me hard, leaving me with but one life left. Then again, it was my first - so I felt pleased when I actually completed it. Heres my hats off to you. I really wanted to immort *BADLY* with this character, I suppose I disappointed you in this aspect. Next time you want someone to join you, just make sure you inform them that they are allowed to pester the other immortals about it.. notes, prays, etc. I think Battle owes alot to you, you are definately a good immortal for it. Cheers to you, see you on the next

Kastellyn: Sorry for placing you second here, but Sabiene was first on my mind. Initially I sort of contemplated your religion. I wondered if Kackrik would be able to fit in it and how I'd be able to accomplish it if so. Eventually, it all fell into place with my Undaunted title. I hope I impressed you, as well, I'll give you a million dollars to put me on the Pillar. Oh, I mean, you were a fun guy to roleplay with and I'm glad you got time from/off work to interact with Village. I'd like to tell you something though. My character wanted on the Pillar for both IC reasons and OOC reasons. I (jaynus/james) made the Pillar something out for a goal to myself. Imagine if I could get my first hero on the pillar? I asked myself. So eventually, it came to me that I should just try out. By the time you tat'd me, I had about 5/6 con left - which frustrated me. I really wanted to play out a religion to immort later, but its hard to do when I had like 5-6 con left. Its not your fault, your times are a hella lot different then mine. Though its my first hero, I don't want pity - so if don't put me on the Pillar, its ok I guess. I just sort of wanted it as a reminder that even though I'm still a newb at this game, I could be IC'ly remembered as someone as good a player as Tobeldest or Thror. Your religion is definately something to look for and play along with - its great and I commend you on the idea. I hope that I did everything you wanted me to. By the way, did you do the emotes at the Inn when I told stories?

Grogim: Though we didn't talk much, I felt your watching gaze on me sometimes. I know you especially liked when I held out against those Scions, five against me. I like your character alot, he has flavour and the dwarf talk is undefeatable. Though your not VIS much, I'm sure your around more then you let on. Thanks for the chats and the inspiration.

Thror: Damn! I thought our characters would get along just fine, but it seemed that you didn't show up much. That's fine. I hope I get to talk to you some other time, I think my next is going to be a Thror tat

Immortal who ran goblin child quest: Oh man, that thing made me laugh so hard.. I fell of my chair. Whoever it is, speak up! I'll have your head on a toaster I say Sorry I didn't follow through with it much, but I enjoy any immteraction anyway it comes. Even in the form of a stinking little goblin child. Cheers.

Zhelrantix: You and me were quite an odd couple, don't you think? I know I gave you a few grey hairs (ic/ooc?), but you have to understand - that was my character. I knew you would win the rites the second they were announced. The cry/flurry is nearly unbeatable for us small little duergars. In the end, the Empire war sort of united us and I really wanted to see that through. However, I died the same day you called me Captain. Sorry for that, but I couldn't help it. Keep the Village strong, you make a fine Commander.

Juktar: Oh man, you left me to the Village! I liked your character immensly. Juktar was a good guy to have around, never worried or cared about what anyone else thought - something Kackrik could look up to. Your loss is still missed by the Village, though I tried to take your spot.

Sardinthal: Great character. I remember ranking with you and Sharnd when we got ambushed by tribunals. Me and Sharnd got away, but you ran back saying on group talk 'MAGES MUST DIE'. Your character was an inspiration to mine. Your strength in the face of adversity gave him something to look for in himself, something he eventually found.

Slathigern: Damn. You left before I could get to fight alongside you, but I thought your roleplay was superb. I wanted to see if you'd make another one of your infamous Villagers.. but I guess I missed it (?).

Ghullth/Drahkul: Damn x 2. I tried keeping your character sane throughout the arguments of the Village. Not having a commander around to settle disputes certainly is a problem. I felt that you were still stuck in Drahkul's shoes, something of a leadership position. Though I wanted you to succeed alongside me, you left. Regardless, I thought your character was 'fun' - something different from all the 'badasses' or 'secret mysterious guys' that I constantly interact with. See you around

Thrakadan: Didn't interact much. You kicked my ass, dammit!

