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Topic subjectItem creation.
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18440, Item creation.
Posted by Aesirein on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know if this has been suggested before, nor if there is a cabal that allows you to do these things... But here goes.

I've seen alot of the abilities on the mud and was wondering why, with the commerce exp system in the game, players don't have the option of creating armor or weapons? You could create a system where players could mine for metals and skin certain animals. Then allow these things to be used in a variety of ways. This could range from selling hides or furs to traders who specialize in that to selling unrefined metals such as gold and silver to jewelers. You could also allow players to create weapons and armor of their own. Of course their skills with these abilities, plus the materials used would all make for better of worse quality swords.

Mages could even enchant these items for plays in cases of cabals or what have you. And priests could imbue these creations with healing spells and stuff of that nature. Of course all of this would be temparary unless they used a perminancy spell, which would cost ALOT to do.

This is just a brief outline of what i am thinking. If anyone has any ideas maybe they can add to these.
18460, Subclass
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We've kicked around the idea of subclassing - i.e., making a non-PK oriented skillset for, say, a merchant, armorer or farmer. So you could still be Bob the Swordmaster, but you'd give up some of that classes power in order to gain the protection and skills of your subclass guild. It's not high on the priority list, but it's on a lit somewhere!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

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18446, We're heroes! Not miners, taxidermists, and merchants...
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and those are fields of BLOOD out there, not fields of fluffy happy item making and useless spam crap farming. Not to mention I'd be more likely to kill the guy enchanting or praying over my craptastic scrap of forged metal and take their newbie breadz.

Get to killin ye pansy. I don't think this idea has any place at CF. My two cents.
18451, RE: We're heroes! Not miners, taxidermists, and merchants...
Posted by Aesirein on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>and those are fields of BLOOD out there, not fields of fluffy
>happy item making and useless spam crap farming. Not to
>mention I'd be more likely to kill the guy enchanting or
>praying over my craptastic scrap of forged metal and take
>their newbie breadz.
>Get to killin ye pansy. I don't think this idea has any place
>at CF. My two cents.

I must thank you for this remarkably intelligent and well thought out reply to my suggestion. I bet it took a lot of effort to think up all that in one post, i tip my hat to your brilliance. See, i can have a mean side too. :)
But Seriously, all sarcasm and bad attitudes aside, i must say this was a rather disturbing reply to something posted by a still farely new player. If this were the normal kind of reaction one could expect, which thankfully is not the case judging from the other replies i read, it'd be a wonder anyone played Carrion Fields at all. As it stands i am glad to see responces from people who made an effort not to insult someone for something they don't like.

Lastly, you still haven't given one decent reason for not allowing such a system. But, as you say your two cents.
18453, I just thought I'd try to be a little more creative than "sounds boring to me" nt
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18455, RE: I just thought I'd try to be a little more creative than
Posted by Aesirein on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was, i'll give you that. Lol.
18443, cf > wow
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
for one, that's almost exactly the wow system.


It takes a lifetime of work to become really good with a sword, or axe, or spells, or prayers.

It similarly takes a lifetime of work to become really good at making a sword, or an axe, or armor, etc.

Wow is kinda fun. and those professions are fun for a while.

But it all comes down to a philosophy that those games have.

long walk/run times = fun.

fishing! join in on walking, part 2!

Crafting! join in on the fun in Walking part 3 and make the trilogy complete!

I don't agree with bringing more of that philosophy to cf.

cf has enough grinding.
18442, Item creation.
Posted by Rodriguez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The problem is that it shouldnt end in some kind of boring grind.
Maybe something along the line of the Druid herbs system combined with the poison recipes, so that you have to travel to different regions for resources and need to know the recipes to combine them.
18452, RE: Item creation.
Posted by Aesirein on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The problem is that it shouldnt end in some kind of boring
>Maybe something along the line of the Druid herbs system
>combined with the poison recipes, so that you have to travel
>to different regions for resources and need to know the
>recipes to combine them.

Oh i agree. The idea wasn't to give EVERYONE the ability to create stuff but to allow classes that do not go into civilized lands, such as Rangers and Druids, to have a way to create their own equipment. Here's a prime example:
Take a character that is a survivalist. He lives in the woods of the world and shuns all "civilized" ways of life. He carries no money, kills his own food, drinks from the streams, etc. How would this person protect themselves from the elements, or arm themselves against wild animals? I don't care how strong a person is there is no way he'd win a fight against a grizzly bare-handed, let alone minotaurs and giants.

I believe there is even a Cabal that forbids the carrying of currency and going into cities? This kind of system would allow these types of players to fashion armor, clothing, and even weapons for themselves. Now, these would mostly be primitive items of course. I mean, character wise, an orc should never be using finely made weapon unless he attacked someone and stole it. This would also allow players who aren't good at Player killing, and there are some who aren't, to find another means of gathering money to survive. I mean, god forbid someone would want to roleplay a character that doesn't kill everything in sight.

There would be many limitations put on these skills based on class and race obviously. I'm not saying open up a scavenger hunt and have people just run around killing and mining. Take mages for instance. No mage would ever have the time to craft say... a sword. But, he would be able to make rings and things of this nature and imbue them with somekind of power. This would also force classes to work together with other classes to make these items. A mage could form an agreement with say a warrior, creating a ring or similar item as part of the agreement, to provide protection for him. With the large player base Carrion Fields supports, the fact that it DOES advertise itself as a Roleplay enforced mud, and given the fact not everyone has the ability to use every skill, i think such a system would be most beneficial.

On a side not, what is wow? Is it somekind of mud or something? Is it World of Warcraft? If it is i guess i can see why someone would have a hissy fit when i suggested a system like this. However, i have never even played this game let alone know what they offer. My experience with World of Warcraft is limited to one guy i talk to online claiming how good it is and me saying no thanks i don't like to blow money.
18459, RE: Item creation.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you're under the mistaken impression that characters purchase a majority of their armor and weapons. I'd say this is not the case.

Rangers can generally fashion spears and staves to fight with; depending on their specialization choices they might have more or less choices there.
18463, Also
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Outlander cabal can fashion some items so they can live more independently already. This includes foraging for food, and skinning corpses for water and item containers.