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Topic subjectE06: 9-20-15: Last Pre-Lich Conversation w/Gaspare.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=3246&mesg_id=3253
3253, E06: 9-20-15: Last Pre-Lich Conversation w/Gaspare.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

CF - Sunday, September 20, 2015

[27 W-Elf War] Frawfick the Dragoon
[51 Dwarf War] (PK) Dundlin Mountainfoot the Orator of Honesty, Rhyme of Resistance
[51 H-Elf Shf] (PK) Eirlac the Grand Master of Changelings
[27 Svirf War] Kraggar the Dragoon
[34 Gnome Shf] Aquexo the Student of Metamorphosis
[51 Svirf Inv] (PK) Parandalia Amberfoot the Prime Constituent of Balance, Meter of Mind
[47 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Gaspare Gnazzo the Haunted Artist of the Troupe, Emperor of Thera
[20 Fire A-P] Mordegar the Anti-Paladin, Black Servant
[51 Human Thi] (PK) Lithodora Commeline the Striking Tempest, Godfather of Voralian City, Captain of the Brigade
[29 D-Elf War] Axcid the Combatant
[ 6 Human Shf] Murtagh the Advanced Spell Student
[47 Human Bar] (PK) Acenith the Master Historian
*51 Elf Tra* (PK) [HERALD] Daphedee the Leader of the Great Innperial Army, High Herald of the Eternal Star

Players found: 13

civilized <1040hp 1040m 393mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You step back into three dimensions.

civilized <1040hp 1040m 393mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Lithodora The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1040m 393mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You put a large vibrant rose with a stem covered with thorns in a large saddle bag.

civilized <1040hp 1127m 627mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
A Cluster of Tables

[Exits: east south west]
A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
Weaving her way through the tables, the barmaid dances to you.

civilized <1040hp 1127m 625mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Entrance to the Inn of the Eternal Star

[Exits: north east south west]
A very large storm giant stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
A tall, merry man greets you to the inn and offers to take your cloak.

civilized <1040hp 1127m 623mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
The Common Area

[Exits: north east south west]
An old gnome, carrying a tray of drinks over his head, dances his way through the common area.
A grizzled dwarven mercenary sits at a table examining some artifacts.

civilized <1040hp 1127m 621mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
The Bar of the Eternal Star

[Exits: north east west]
A salient, unnatural chill heralds the presence of Gaspare Gnazzo.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

civilized <1040hp 1148m 657mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You give a shot of oak barrel-aged whiskey with peaty overtones to Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1148m 657mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Lithodora The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Daphedee The Bar of the Eternal Star

civilized <1040hp 1148m 657mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'Hello, Daphedee.'

civilized <1040hp 1148m 657mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare stands up.

civilized <1040hp 1148m 657mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare bows deeply.
You say 'Hey.'

civilized <1040hp 1148m 657mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare sits down on the ground.

civilized <1040hp 1148m 657mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare drinks whiskey from a shot of oak barrel-aged whiskey with peaty overtones.

civilized <1040hp 1167m 695mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say to Lithodora 'Anything to drink for you?'

civilized <1040hp 1127m 695mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Lithodora shakes her head toward you.

civilized <1040hp 1127m 695mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare says 'I beg to differ.'

civilized <1040hp 1127m 695mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1127m 695mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Lithodora says to you 'I ordered a bottle earlier.'

civilized <1040hp 1127m 695mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say 'Great!'

civilized <1040hp 1127m 695mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare says 'It's true. I saw.'

civilized <1040hp 866m 763mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
You tell Gaspare 'If you need anything else, let me know.'

civilized <1040hp 866m 763mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
You cannot sense the world around you while in two dimensions.

civilized <1040hp 866m 763mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM> A Shadowed Alcove
The glow of the fire and torches does not reach this alcove. Tucked away
with the windows shuttered only a single table sits here. The rest of the
patrons who linger here prefer their own chair and that chair away from any
others. Barmaids scurry in to deliver drinks and hurry out just as quickly,
never lingering long. Faces are covered in shadow and hard to make out.
Whispers echo about, but only rarely, as most here would not like their
business known or talked about. The smell of old meat and rank ale lingers
strongly here as the sounds of the inn seem to drift in here from the west
like a dream of some faraway place.

[Exits: west]
A decorated cave viper coiled around a broadsword, delicately carved from crystal is here.
A very large storm giant stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
A figure, cloaked in shadow, sits in the darkest corner.

civilized <1040hp 866m 763mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
Gaspare tells you 'Thank you.'

