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Topic subjectRepost: "Lessons from a Lich..."
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172, Repost: "Lessons from a Lich..."
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Lessons from a Lich..." Originally posted by Khadii

Recently, I read a post by Shokai about r-p'ing a good interacting with an Evil Immortal. I began to think back on the "lessons" I was given due to a promise made because of a lost fight. Below is the log of this, and while I do not consider myself to be a master of r-p, I thought I did a good job of playing a lightwalker forced to interact with Scarabaeus on a personal level. This log is perhaps one of the most enjoyable "Imm-teractions" I have had, simply due to the thought required as well as the role-playing.
For ease of reading, I edited the log somewhat, just to make it flow more smoothly. It is, however, somewhat lengthy. Anyway, enjoy...

Initial meeting:

Scarabaeus has transferred you.

Infernal Sanctum
This narrow room is dimly lit by the dying embers of a fire through the
lattice work of iron covering a broad stone hearth set into the west wall.
A high backed throne constructed from cleverly placed bones sits in the
shadows to the north, bathed in an eerie red light from above where an
enormous ruby phylactery throbs with power. Scanning the far reaches of the
room for a door, you fail to find any means of exit or entrance.

A stone font raised on an iron tripod sits beside the throne.
A diabolical figure casting three shadows hovers here in silence.

Khadii stumbles for a moment.

Scarabaeus examines you from his throne.

Khadii inclines his head in greeting, a short, careful bow.
You say 'I bid you greetings, Father of the Scarabs.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Mmm-hmm.'

Khadii swishes his tail for a moment before realizing he is doing it.

Scarabaeus taps a talon on his chin.
Scarabaeus whispers 'Well. Look what the cat drug in.'

Khadii stiffens for a moment but relaxes almost immediately.

Scarabaeus whispers 'No telling what can happen at a time like this, is there?'

You say 'As per my promise to the drow, won in... fair combat, I am here to seek your teachings.'
You say 'No, I suppose there is not.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'What kind of student are you, mortal?'

You say 'I am a... good student. I will honor my promise. Not just the words but the spirit.'

Scarabaeus leans back in his seat.
Scarabaeus whispers 'Very well.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'In all things dealing with truth, it is best to start with what is familiar.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'So let us start by examining you.'

Khadii brushes his forelock out of his eyes.

Scarabaeus clicks his teeth together.
Scarabaeus whispers 'Tell me about yourself.'

You say 'I am Khadii ti Khoresk ti Borrath. I was sent to these lands by my father to learn and grow.'
You say 'It is the tradition of my people that the Madjhi-mor-jatah be trained elsewhere than in our lands.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Why is that, do you think.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Educational incest?'

You say 'I am the jatah'ti, heir to the title of Madjhi-mor-jatah and so I was sent here, a land where my people had not set foot in many years.'
You say 'A... strange term but appropriate nonetheless.'
You say 'My land is a peaceful one, aside from the rare uprising.'
You say 'We have not seen turmoil in so long...'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Why train a peaceful citizen as an assassin.'

You say 'I am... more than a citizen.'
You say 'My family has served the Madjhi-mor since our progenitor founded our line and served as the first Madjhi-mor-jatah.'
You say 'We are the... Unseen. Those responsible for the safety of the Madjhi-mor.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Still, do you not find it odd that you were drawn to a training in which you kill from the shadows? A quick slice of the throat... unsuspecting...'

You say 'Our service sometimes requires the use of more? delicate means of handling enemies.'
You say 'Our way means very few die. Only those who oppose the rightful rule of the Madjhi-mor.'
You say 'That is why there is so rarely war in our lands.'
You say 'A body without a head has no drive, no force behind it.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You speak of rightful rule.'

You say 'Aye.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You were born then to curb the desires of others and channel them to do your will instead.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Presumptuous.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Who gave you that right?'

