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Topic subjectUpcoming Inn Event: Inn Hosts Talent Show
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=91&mesg_id=91
91, Upcoming Inn Event: Inn Hosts Talent Show
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

From : Matthen Mark-Hazid
To : all of you who KNOW you have talent!
Subject: The Inn Holds a Talent Show!


I KNOW you have talent! YOU know you have talent! Here's your chance to
prove it to the rest of Thera at the up-coming Talent Show! This event
will be held at the Stage of Fools in the Inn of the Eternal Star. I
welcoming anyone and everyone who has an act to come up and show us
what you've got, or simply to watch.

Third, Second, and First place winners will be announced, and I'll see
what I can do about prize money. But before I can guarantee prizes, you
need to guarantee me a show! Obviously, in order to have a talent show,
we have to have acts. So this is an invitation to all of you out there
who've got something to show off! I will be needing at least 5 to 10
acts to get this going! In order to sign up, simply send me a missive
stating your name, and your act, and any other additional information
you may want me to know, such as times you'll be available to perform.
You should bring your own props if you need them, but I will be willing
to decorate furniture, trash, or other miscellaneous items for you, if
you provide them.

I will try to set a time and day to fit everyone's schedules, and the
audience's convenience.

Matthen Mark-Hazid, Herald of the Eternal Star