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Topic subjectRE: Three suggestions you may or may not like.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=27019&mesg_id=27052
27052, RE: Three suggestions you may or may not like.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>In the same alley as the incoming, maybe allow outgoing
>>damage from you (and potentially your pets) to be colored
>>differently aswell. The dwoggurd script has this feature
>>aswell. I dont find that feature to usefull but many people
>Can't say I'm overly excited about that, and we've only got
>two shades of red.

It dont have to be red, it can be yellow like in Dwogg's script. But I see your point.

>>Another coloring option that I would like see implemented is
>>yellow (PK) flag, ive been coloring (PK) yellow for years
>>Makes it ALOT easier to spot the enemies in who, who group
>I've been highlighting (PK) in red since the day I started
>playing CF. Probably a good thing to add, if there is an easy

If its not a large amount of extra work you could add a color picker to this color option, since if you make it red the chances are we who are used to yellow will just continue to use the color trigger.

>>Third and last, perhaps the bigger one. Allow coloring to be
>>customizable. If you want the incoming damage to be changed
>>something other than the default, you can for example do the
>>command 'color incoming purple'. Perhaps even 'color
>>green', 'color objects yellow', 'color exits pink' etc.
>This is probably lowest on the totem-pole for me, as I think
>it would be a nightmare to deal with since all of those are
>currently hard-coded and that's a boatload of lines of code to
>change for very little benefit.