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Forum Name History & Lore
Topic subjectNew Religion: Innis the Younger
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=222
222, New Religion: Innis the Younger
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

(Human IMM) (OUTLANDER) Innis the Younger, Ancient Lord of the Summer Country

A point of golden light appears in the mist-shrouded darkness.

The darkness and mist grudgingly give way to the expanding sphere of radiant light.

A sunlit glade is revealed as the darkness is driven back.

From the east, a gentle breeze, brings the scent of a warm summer day.

For a moment or an eternity, a golden chalice hangs in the air, blazing with light, banishing the darkness.

A tall young man with eyes like suns reaches up and grasps the golden chalice in one hand.

The young man looks at the chalice, a wry smile on his lips.

"I was wondering when you'd show up. Is this the place?"

The Chalice flares with light, and a small amount of glowing water flows from the Chalice.

The glade is sancitified as the water flows across the ground bathing the area in a green-gold light.

"I guess so." the young man says with a chuckle. "Time to get to work."