You say 'We do not rule in such a fashion.'
You say 'I do not rule at all, nor does my line.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Well, then. Let's follow that.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'If one opposes you, you kill them.'

You say 'If one opposes the Madjhi-mor, it may require their death, yes.'
You say 'If all other means fail.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Meaning, if they do not agree to do as they're told. If they cannot be convinced to do what is wished of them.'

You say 'They may do as they wish, so long as it does not harm others or the Madjhi-mor.'
You say 'If She is opposed, then we are called upon to judge what must be done.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'So let me clarify.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'You have harmed others, have you not?'

You say 'In these lands, yes.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Ah, so we come to the real reason for your journey here. Freedom to harm without penalty.'

Khadii shakes his head slightly.

Scarabaeus whispers 'For certainly these lands are not subject to your own morality.'

You feel as though you are being watched.
You say 'No, I have never fought one who did not challenge me or attack me.'
Khadii glances over his shoulder for a moment.
Khadii curses beneath his breath.

Scarabaeus whispers 'Hm?'

Khadii waves his hand for a moment, almost dismissively.
You say 'Too many are curious about my meeting with you.'
You say 'Pelevin, unfortunately, has the means to find out.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Well then'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Perhaps Pelevin is due a surprise.'

You say 'My apologies, I did not mean to distract.'
You say 'I do not mind that he may eavesdrop or watch. It is only... I did not know he was about.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Keep listening, Pelevin...'

Khadii swishes his tail for a moment.
You say 'In answer to your question, I did not seek these lands. I was sent.'
You say 'I do not seek to free myself of morality.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'So then. Continue your story. You're blessed with the status to slay all who oppose your ruler. You are here learning the deadly arts of assassination. And...?'

You say 'I was... sidetracked. The Ehren Guard seemed the embodiment of all I have strived to become.'
You say 'My father still expects me to replace him. I have not written him back since... the fight.'
You say 'I do not know how he will react to my... meeting with you.'
Khadii takes a deep breath.
You say 'And so I am waiting to see what will happen.'
You say 'Will I return to my home or will I stay here.'
You say 'I have brothers who can take my place. Even now they are on their own quests.'

Scarabaeus dismisses that with the wave of a hand.
Scarabaeus whispers 'Circumstance is of no interest here.'

You say 'Very well.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Although...'
Scarabaeus taps his chin with a talon.
Scarabaeus whispers 'Let us pursue this line of thought differently.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'First.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'What is it you desire?'

You say 'To present myself as an example of Honor as best I can.'
You say 'If one learns from my example, then I will be happy.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Why?'

You say 'Because there are so few in this land who know the path of Honor. Too many hunt with the pack mentality.'
You say 'Do they kill because they desire it or because the pack pushes them to do so?'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Does it matter why they kill one another?'

You say 'In war, there is no one man who is blamed for deaths on the battlefield, other than the leader or ruler.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'So in war only the ruler faces consequences for their actions?'

You say 'If asked his reasons for beginning the war, if he says conquest, power, or wealth, he has given a reason.'
You say 'No, each man will face his own jury in the form of his conscience.'
You say 'He will be responsible for his own actions.'
You say 'But if he is asked why he was fighting in a War, do you think he might not know why he was asked to kill his neighbor?'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You said the leader or ruler is the one who is blamed for deaths on the battlefield.'

You say 'Only in that a reason for killing may not be forthcoming.'
You say 'If one kills because one is ordered to do so, they may never have a reason beyond that.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'And armies fighting armies...'

You say 'But if I fight and am forced to kill, there is always a reason for it. And it does matter.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'do not armies face the "pack mentality" you mention?'

You say 'Aye, and it is why my people have strove so long to end the possibility of war in our lands.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Do you fault armies for what they do?'

You say 'No. They follow orders.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Then they are guiltless in your eyes, so long as they are following orders.'

You say 'As I said, an army is ordered. If a man feels his orders immoral or irresponsible and yet he still carries them out, he will answer to himself for his actions.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Let's examine the Maran army for a moment.'

