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Topic subjectPonderings...
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187, Ponderings...
Posted by Uglyhead on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A few things I've been thinking about...

1. Rangers and Druids, being quite accustomed to nature and wilderness and crunk like that... well... it makes a bit of sense that they would be capable of quitting out in certain wilderness areas. the ones at a certain level, at least. or are they already capable of that, and I'm not aware of it?

2. From what I've read, it seems that invokers are capable of owning just about everything and everyone else ? is this true ? I used to play invokers years ago... I often died. But, maybe that was just because I was a silly, overcofident newbie who hardly even knew how to get things off of the floor.

3. Do you think some kind of non-lethal form of PKing is a possibility ? I mean, some kind of arena perhaps, where all that is at risk is your money, not your life, gear, and constitution. a spot where Newbies will have a chance at seeing what the harsh world of PK'ing will have in store for them. Or do they already have something like this in....?

4. Why does it seem that some kinds of food make you non-hungry for longer than others ? Tomatoes, for example, I don't think that those things fend off starvation at all... whereas a loaf of bread'll keep you going very well... And why do you get hungry so often ?

5. Um... necromancers, if given enough time, are capable of raising an army of undead to do their bidding, correct ? if yes, Ah good, that's the way necromancers SHOULD be... I've played other games where even hero level necromancers can only have one... or was it two... undead servants. if the answer is no, then, Oh poo...

6. From what I've seen... it appears that thieves are the poor man's assasin, is this true ? I mean, what do they get... hide ? yeah, and piles of other classes are capable of concealing themselves, some even do a better job than thieves. Trip and cheap shot ? yeah, actually that doesen't sound too bad... Now, y'know what'd help the thieve's situation a bit ? A little thing that was in another MUD I played, it was called 'Envenom' it let thieves coat sharp weapons with some poison. What ? you say assasin's already have a similar skill ? oh... why not give thieves that, then ?

7. Ah... yes... now that I think about poison, I find myself thinking about another health-draining condition... but the one I'm thinking about doesen't seem to exist at the moment.


you are affected by:
The spell 'Armor'
The (skill? spell? condition?) 'Bleeding'

to put it simply, people who get hit by too many sharp things oughta start suffering hp loss due to blood loss... but they don't.

Your wounds slowly ooze blood.
Your bleeding injures you.

Of course, so it won't replace poison, why not just have it last for a short time...?

8. Uh... that's about it.
188, RE: Ponderings...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1. Rangers and Druids, being quite accustomed to nature and
>wilderness and crunk like that... well... it makes a bit of
>sense that they would be capable of quitting out in certain
>wilderness areas. the ones at a certain level, at least. or
>are they already capable of that, and I'm not aware of it?

You can quest to have your recall point changed to a wilnderness location. Approach one of the wildernessy type deities. Obviously you would want to have a good reason for it to be moved, i.e. something more than "so people won't kill me when I recall".

>2. From what I've read, it seems that invokers are capable
>of owning just about everything and everyone else ? is this
>true ? I used to play invokers years ago... I often died.
>But, maybe that was just because I was a silly, overcofident
>newbie who hardly even knew how to get things off of the

Yes, competant and knowledgable invokers do tend to kick ass.

>3. Do you think some kind of non-lethal form of PKing is a
>possibility ? I mean, some kind of arena perhaps, where all
>that is at risk is your money, not your life, gear, and
>constitution. a spot where Newbies will have a chance at
>seeing what the harsh world of PK'ing will have in store for
>them. Or do they already have something like this in....?

This would be interesting, but I don't see it happening. You can come close by dueling with a friend.

>4. Why does it seem that some kinds of food make you
>non-hungry for longer than others ? Tomatoes, for example, I
>don't think that those things fend off starvation at all...
>whereas a loaf of bread'll keep you going very well... And
>why do you get hungry so often ?

Some foods are more filling than others. I'm pretty sure the frequency of hunger in Thera pretty much corresponds to real life, i.e. you have to eat about once a day or you start to starve.

>5. Um... necromancers, if given enough time, are capable of
>raising an army of undead to do their bidding, correct ? if
>yes, Ah good, that's the way necromancers SHOULD be... I've
>played other games where even hero level necromancers can
>only have one... or was it two... undead servants. if the
>answer is no, then, Oh poo...

Yes, they can raise an army. I've never played one that high, but from what I hear it is a fairly arduous and time-consuming task.

>6. From what I've seen... it appears that thieves are the
>poor man's assasin, is this true ? I mean, what do they
>get... hide ? yeah, and piles of other classes are capable
>of concealing themselves, some even do a better job than
>thieves. Trip and cheap shot ? yeah, actually that doesen't
>sound too bad...

Thieves really aren't like assassins. At least I don't play them that way. Actually I tend to play them more like necromancers or bards.

>Now, y'know what'd help the thieve's
>situation a bit ? A little thing that was in another MUD I
>played, it was called 'Envenom' it let thieves coat sharp
>weapons with some poison. What ? you say assasin's already
>have a similar skill ? oh... why not give thieves that, then?

I admit it make sense from a role-play p.o.v. that thieves might be able to poison daggers, but as you've statd assassins already have this skill. To be honest I don't see it helping thieves all that much unless they were recently killed. The ability to create a decently powerful dagger out of thin air would be handy for backstab.

>7. Ah... yes... now that I think about poison, I find myself
>thinking about another health-draining condition... but the
>one I'm thinking about doesen't seem to exist at the moment.

Bleeding exists in carrionfields, only it doesn't show up in your affects. Dragons can make you bleed, as can certain rare weapons. Also, certain warrior weapon-specialist skills.
189, RE: Ponderings...
Posted by Boy Scout on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can quit out in wilderness areas even if you don't recall there. The places are there, but like anything else in this game, you have to find them.

>>Bleeding exists in carrionfields, only it doesn't show up in your affects. Dragons can make you bleed, as can certain rare weapons. Also, certain warrior weapon-specialist skills.

As can a pair of gloves, an assassin, a ranger, and various other things.

-Boy Scout