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Forum Name History & Lore
Topic subjectThe Rise of an Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=23
23, The Rise of an Empire
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A dwarven worker climbs from a pit in the Imperial lands and brushes the dirt and dust off himself.

The worker mutters to himself 'This'll do, until the Palace is finished. Damned Lords can't expect us to work round the clock.'

Flame suddenly surrounds the dwarf. When the flames disappear, only a charred corpse remains.

The other workers look on in fear and awe.

The Ebony Warlock looks down upon the Imperials lands, and his voice rings out.

'You have been paid. The Empire wishes results, not excuses. But this shall do, until the citizens fill our coffers, and the Palace rises in full.'

An ancient dark-elf and a massive minotaur appear beside the Ebony Warlock.

The dark-elf whispers, 'So it begins.'

With a sneer the minotaur points to the ruined ashes of the an Arcane sanctum.

The minotaur says, "Not all things will rise as they once were."

The Ebony Warlock crosses his arms and states, 'No, the betrayal of the Arcane will never be forgotten within the Empire.'

A figure in the shadows takes in the events, nods to himself, and slinks back into the darkness.

The Ebony Warlock looks around the lands in contempt. 'A humble beginning, but from this, an Empire shall rise.'

The dark lord Zulghinlour glances at the dark-elf and minotaur and proclaims, 'It is time. Begin the oathing.'