You say 'As a pack or an army, the head leads. Where the head leads, the body follows. Without a head, there is no pack.'
You say 'Very well.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You say you wish to bring Honor to the lands.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'The Maran are far from honorable. They destroy by any means possible. The ends justify the means.'

You say 'In my eyes, they do not.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Oh?'

You say 'I have queried several of them on their methods.'
You say 'I do not see the Marans as an army.'
You say 'There is more discipline in the ranks of the Village.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'They have a fortress. They have a leader. What is it you would call them?'
Scarabaeus whispers 'They are at "war" with the Dark.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'By my reckoning that is called an army.'

You say 'A... force.'
You say 'For the sake of argument, I will view them as an army.'
You say 'They are commanded by a mortal leader.'
You say 'If he commands that they slay evil beings by any means necessary, then it is the fault of the man, not the army.'
You say 'But...'
You say 'If the army is not commanded to do such and does so anyway and the leader does not put a halt to it, it is still the fault of the leader.'
You say 'But the army now thinks for itself and is thus responsible for its own actions as well as the leader being responsible.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'the "Holy Brigade of the Phoenix" then, you feel, is an honorable army'
Scarabaeus whispers 'correct?'

You say 'I have heard that there have been... incidents.'
You say 'But I cannot trust the words of a Scion. They have proven time and again that they are not to be trusted.'
You say 'If I were to witness a Maran engaging in dishonorable combat, I would seek to challenge them as I would any other person.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'I thought you said you only fought those who challenged or attacked you. Not the other way around.'

You say 'It would sadden me to do so but there is no reason for creatures of the light to use the tactics of their enemies.'
You say 'In engaging in dishonorable combat, they challenge Honor itself. That in turn is challenging any who follow Honor as I do.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Of course. So you are free to kill whoever you choose, so long as what they do offends you and you first warn them that you're about to kill them. '

You say 'At least, that is how I think I must view it to be able to challenge a being of light.'
You say 'I have not yet found it necessary to challenge the Marans. In honesty, I do not know how I will handle it.'
You say 'I spoke truth about the fights I have found myself in to this day.'
You say 'I have yet had to challenge an individual.'
You say 'If I am attacked and I see a way to even the odds, I have done so by forcing them to duel me in the arena.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'How is it that you, with mortal knowledge, can determine what is right and wrong, let alone what is fair and what is not fair?'

You say 'I am chosen to uphold Honor by mah'D'tan Balgrimnr. He has seen that I can decide what is Honorable and what is not. I have never claimed to be able to judge right and wrong.'
You say 'I am more tolerant of a being's race or beliefs than most who walk in the light.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'And yet you have only slain those of the dark.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'In reality, you've done nothing to correct the dishonorable of the world'

You say 'Aye. There has never been conflict with those who have walked in the light or Balance.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Since by your own admittance, you have yet to witness anything dishonorable.'

You say 'I have. And I challenged them for it.'
You say 'Those who travel with hired mercenaries and attack others, those who can call upon the Nightwalker to assist them.'
You say 'I would challenge a conjurer if I saw them fighting a single foe with the creatures he had summoned.'
You say 'Not all follow the path of Honor and so feel little obligation to speak truth as I do.'
You say 'If I do not witness a thing, I do not believe a thing.'
Khadii takes a deep breath.

Scarabaeus whispers 'Very well. That will do for now. You will begin the lesson when next we meet.'

Khadii bows cautiously.
You say 'As you say, Father of the Scarabs.'

Scarabaeus has transferred you.
The Fortress of Doom
Before you stands a small keep, black as pitch, amidst the forest. The
trees surrounding it are bare and gnarled, with skeletons hanging from
the branches or strewn about haphazardly. Glancing through the iron
portcullis guarding the entrance, you see dim torchlight. You walk closer,
and note that the entire keep is made from the same black iron. It is
extremely cold to the touch. A trail leads away from here though the forest
to the west.

