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Topic subjectPlayer Identity Revealed
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=27541
27541, Player Identity Revealed
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it now acceptable for people to say who they are playing? Posting logs of their active character with their handle revealed?

I thought at one point, this was frowned upon. Enough so, that it was a punishable rule violation. Of course, I can't seem to recall ever seeing it in any rules.

I think it's common knowledge that we're talking about Ahtieli = Illiet = Elhe.
27575, My 2 cents
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know the whole story about Ahtieli and the rest of the playerbase.

But consider this:

1) It's almost impossible to hide your identify while playing somewhat significant character for several years regardless how hard you try. Every player has style, speech patterns, PK patterns, RP patterns, etc.

2) Especially if are somewhat deadly or are outstanding in any other aspect because it attracts others attention and curiousity and they make additional efforts in digging.

3) Especially if you are an ESL person.

Plus, immortals are humans too. They can see IPs and they have snoop, so they can identify a person even against their own wish and more so if they actually wish (and curious). And if a person is alive for several years the leakage happens directly or indirectly, on purpose or accidentally (through hinting posts on this forum, for example, or any other means).

27572, Just as an FYI...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've brought at least one other player up to talk to them about this, and that's all I did, was talk. Ie tell them to knock it off. There was no denial or anything like that.

That was one particularly long-lived char (even at the time).

If someone rolled up some char last week, was like level 25, and outted himself as someone who had a well-known char list? Yeah I might deny, depending on how the talk went.

But a char as long-lasting as that particular one (or as long-lasting as Ahtieli), I'm not going to deny for that. That doesn't help anyone.

In general, I view the rule as being in place to stop someone from doing something like this:

Tweedledee the cloud giant hero is nice to lowbies. He kills the midnight dragon all the time, gives them gear, because he's bored.

One day, the player rolls Tweedledum the human assassin. He posts a few times in an obvious attempt to let everyone know that he's also Tweedledee, the nice guy who gives out stuff. Then in game as the lowbie assassin, he's asking for eq from some of the chars that he helped out with his other char.

Having people know the past chars of an uberlich type char doesn't really give that uberlich any sort of advantage.

It's not something we like to see happen in general, though.
27573, Good to add
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that it actualy gave me a lot of troubles.
27574, Good rule of thumb for everyone
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never discuss your active characters on the forums.

Not as an alternate account, not as an anonymous user. Post at most one clarification of the circumstances if people are confused, but don't get sucked into a discussion. Don't argue about whether you gang, whether you're a full-saccing griefer or a one-trick-pony with unfair powers. Post your log and then leave it alone. Even if it seems like everyone is saying who you are and you think it's obvious from your play.

27543, Thing is that
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. I think there were no posts from Elhe account saying that Elhe = Ahtieli.

2. There were a lot of posts from people like you about Elhe = Ahtieli, which were not deleted by VIPs at qhcf.

3. Immortals of CF however did not let bitches like you to post something like this on official forum untill now.

4. Illiet account did not have posts sayin that Illiet = Elhe. It was saying Illiet = Ahtieli. As I remember it's not forbitten to make a new account at qhcf to post logs as char.

5. Yes, I post logs under Illiet account because you can not edit posted logs if you posted them as logfiend. And personally I need an ability to edit out lich things in case I forgot to cut them off.

Summary: You should go and ask yourself and VIPS at qhcf, why you were such a #### to post about Elhe = Ahtieli? And why vips allow you to do so, while it's against rules of qhcf.
27544, RE: Thing is that
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Summary: You should go and ask yourself and VIPS at qhcf, why
>you were such a #### to post about Elhe = Ahtieli? And why
>vips allow you to do so, while it's against rules of qhcf.

I think that you've effectively outed yourself with a dozens of hints in there. Then Captain Obvious comes and says it aloud. Personally, I think that such posts are better off deleted, but that would mean that we should probably delete half of your posts on the topics related to Ahtieli. In the beginning we did so, but it is difficult to protect a character's anonymity when the player himself doesn't seem to try very hard to hide who he is playing. I personally don't recall leaving any such post up that states Elhe=Ahtieli, but someone might not have cared due to thinking that everyone knows it already. I also don't recall any user reported posts stating Elhe=Ahtieli left purposefully up.
27545, Agreed.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
27546, RE: Thing is that
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it was so, yea you are right. But alas it was in different way, of course I'm far from thinking that all you do is watching for my posts and posts about me so no questions why you missed how it actualy was.

I did post anything that could be exact prove or make it totaly obvious who is behind Ahtieli for one simple reasons, I did not want to be denied.

Of course it was not too hard to figure by just watching my char.

Then some douches went out and posted at QHCF who is behind char, few times such posts were deleted and few times they were not. I kept silence till the time when everyone just got a "right" (even if it is still against forum rules) to post such thing about Ahtieli.