Broghelan: I was such a bad luck charm. Man that made my tummy warm when you said that.

Flaerglum: Oh man. Here was one of the characters that I hated OOC, but liked IC. I tried not displaying my dislike for you in my character, but I fear some of it seeped out. You were quite the moron, not understanding Village rules, ordering people around to their deaths and all around just making bad decisions. I really hoped yuo got demoted, but you deleted instead. Ah well, stop having a pickle in your ass and you'll do fine! =D

Tykrul: Didn't interact with you much, though I thought you would make a great Captain.

Guardlon: I said all I needed to say on your death message. You came in making ME think that I didn't know anything. That's not a way to approach people.

Jinroh: You came alongside Guardlon, so I sort of grouped with you together. However, when I would log on late nights/early mornings, you would be there - with a mass amount of corpses around you. You gained my respect later on, as your roleplay of honor something akin to Vassagon shined through. Respects and I hope you enjoyed my character (boy that sounds lame)

Rahno: Heh, sometimes I felt like you fashioned your character after mine. You had balls to the wall, sometimes in complete opposite of orders, something I respected. Keep your wits about you and you'll go places. I also enjoyed arguing with you constantly over the cabal channel, it sort of drew a funny picture in my head of two dirty duergar bickering whilst a giant sits there shaking his head in dismay. Ha!

Vexoffesz: Didn't think I'd forget about you, did I? Your character sort of pissed mine off at the starting, but instantly I admired your mute roleplay. As well, when you joined, I finally realized just how powerful a combination we are together. A drow defender utility/maladict with a duergar berserker beast-thing is such a killer combo. I remember that day we killed 5 people in like an hour, ha! I hope you don't get pissed that I died on you and I doubly hope you stay in Battle. Your a good character, a smart one (though I tend to boss people around alot, you were no exception), knows battle and Battle well, something alot of people could look for in a defender. Sorry for pissing you off sometimes, with going AFK or getting pissed at you for not doing stuff - That's sort of an OOC trait of mine that I try to cover up. You were the closest thing to a friend to Kackrik. Being a Dark-elf, that is not an easy thing to accomplish. Stick with it dood, have fun.

The rest is mostly young ones who I didn't interact with much. If I forgot you, sorry and reply! I will make sure I reply!


Edit: 4:40: Beltantis you rocked. I'm too tired to write another paragraph though, but just know I liked your rp.

Lariya and Jirash come to mind, though it was all mostly the same stuff. You all impressed me with your roleplay, though the same cookie cutter 'Im the hate evil baddies!' crap is sometimes thrown up. Skallgrim comes to mind when I think of Fort members who actually would talk to me. Lariya, I hope you enjoyed my little story at the Inn.. it showed you wouldn't wrath me on sight. Other then that, not much interaction - you were definately a thorn in my side.


I remember when I killed Flarkle in one shot on eastern. That time I didn't log it, because I didn't think he was anyone important. Regardless, you were also a thorn in my side - though less of one. Pelthaas, enjoyed the little 'romance' joke we had going. Voronil, Ir emember you when you were young and thought you wouldn't make it past 20. Nice work all, too bad on the cabal. I think the IMM's are going to treat you soon though!


One of the cabals I hated both IC and OOC. The only one Tribunal that I fought/interacted with alot and had respect for was Kelrizza. She reminded me of the Aei Sedai I've come to loathe in the books I'm reading. Though you sort of broke IC and said "Kackrik couldnt kill anything without battle powers" one day, I ignored that and took your roleplay as is. I was impressed and I hope the megear times I killed you somehow gave you respect for me. Oblain.. glad your dead.


While we're on the topic of cabals I hated..