A doomsayer wanders around, shouting about the end of the world.
(Invis) A man dressed entirely in black stands guard over the guild.

The second meeting: The lessons begin

<1010hp 555m 599mv>
Scarabaeus has transferred you.
Infernal Sanctum
This narrow room is dimly lit by the dying embers of a fire through the
lattice work of iron covering a broad stone hearth set into the west wall.
A high backed throne constructed from cleverly placed bones sits in the
shadows to the north, bathed in an eerie red light from above where an
enormous ruby phylactery throbs with power. Scanning the far reaches of the
room for a door, you fail to find any means of exit or entrance.

A stone font raised on an iron tripod sits beside the throne.
A diabolical figure casting three shadows hovers here in silence.

Khadii bows cautiously.

Scarabaeus whispers 'Your little friend has been active on your behalf.'
Scarabaeus taps a talon on the arm of his throne.

You say 'I ask that you not consider her bargaining.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Too late.'

You say 'I will not involve another in my troubles.'

A malicious grin passes over the Lich's face.

Khadii swishes his tail.
You say 'I... see.'

Scarabaeus clicks his teeth together.
Scarabaeus whispers 'You know... I must say'

You say 'Then I will do what I must to release her from any debts.'
Khadii listens.

Scarabaeus whispers 'The fela will make an interesting addition to my cages.'

Khadii stiffens and flexes his foreclaws.

Scarabaeus whispers 'After all... your kind is meant to be collared, no?'
Scarabaeus rises from the throne.

Khadii twitches his tail angrily.
You say 'That was in the past, Father of Devils.'
You say 'We are no longer beasts of labor.'

Scarabaeus glides foreward.
Scarabaeus whispers 'Ah, it's bred in your blood now.'

Khadii instinctively takes a step back.

Scarabaeus whispers 'Can't escape the blood.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'So then. Here we are. What a delight to see you again.'

You say 'I cannot say the same.'
You say 'But I will honor my promise.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'When I was determining your fitness for this process'

Khadii quietly listens, his tail still twitching angrily.

Scarabaeus whispers 'you said, "if I do not witness a thing, I do not believe a thing"'

Khadii nods quietly, his eyes suspicious.

Scarabaeus raises a skeletal hand.
Scarabaeus whispers 'Oh come now'
Scarabaeus whispers 'This defensiveness is unbecoming.'

You say 'Would you act differently if our positions were reversed?'

A sound escapes the Lich. Not quite a sigh, not quite a laugh.

Khadii makes a visible effort to relax, his tail continuing its twitching.

Scarabaeus whispers 'We shill start with basics. As you are a beast of burden, we shall start with the nature of Nature.'

Khadii narrows his eyes, his lips tightening he continues to listen.

Scarabaeus whispers 'The beasts of the wild are free, are they not?'

You say 'Aye.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Scampering here and there, going about their beastly business.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'How wonderful they are.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Let us first examine the nature of a beast. I'm certain this is all very familiar to you.'

Khadii growls softly for a moment.
You say 'Very well. I am listening.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'A beast walks the world doing what its instincts tell it to do. It sleeps when it is tired. It ruts with other beasts when it chooses. It kills when it desires death. It eats what it can.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Very simple.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'In fact, very pure.'

You say 'A beast may kill to satisfy hunger but it does not kill for sport.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Untrue.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'A beast will kill for several reasons. Kill or be killed.'

You say 'True.'
You say 'But it still does not kill for sport.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Beasts of the wild are unfettered by the restraints mortals have placed upon themselves. They seek pleasure, comfort, death -- whatever enters their thoughts -- without regard to'
Scarabaeus whispers '"appropriateness".'

You say 'It could be argued that they are unfettered by the same intelligence that man possesses.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Indeed. Man has forgotten instinct.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Through all this, only one thing fails the beast of the wild.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Fear.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Fear is what has also failed Man.'

