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Topic subjectRE: First of all I strayed when I agreed with your genocide issue. I don’t think Maran would be down with that.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=45659&mesg_id=45735
45735, RE: First of all I strayed when I agreed with your genocide issue. I don’t think Maran would be down with that.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, this post is meant to be insult free. However if one slips in it is purely by accident. You are misreading or I miswrote.

>Not if the gene pool you are wiping out are Aliens that lay
>eggs in your stomach to propagate. The orcs, goblins, and
>Ogres are around so we can have guilt free racism and
>zealotry, which is at the heart of the game. The goblinoids
>have a Red Aura because it is in their very nature to take the
>most selfish and self serving road possible. Want what your
>brother has? Kill him. Want what your cousin has? Rape her..
>wait that’s Arkansas.. Anyway that’s that. They are born

So genocide is ok because of their alignment. We have established now that the Carrion Fields alignment does not directly correlate to real world morality. Since in real life, it doesn't matter if it is aliens, fish, or black people. Genocide is generally seen as wrong and/or evil. This of course can depend on the person, as morality is subjective. Morality is not subjective in CF. We have set definitions and only nine different choices.

>Conversely I see the Red Aura-ed sinners such as the hookers
>in Voralian as trapped into an evil life and thus tainted by
>it, but slaughtering them for personal renown would be cruel
>and wicked in its own right.

Ah, see now we are deviating from the standard "evil aura dies." This is where our RP has an affect on how we interact with the world. It creates the individual stories of CF. This is good, but not everyone agrees on it.

>I think a Paladin raiding the Goblin village and killing pan
>wielding goblin mothers is a pretty sad assed Paladin by
>virtue of the example he set. Killing off their military
>class would be fine.

Again. Your subjective interpretation of it. I doubt Baerinika (the God, not the player) would have a problem with a paladin slaying evil babies to prevent them from becoming evil adults.

>Nexuns are just plain evil. You are never going to convince me
>otherwise. There is no other rational way to describe them.
>And again, No to Maran genocide.

Yet they aren't evil. Clearly only true neutrals can be Nexuns in the world of Carrion Fields. I respect that you changed your opinion on whether or not Maran should commit genocide. However, that doesn't change the murderous bent of the Maran that would never be considered "good" by your own standard of morality in the real world. It's ok though, because we have an out for that. Morality works different in Carrion Fields. Yes, it's arbitrary and may not make complete sense to everyone. That's up to the individual and likely colored by their own perception of real world morality. No way around it, thus we have a group of people to set the rules (rules which, by the way, still remain flexible based on roleplay). I'm not trying to convince you that Nexuns are not evil by real life standards of morality. By my own real world morality, Nexuns are far from evil and in fact are more "good" than the Maran. That's my real world morality coloring it much like yours does the other direction.

> A maran should consider his actions. He may have killed
>Madam Suzzie Rotten Crotch and her girls with the red auras
>and the (Herpes) flags, but is that really an epic canticle
>that represents Maran values? Or does throwing himself at the
>Orc Chief and his horde?

I've played both Maran and Nexus. The Nexuns have to consider their actions far more than a Maran. Their dilemmas are hundred times more complex. By Maran dogma, killing Madam Suzzie Rotten Crotch is just as important as killing those orcs. Maran don't kill to have songs written about them. That's battle ragers. Maran kill to eradicate evil in all its forms. I see it that way and everything I've read about cabal dogma seems that way. However, one can still apply their own views on it and play as they wish.

> Killing isn’t in and of its self evil. There are many good
>reasons to kill. Killing a Nexun would be one example. Killing
>a home invader another.

I thought Nexuns were evil because they commit genocide. Which is a form of killing. This argument makes me think you simply don't like the cabal. Which is fine.

>I do, but Nexun is so obviously should be an enemy of Fort,
>Spire, Empire, Outlander that it’s crazy to have to even
>argue about it.

If it was so obvious, I hope I would see it that way. You yourself said I'm an intelligent individual. Perhaps it is only obvious to you because of how the concept interacts with your own personal, real-world, moral code. Which isn't the same as how mine interacts with it. I honestly see the Nexus as far more "good" in a real world sense than I do the Maran. It's like when you kill an enemy combatant. It's an evil act by my morality, but sometimes it is for the greater good. Nexus fights for the greater good. No, I'm not a liberal hippy. More of an open-minded libertarian.

>You can act however you want. If you want to ignore that
>cruelty that Nexun perpetuates to balance out your good, then
>that’s fine. But I would think that if your life means less
>to you than the life of some innocent soul somewhere, you
>would wack that Nexun, or take your own life so someone else
>doesn’t die in your place… to a Nexun.

I don't think it should be ignored at all. Most Maran that I play would kill a neutral committing an evil act. However, my Maran would also recognize that one evil action does not make one evil. Because in Carrion Fields it doesn't.

>I’m not saying it can’t. I’m saying that eventually, if
>you want to do the right thing and kill Nexuns, you get
>canoewacked out of the cabal.

That may be so. The reason is because in Carrion Fields the Fortress, who is lead by fictional gods with a fictional set of pseudo morals deem that their mortal followers should act a certain way. I don't agree that "killing Nexuns" is the right thing to do. I also don't mind a Maran that thinks "killing Nexuns" IS the right thing to do. With the caveat that he realizes he won't be a "Maran" for long (because he isn't one). The true test of the mettle is if that player continues to play their character out and becomes a righteous Nexus hunter.

Let's not also forget that killing a Nexun won't get you booted from the cabal. Hunting a Nexun (who is neutral, whether your personal moral code agrees with that or not) should never come before hunting an evil (red aura guy).

I get that people are upset the administration just can't see the "obvious" truth that Nexus are evil (by real world standards). However, there are many, many things in Carrion Fields morality that doesn't stand up to real world morality (ie. murderous "good" Maran).