The Empire.. bah. I have alot of vicious and biting words I'd like to say, but I'll just censor myself for now. I'd say about 98% of you are blubbering morons who couldn't do anything alone. Noted exceptions are Kardok, Varik and Yanacek. I fought alongside you guys alot when I was younger (mainly the Emperor), even helped you kill a few Marans. When the much-needed war began, you simply shone through with your infamous gangbanging. I remember a few days ago, dying to 6 Imperials. That is just bloody pathetic. I don't expect you to have honor code or what not, but 6 on 1? Can you give me a goddamned break or what? If I saw this sort of #### on the MUD I owned before, I'd just all give you one skill (the tank had parry, damager had second attack etc) and let you stir for a bit. I have no respect for any of you, save some, and I'm sure its the same way. Kackrik hated you so much, he'd do anything to see you dead. Gangbanging, hiring help, he didn't care. I feel the same way and I'm never making an Imperial again.


Of all (two) cabals Battle wars with, I had the most respect for you. You have an odd role nowadays, something akin to a space between a rock (battle) and a hard place (fort).

Etarekoth: I killed you alot, didn't I? I always thought good of you, someone who took the losses well and didn't whine (though I imagine you smashed your keyboard when you died last night to the outer guard, ROFL!). You make an excellent Chancellor, it was a pleasure fighting you. You were one of the few people I had respect for OOC, simply because of your way of playing and roleplaying. Good luck with Scion, don't be too mean on Battle now

Ilivarra: I remember seeing you at the Inn at level 25 with a Zurcon tat. I was like, what the hell? I instantly made it my mission to kill you, something that certainly wasn't easy. I think you killed me once, or maybe twice, but I know I got you three times. You would come alone sometimes, other times not - regardless, you play a good Zurcon applicant.

Kwalin: I hate invokers. I really, really, really, really, really, really, hate invokers. Quicksand is complete and utter overpowered CRAP.. but I'll leave that for another day. I had respect for you up to the day you dropped link (two days before the drop link code was placed) to avoid dying. I have proof of this, by the way. Its sort of odd when I cranial, you drop link, you wimpy, you return link and recall. I lost all respect for you that day.

Vanar, Zwick: Though I didn't interact with you much, you were both sort of a 'training ground' for my character to work on.. Vanar especially. I really really hate.. well you get the picture. Thanks for the fights. Zwick, too bad you deleted.


Every character I make, I always make sure to drop by the Inn. I think Herald's do alot for this game and I try to show my appreciation and respect. Kackrik was no exception. I always dropped in when I was bored, to share stories or drink up a storm.

Soucivi: Kackrik began to think of you as something of a 'wench', though I don't want you to get insulted by this. You are a great roleplay, I REALLY enjoyed story telling at the Inn. Thanks for the poem, it was cool. Keep it up, Herald's (and especially the High Herald) deserve the utmost respect. I hope you get the story done, good luck with going through the work!

Well, that seems like its all. I seek out to learn things with my characters and I learned ALOT with this one. I think I'm done with warriors for a while. They seem to take up all my goddamned time! Thanks for the interactions *EVERYONE* in this game, because the community is what makes it fun. Immortals - you rock, enough said? It's 4:30 eastern and I'm really bloody tired. Once again (this is the last time I'm saying it). If you want to immort, PESTER THE IMMORTALS! Bah, I'm never writing a request immort note IC again. Post and I'll for sure reply back. Keep in mind, that this was my first hero. So all the 'go to hell newbie' flames will be ln -s'd to /dev/null. <-- thats for Zulghinlour, keep on truckin'

Peace everyone, I'm tired
- Jaynus

Kriack, the Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Liraura the female conjurer, heh
Mitrikpq the mace experiment