Khadii looks curious despite his misgivings.

Scarabaeus whispers 'Would you agree with me that Fear is often counterproductive?'

You say 'It can be. But it may also push one to flee from something that might cause permanent injury.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Of course. That's the answer most will flee to whenever confronted with the question of Fear.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'It's a double-bladed sword.'

Khadii nods quietly.

Scarabaeus whispers 'Man looks down on those who are without courage, and yet they are quick to forget that in other arenas.'

You say 'Some men may.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Decisions based on Fear hinder Man from reaching the heavens. It's a matter of choice. It's a matter of purity.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Let's continue with a more graphic example.'
Scarabaeus glides towards you.
Scarabaeus looks at you.

Khadii instinctively backs away, just a step, before he returns to his original position.

Scarabaeus reaches out with a skeletal hand and scratches you behind an ear.
Scarabaeus whispers 'That's a good kitty.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Now, let us assume that something drastic were to happen to you'

Khadii growls softly, his foreclaws flexing before he relaxes.

Scarabaeus whispers 'for example'
Scarabaeus suddenly reaches out and begins to crush your windpipe!
Scarabaeus whispers 'Let's say you were being strangled to death.'

Khadii chokes and grabs at the skeletal arm.

You convulsively fight to breathe!

Scarabaeus whispers 'Now... this can lead down a few paths.'

You convulsively fight to breathe!

Scarabaeus releases you!

Scarabaeus whispers 'What is your first instinct, mortal?'

Khadii rubs his throat and gasps.
You say 'To strike out. But you are an immortal lord. Striking you would do no good.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'And what is it you desire? What is in your heart?'

Khadii straightens from where he crouches on the ground, pulling his hand from rubbing his throat.
You say 'My desire is to be free of my promise but I will honor my word.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Certainly you desire more than that.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'I can strike you down if that will cue your memory.'

Khadii frowns for a moment.
You say 'My truest desire, the one I hold in my heart, is to be the truest example of Honor I can be.'

Scarabaeus appears non-plussed.
Scarabaeus turns to one side.
Scarabaeus whispers 'If your intention in coming here is merely to spout dogma'

You say 'The danger is over, Father of the Scarabs. I no longer seek to free myself.'
You say 'Is that the desire you speak of?'

The Lich's eyes burn with crimson light.
Scarabaeus chuckles with the sound of grinding bones.
Scarabaeus whispers 'You think the danger is over.'
Scarabaeus faces you.

You say 'I do not delude myself.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'It hasn't even begun.'

You say 'The immediate danger is past. For me, there is a constant danger in merely being in your presence.'
You say 'I will control my fear, however.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'And what does controlling your fear do for you?'

Khadii rubs at his throat for a moment, his hand returning to his side as he realizes its action.
You say 'It allows me to think clearly. If I had struck out at you when you were choking me, I would surely have died.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'And if that had happened?'

You say 'Then I would have returned to the Temple to proceed with my lesson.'
You say 'If it is my death you seek, I cannot run far enough to escape you.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'This, is true.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'The desire to lash out at me.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Do you find that improper?'

You say 'Considering the outcome, yes.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'I am unconcerned with consequence.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'You find the desire improper then.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'So the only time your desires are appropriate is when they do not risk something.'

Khadii turns and takes several steps as he considers his answer.
You say 'I am unsure. On the one hand, were you a mortal, I may have been able to escape the hold...'
Khadii turns to face the Lich once more, his steps returning him to his original position.
You say 'On the other hand, were you mortal, I may have not been able to escape.'
You say 'In answer, not considering the consequences, no, I do not believe it was inappropriate.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You have fallen to the blades of others. Were your desires inappropriate at those times?'

You say 'No. Had I been able to run, I would have done so without shame.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'So then, which of your desires are good, and which are bad?'
Scarabaeus glides back towards the throne.
Scarabaeus sits on the throne.