After that I was not trying to hide who is behind char.

All in all, my "hints" went in AFTER vips of qhcf let some morons to post that, not before.
27547, Here's a crazy idea.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How about you don't let people know who your char is. People will speculate, guess, post and collaberate but they never KNOW until you tell someone.

You outted yourself, no one made you. Someone spent the better part of the week trying to hint Beront was playing Ahtieli. Do you remember them? Probably not, because without affirmation the crazy voices get ignored.

If you're so easy to guess and they did it purely by meeting you in-game, then again, it's your own fault. And again for confirming that they're right, so others can make the connection.

We can't silence information that's bad for the game, we can only suppress it to the point it's not a threat. You seem to be blaming us for not performing miracles and ignoring the fact that YOU are the one who actually tipped ME off. I didn't know until you started arguing about Ahtieli with Elhe, with the seeming belief everyone already knew.

Edit: Re-read the above, because that seems to be when everyone else on QHCF made the connection. Not just me.

You can choose to ignore this, and believe what you always have. But a wise person once told me it's far easier to blame others than see the faults in yourself.

27548, I don't know why you just ignore everything I've wrote.
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okey I'm guilty. Does it make you happy? I'm just got tired of proving anything to people who just ignore everything I've wrote and ignoring pure facts when I post logs or such. Quite fresh example was goodbye thread of Liethkim.
27549, Did you report that post?
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>All in all, my "hints" went in AFTER vips of qhcf let some
>morons to post that, not before.

Some moron making an Elhe=Ahtieli theory doesn't necessarily mean that it is true. When you see such rules violation in forums, you should report it. In the cases when a VIP is unsure whether the post should stay or go, a violation report can be a deciding factor in favor of deletion in addition to getting a VIP react to the post due to the report. My stance is that if you didn't report it, don't complain about it not getting deleted.
27550, If I'd report it
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it would be equal if I said VIPS that I play Ahtieli. Don't you think so?
27551, Not really
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
False accusations are also against rules. You could be reporting them out of principle. In addition, I think that VIP's shouldn't be talking to non-VIP's about what was reported by whom or spread speculation based on reports. In my opinion, the reason could be just as well that you don't like that people trying to guess your characters and report it out of principle.

I understand your concern, but reporting is not quite the same thing as saying that you play that character, as the VIP could only assume instead of knowing. Assuming can make an ass out of you.
27552, RE: Not really
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reporting as someone who never reports will sure put you thinking that it's my char :P
28361, RE: Thing is that
Posted by Prometeuss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Personally, I think that such posts are better off
>deleted, but that would mean that we should probably delete
>half of your posts on the topics related to Ahtieli.

So do your ####ing work and delete those posts instead of ruining character using your VIP status only because you dislike Ahtieli or russian players.

I am completely objective here, I'm not friend of you or Ahtieli. But as I wrote in another thread, you and people like you (pseudo-vip stuff) are ruining CF and it's atmosphere. If you care for CF, stop being subjective bitches and do your work, or remove yourself from pseudo-vip stuff and find someone who can be cold and objective, who will moderate qhcf instead of using it for their personal gain.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for agressivenes - it's not toward you, but toward all those pseudo-vips who do nothing but harming CF.
27553, RE: Thing is that
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1. I think there were no posts from Elhe account saying that
>Elhe = Ahtieli.

I don't think you ever came out and said it exactly, but you made it extremely obvious -- I'd have to dig back for specifics.
27554, RE: Thing is that
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I bet that's so, I don't think you should dig for it. But there is small thing, it happened when EVERYONE(except some lazy people :P ) already knew who is behind char more than that.. these people were allowed to post about it, not at official though.

I've seen such post here only twice(Jhyrb and somebody else) here and most likely all of them were deleted.
27555, Doesn't help that...
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
....the entire IRC crew knows that you play Ahtieli either.
27556, RE: Thing is that
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically I think the disconnect between you and a handful of people posting is that at some point, you decided "Everyone knows, I'm going to stop trying to hide it" at a point when it seems like a lot more people than you thought didn't know yet.

To those people (including me) it seems like you outted yourself because we had no idea.
27557, Yes and no.
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The main disconnect is that I'm explaining why this happened, why at some point I've stopped hiding who is behind char. While they are just saying that I was outed myself.

Was I right or wrong? Who knows..

I belive I was right, some of your belive that no. I'm totaly sure that most of those who think I was wrong even don't remember how this actualy happened, because .. umm.. it's not like they must remember my char at all.

>> you decided "Everyone knows, I'm going to stop trying to hide it
>> "at a point when it seems like a lot more people than you thought >> didn't know yet.

I've decided: I know how much people and who exactly knew I'm playing Ahtieli. Everyone who would like to figure it out will know it in like 5 mins. Yes, may be "majority"
of player base did not know it. But as I said they would need like 5 mins to find it out by asking their ooc friends.