and finally.. something I can be proud of

Kackrik Scruffbeard the Undaunted, Bloody Hammer of Battle


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HOT Topic(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kackrik Scruffbeard the Undaunted, ... [View all] , Death_Angel, Wed 21-Jan-04 03:32 AM
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kackrik Scruffbeard the Undaunt..., Kalageadon, 22-Jan-04 07:42 PM, #42
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kackrik Scruffbeard the Undaunt..., Kackrik (Guest), 22-Jan-04 08:01 PM, #43
Reply Pretty much liked your character all around., Malkhar (Guest), 22-Jan-04 02:30 AM, #34
Reply Sorry to see you go...when ah die, lay meh on meh face ..., Rahno (Guest), 21-Jan-04 04:30 PM, #25
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kackrik Scruffbeard the Undaunt..., Jaalek (Guest), 21-Jan-04 03:30 PM, #23
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kackrik Scruffbeard the Undaunt..., Lialnst (Guest), 21-Jan-04 07:26 AM, #3
Reply eh, Adrigon, 21-Jan-04 03:36 PM, #24
Reply WOW! What a ride!, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 04:40 AM #1
     Reply Neat character, Khasotholas, 21-Jan-04 07:06 AM, #2
     Reply RE: Neat character, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:48 AM, #15
     Reply RE: WOW! What a ride!, Kwalin (Guest), 21-Jan-04 07:40 AM, #4
     Reply RE: WOW! What a ride!, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:43 AM, #13
     Reply There was some good and bad with this one., Kardok (Guest), 21-Jan-04 07:44 AM, #5
     Reply RE: There was some good and bad with this one., jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:50 AM, #16
     Reply My thoughts, Dryzzel, 21-Jan-04 08:12 AM, #6
     Reply RE: My thoughts, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:53 AM, #17
     Reply RE: WOW! What a ride!, Felar Serpent (Guest), 21-Jan-04 08:13 AM, #7
     Reply RE: WOW! What a ride!, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:47 AM, #14
     Reply What, no lovin?, Woopooga (Guest), 21-Jan-04 08:47 AM, #8
     Reply RE: What, no lovin?, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:55 AM, #18
     Reply Heh, Enbuergo1 (Guest), 21-Jan-04 08:48 AM, #9
     Reply RE: Heh, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:57 AM, #19
     Reply Great job, Kelrizza (Guest), 21-Jan-04 08:58 AM, #10
     Reply RE: Great job, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:58 AM, #21
     Reply My only interaction with you (with this character), Lerrik (Guest), 21-Jan-04 09:20 AM, #11
     Reply RE: My only interaction with you (with this character), jaynus, 21-Jan-04 11:57 AM, #20
     Reply Wench?, Soucivi (Guest), 21-Jan-04 11:05 AM, #12
     Reply RE: Wench?, jaynus, 21-Jan-04 12:01 PM, #22
     Reply I almost had another rager, and im glad you stuck it ou..., Slathigern (Guest), 21-Jan-04 04:57 PM, #26
     Reply *SCOWL*, Vex (Guest), 21-Jan-04 05:29 PM, #27
     Reply RE: WOW! What a ride!, Etarekoth (Guest), 21-Jan-04 05:36 PM, #28
     Reply My thoughts, Bemus-ed (Guest), 21-Jan-04 09:44 PM, #29
     Reply Come on pal., Guardlon (Guest), 22-Jan-04 12:12 AM, #30
     Reply RE: Come on pal., jaynus, 22-Jan-04 12:22 AM, #31
     Reply RE: Come on pal., Bemus-ed (Guest), 22-Jan-04 12:09 PM, #36
     Reply RE: Come on pal., Guardlon (Guest), 22-Jan-04 03:28 PM, #40
          Reply RE: Come on pal., Enbuergo1 (Guest), 22-Jan-04 04:57 PM, #41
     Reply By the way, I welcome all to comment and judge this int..., jaynus, 22-Jan-04 12:35 AM, #32
     Reply Interacting with you looked like a massive headache., The Forsaken (Guest), 22-Jan-04 01:23 AM, #33
     Reply RE: Come on pal., Hutto, 22-Jan-04 03:46 AM, #35
          Reply RE: Come on pal., jaynus, 22-Jan-04 05:34 AM, #37
     Reply RE: WOW! What a ride!, Baielko (Guest), 22-Jan-04 08:57 AM, #38
     Reply I don't know if you realize how much we interacted., Jaegrudai (Guest), 22-Jan-04 09:30 AM, #39
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