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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectAgreed
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=64574&mesg_id=64626
64626, Agreed
Posted by mage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On Observation/Exploration XP:

I regularly use observation and exploration to gain levels when there are none to group with. I usually do this when I'm one or two levels away from a key ability and have no one to group with for normal leveling. I can usually get 2 levels from observation/exploration, and another 2 - 3 levels from automated quests that I held in reserve for just such occasions.

On Edge Points:

I absolutely LOVE edge points and the ability to customize my characters, so that each character I play is different that the last character I played, even if the current character and last character are the same race/class/cabal/alignment. Having the ability to make each character totally unique like that is a big draw for me. My absolutely favorite class in the whole game is thief because of how versatile they are. My second favorite class is shapeshifter because the form selection keeps every character different. Third favorite is conjurer for totally different reasons unrelated to versatility, but right on the heels of conjurer is warrior, again, because of the versatility of weapon specs + legacies.

Having said that, all of my most successful PK characters have been very Edge Point deficient. The reason for this is simple. When I'm playing a heavy PK character, rather than spending my time "grinding out exploration" as some keep describing it, I'm spending my time PK'ing instead. The only characters I play that get lots of edge points from observation and exploration are characters that don't do much PK anyway.

In short:
Removing Obs/Explore XP = BAD
Removing Obs/Exp Edge Points = BAD
Cookie Cutter boxed set of Allies/Enemies = BAD
More Options for customization = GOOD
More diverse set of Allies/Enemies
to join with/pit thyself against = GOOD