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Topic subjectNew Immortal: Alarian
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=146&mesg_id=146
146, New Immortal: Alarian
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

(TRIBUNAL) Alarian the Genesis of the Coming Order, Priest of the Ki-rin

A vision suddenly overcomes you, and you find yourself watching events elsewhere.

On the top of a tall watchtower overlooking Seantryn Modan stands an elderly human dressed in white robes.

He carries an ornate mace, and is marked with the fiery winged ki-rin upon his breastplate.

His gaze is vigilant as he watches over the city, making certain law and order prevails.

Alarian says quietly 'The watch goes well this night.'

Suddenly a heavy pall settles over the watchtower, and a great presence can be felt.

Grurk says menacingly 'Still standing about doing nothing now, are you?'

Alarian stiffens, but does not turn around.

Alarian says shakily 'What do you want, Betrayer?'

A dark chuckle can be heard, acompanied by the sound of steel rasping against steel.

Without warning, the blade of an axe flies through the air with a "whooshing" sound, streaking for Alarian's neck!

The axe suddenly strikes an invisible barrier in the air, sending up a shower of sparks.

Grurk recoils and turns about, snarling.

Grurk yells 'Ki-rin! Show yourself! Come protect your lapdog!'

Fiery wings spread wide, Velkurah settles upon the watchtower.

Velkurah says 'No, Betrayer. This one can protect himself from the likes of you.'

A gleaming light forms around Alarian, nearly obscuring him from view. As it fades, he stands upon the watchtower, looking renewed in his might.

Alarian turns toward Grurk, drawing his weapon with confidence.

Alarian says 'Come Betrayer, we are ready for you.'

Grurk yells 'You wont get away with this, dogs. Vengeance will be mine!'

With another snarl, Grurk disappears in a flash of bluish flames.

The vision fades from your head, leaving you wondering.

Join me in giving a hearty congratulations to Alarian!