>>To those people (including me) it seems like you outted yourself
>>because we had no idea.

Those people were not interested in that question yet, otherwise they would know it. Especialy you :P
27558, Some perspective...
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked both you (Illiet/Elhe/Ahtieli/whatever) and your character (Ahtieli) much more before the connection was ever made publicly.
27559, RE: Yes and no.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Those people were not interested in that question yet,
>otherwise they would know it. Especialy you :P

Just because I could know something, doesn't mean I want to.
27560, eheh
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My guess is that only the people who actually interacted with your char knew who you were. It's always fun interacting with a char and then comming out of that interaction with a single thought.. "Oh, hi Elhe." there's no ammount of roleplay that can disguise ESL. (At least, not any sort of RP that you've thought of trying.) BTW, do you have those logs Thinhallen was asking for??? He keeps bugging me about them. I keep telling him those logs do not exist, but he doesn't believe that someone can be that lame for so long.

27561, RE: eheh
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. You were that bitch that came out on qhcf and posted that Elhe = Ahtieli so #### you moron

2. Thinhallen did not answer my question, so I'm not going to post any logs untill he explains wtf he ment.
27562, My interpretation...
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Post the logs of you taking a chance. I know of one instance from one of my chars lives, but it wasn't because you tried something, you just got surprised. He specifically is calling you on your bs about being willing to take risks.
27563, Heh~
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
27564, All of the times that Elhe defend Ahtieli on the forums comes to mind. nt
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
27565, The post that finally said Elhe = Ahtieli was unnecessa...
Posted by Bell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
of all the previous posts by the Elhe handle vehemently defending the Ahtieli character with information that only Ahtieli's player (or a confidant) would have known. You went through a phase where you did this a lot. Originally I thought you were just friends with Ahtieli's player, but you posted so much that it became obvious that it was you playing the char. I'm not saying I think it was intentional. I just don't think your posts as Elhe were as distanced from the char as you thought they were. Maybe its an ESL thing. But really, it was CRYSTAL clear on the face of the posts.

Two cents from somebody with no dog in the fight.

P.S. I know one (maybe zero) other people who currently play CF and haven't been into dangerroom in at least five years. It was so obvious that I didn't need to ask around or find corroboration.
27566, Did you read what I've wrote?
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I said that at one point I stopped pretending I'm not playing Ahtieli.

I explained when and why this happened. But you still ignore everything I've wrote and say that I left hits.

#### YES, I left hints after that was not important already. Did you ####ing read what I write or no?
27567, Yes I did.
Posted by Bell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excuse me for not being clear enough, let me try again.

All the stuff I said in my last post is applicable to the period <i>before<i/> you stopped <i>trying</i> (unsuccessfully) to keep people from knowing you played Ahtieli. I understand what you meant, you should be sure you understand what other people mean before you accuse them of being the ones who don't understand. Also, since what we're talking about here is whether or not YOU understood that you were outing your character with the things you wrote, I would suggest you check your own reading comprehension out before you assume that <i>everyone else</i> has misread something.

Regardless of how great your char is (I do think Ahtieli is a great char) you aren't unbeatable OOC yet, pal. ;)
27568, RE: Thing is that
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you posted logs as Illiet, and ONLY posted logs, then it wouldn't be a problem. At all. People would just see Illiet and be like huh, I wonder who the heck that is.

But you choose to respond to every thread that portrays you in a bad light, and try to argue your delusional points of view to back up your IC actions as one of these handles: Ahtieli, Elhe or Illiet. And it isn't just things about you IC. Any necromancer, lich or empire topic comes up, and we see one of those three handles. This has been happening for many, many months.

And guess what? You still don't see that. And you still don't give a crap.

Why don't you practice what you preach, and leave IC as IC, and stop bleeding your character over into the forums.

This entire thread epitomizes your actions during the course of Ahtieli:

27569, Okey I will try to explain it as simple as possible
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am saying: I did X because of Y and got result Z

You are saying: You did X. And you deny that you have done it. It's your fault you got result Z.

Should I add anything?
27570, Dude...you post logs from ahtieli's perspective under your "illiet" handle...
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could anyone, barring a complete idiot not know that you are Illiet/Elhe.

27571, You already proved
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
your complete lack of logic. That's probably why you left one discussion you started and came to post #### in another discussion. Yay!
28343, Couple of points
Posted by Daurwyn2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. VIPs can't get to everything in time.
2. Whilst I agree that much of what others posted about you should not have been posted, you also did yourself no favours with your posting. The problem is, once you defend yourself the accusations won't stop coming.
27542, RE: Player Identity Revealed
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm not a fan of player identity being outed like that either and I wish (as a staff) we'd kept cracking on that, but at this point it went without enforcement so long that no matter what we could do, it would make as many people pissed as happy.