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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: What thread is that?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=27730&mesg_id=27795
27795, RE: What thread is that?
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After reading some of what's being said here, and correct me if I'm wrong, but Kadsuane seems to have a dislike for one Immortal player watching over three cabals.

In a way, I tend to agree, but probably for different reasons. Some of the best interactions I've had in the past were while I was in a cabal with an active Immortal for that cabal.

To me, an active Immortal is routinely using cabal mobs to talk with people, whether it be a correction of some sort, or to congratulate someone on an especially nice kill (and get a nifty necklace made of bones from the person you just killed as a trophy--rot_death most likely), or even just to play around and RP with someone in the cabal. There have been times when there was an active enough Immortal in a cabal that you really didn't have to be anyone special just to get noticed a little and get some RP outside the norm (e.g. with other Mortal players).

An active Immortal, who is enjoying playing the game, will have creative sparks to add to the immersive world of CF. They can do this by running mini-quests for their specific cabal. Which might help encourage other people to RP with the other people in their cabal more than they would have otherwise. Let's face it, people put on a happy face when they know an Imm is possibly watching, and generally, the RP is kicked up a notch. Is that wrong? Not entirely, in my humble opinion. That's just part of the inspiration they *can* have.

For a while there, Battle seemed to have a regular and consistent Immortal presence. What did we see during this time period? About 6/8 hero Battle Ragers had titles. That was pretty cool. I think I remember posting something about it on QHCF... more astonished than mad or upset about it. I think it's cool.

And I don't bounce around from cabal to cabal much, but since I've been back since spring, I've been in Tribunal, Fortress, Outlander and Empire. Aside from a little interaction from Padwei while I was in Fortress, and some stupid ranting from Jasthrean, and some talks about policy in Tribunal from Marcatis, I really haven't seen much of anything. It just sort of feels empty around all of the cabals as far as Immortal presence goes.

Personally, I think if the Immortals start helping to make people's experiences better in the game through cabal interactions and mini-quests and other miscellaneous tidbits here and there, we might see more consistent and regular play from the people who are kind of leaning on the edge of whether they enjoy playing or not.

As it stands, it seems like the same people are getting all of the little attention that is being thrown out. Are these people really that much better than me at roleplaying? Because for the most part, I tend to have largely favorable farewell's from people that interact with me.

There's probably more to say. But that's all I've got time for right now.