You say 'If I desire to harm another in revenge, it is inappropriate as well as unbefitting to one such as I.'

Scarabaeus gestures for you to continue.

You say 'Just as I should not let fear cloud my thoughts, I would not let anger do the same.'
You say 'Thoughts of revenge are merely reflections of anger one feels towards another.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'What is it you feel when you see a dishonorable act?'
Scarabaeus whispers 'What inspires you to strike down the offender?'

You say 'I feel some anger, admittedly, but I seek to teach those who do not know Honor the proper way.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Oh come now.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Be honest.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'If you're going to learn anything here, skirting the truth will not serve you.'

Khadii shakes his head, brushing his forelock out of his eyes.
You say 'I feel anger, it is true, but I also feel disgust that another would perform such an action.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Let us say a party of Orcs were to come and strike you down.'

You say 'Which has happened.'
Khadii chuckles deep in the back of his throat, producing more of an amused growl than a chuckle.

Scarabaeus whispers 'You would not hunt them to "teach them the proper way"?'

You say 'I would speak with them... after such had happened.'
You say 'I always speak with my opponents after a fight.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Certainly they've been receptive to your words and have ammended their ways.'

Khadii looks at the floor for a moment.
You say 'No.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'That sounds like fear or shame speaking.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Revenge is wrong. Convenient, I suppose.'
Scarabaeus folds his skeletal hands before him.
You say 'No. In honesty, it is something of disgust and something of disappointment.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'In who? Predator or prey?'

You say 'Disappointment in my opponent that they cannot see that the only true victory lies through Honor.'
You say 'And disgust in myself for having to resort to such means of teaching Honor.'
You say 'There have been those who have listened to my words, nodded their head as if they agreed, and then returned to their "pack" to hunt again.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'So you are disgusted then by your own nature. Your desire to harm them for their transgressions.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Do you think that is why the gods have created Man? To be disgusted at their own nature?'

You say 'No, I am not disgusted by my nature. I am disgusted more so by the fact that I must resort to such means.'
You say 'No, I do not believe that is why the Gods created man.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You feel anger and you are ashamed by it.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'You desire revenge, but feel it would be wrong.'

Khadii glances at one sharpened claw for a moment.
You say 'I am... unsure.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You perhaps even desire to bend your own rules in an attempt to gain footing.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'For certainly'
Scarabaeus whispers 'You are a single mortal attempting to hold back the rushing tide.'

Khadii nods quietly.
You say 'I do feel that way at times. But surely there have been others who have felt as I do. It is that reason that I know I will not be the only one who will act as I do.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'So you smother your desires because, certainly, one day, others will live a life similar to yours.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'Smothering their desires in like fashion.'
Scarabaeus whispers 'A little misleading, don't you think?'

You say 'Perhaps. But I do not think in that fashion.'
You say 'I cannot see how my desire to serve Honor is misleading.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'Of course not.'

Khadii swishes his tail for a moment.

Scarabaeus whispers 'A mortal wishes to die by my hand. We shall continue this first lesson later.'

You say 'I do not smother my desires. I do not wish to harm others in a fury and so I supress the anger.'
Khadii nods quietly.
You say 'Very well, Father of the Scarabs.'
Khadii bows cautiously.

Scarabaeus waves a skeletal hand.
Scarabaeus has transferred you.
Stone steps before the Temple of the Scarab
Fluted iron urns atop squat, decorated pillars flank the wide stone steps
that rise at a steep angle to the Temple fascade to the south. Twin flames
burn within the urns, the light dancing upon the runes carved above the
temple entryway. A massive block of bloodstone carved into the shape of
a winged scarab spreads across the pale stones of the portico. At the top
of the steps an arched entrance leads into the Temple. To the north a gate
leads out to the darkened city.

(Hide) Jererraric the dark-elf is sitting here.
A leering gargoyle hunches here, guarding the temple entrance.

Khadii shakes his head to clear it.