**Running off to deliver the usual to the Imperial Graveyard**

civilized <1040hp 1208m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Lithodora The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Acenith The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare utters the words, 'xgruuhpyafw'.
Gaspare fades into an insubstantial phantom.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You smile at him.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Lithodora The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Acenith The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare says 'How are you?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM> People near you:
(PK) Gaspare A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Lithodora The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Acenith The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare sits down on the ground.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'I'm okay.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You say 'A little unsettled.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare nods.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Daphedee the Leader of the Great Innperial Army, High Herald of the Eternal Star
Level : 51 Sex : female Race : elf
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Good Class : transmuter
Practices: 1 Trains : 3 Hometown : Darsylon
Exp : 557300 To Level : 26000 Sphere : Revelation/Divination
Age : middle-aged, 599 years old (451 hours)
Hit Point: 1040 /1040 Mana : 1243 /1243 Move : 933 /933
Str : 17(18+3) Int : 25(25) Wis : 21(21+2)
Dex : 19(16) Con : 13(16+4) Chr : 17(21+3)
Carry # : 34/32 Weight : 249 lb 5 oz (Max 408 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 2 Copper : 22
Wimpy : 150 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 10 Damroll : 15
AC pierce : -58 Heavily armored AC bash : -55 Heavily armored
AC slash : -62 Heavily armored AC magic : -44 Very well armored
AC element: -70 Heavily armored
vs Spell : -16 Somewhat protected vs Paralysis: -8 Barely protected
vs Breath : -18 Somewhat protected vs Mental : 0 Not protected
Summon : You can only be summoned by players within PK range.
Corpseguard: You attempt to guard corpses from lower level looters.
Rescue : You allow others to rescue you.
Give : You allow things to be given to you.
Trust : You trust your group and your cabal with questionable spells/supplications.
Follow : You do not welcome followers.
You are not thirsty.
You feel nearly full.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect magic' for 30 hours.
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 30 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'ocular enhancement' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'ocular enhancement' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic slowing' modifies dexterity by -3 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'corporeal hardening' modifies dexterity by -2 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'legendary awareness' for 1 hours.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare says 'What's the matter?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You say 'I'm not sure yet.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You say 'Maybe nothing.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare says 'If there is something you need, let me know.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'How's everything else?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Lithodora The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Acenith The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'I had the pleasure of speaking with Lord Raltevio.'

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say 'Oh, great!'

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM> People near you:
(PK) Gaspare A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Acenith The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare nods.

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say 'He looked in good spirits the last time I saw him.'

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare says 'Much of the conversation involved rather somber reflection.'

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say 'About the future, or the past?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Gaspare says 'And arrangements for possible outcomes.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Gaspare says 'A bit of both.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
Gaspare says 'My days in the Troupe may be numbered, either way.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
You say 'Why?'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
You say 'Just.. because you don't know what it'll be like, later?'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
Gaspare says 'There is plenty of uncertainty.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare says 'And Lord Raltevio has no experience with the undead.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare says 'He is a god of joy and life.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
You say 'Well.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
You say 'Whatever happens, I'm sure it'll be fine.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM> People near you:
(PK) Gaspare A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Acenith A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
Acenith sits down and rests.

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
Gaspare says 'Very true.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
You say to Acenith 'Hey.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
Acenith giggles with pleasure.

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You say 'If it's not, we'll address it then.'

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You say 'Just try not to murder me.'

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You wink suggestively at Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
Acenith says 'And me please!'

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
Acenith says 'I die way too much'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
Acenith mumbles incoherently.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 PM>
Gaspare sniggers maliciously. Uh oh.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
Acenith shivers uncomfortably.

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
Gaspare says 'I'm fairly sure you're safe, Daphedee.'

civilized <1040hp 1198m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
Gaspare looks at Acenith.

civilized <1040hp 1198m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
You say 'It sounds like we can't be sure of anything.'

civilized <1040hp 1198m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
You say 'The coin has two sides, but it's still a gamble.'

civilized <1040hp 1198m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
You say 'That's life.'

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
Gaspare nods.

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
Gaspare says 'All will be as it must, I suppose.'

civilized <1040hp 1240m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
You say to Gaspare 'You should think about what you want your last meal to be.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare says 'I think it's best to simply be fatalistic about it.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
Gaspare says 'Oh, how macabre.'

civilized <1040hp 1123m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You say 'I'm just thinking ahead.'

civilized <1040hp 1123m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You flash an impish grin toward Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1172m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
Gaspare says 'Ideally, Bildot would serve it.'

civilized <1040hp 1172m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1172m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
You say 'I'll make sure whiskey is on hand.'

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
You say 'Speaking of.'

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
Gaspare sniffs the shot of oak barrel-aged whiskey, clearly savoring its peaty overtones.

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
You say to Acenith 'Did you need anything to drink?'

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Acenith says 'I am good thanks!'

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Acenith drinks dark rum from a barrel of rum.

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Acenith hums a little tune.

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say 'A whole barrel!'

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Acenith says 'It helps to cope with this crazy world!'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
[HERALD] Daphedee: I vouch for Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Gaspare drinks whiskey from a shot of oak barrel-aged whiskey with peaty overtones.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Gaspare drinks whiskey from a shot of oak barrel-aged whiskey with peaty overtones.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Gaspare drinks whiskey from a shot of oak barrel-aged whiskey with peaty overtones.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Raising his glass, Gaspare proposes a toast.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Gaspare says 'Too coopiing..'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
Gaspare stands up.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM> People near you:
(PK) Gaspare A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Acenith A Shadowed Alcove
(PK) Daphedee A Shadowed Alcove

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
Acenith stands up.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
Gaspare points his finger at Acenith and sniggers loudly.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
A Cluster of Tables

[Exits: east south west]
A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
Weaving her way through the tables, the barmaid dances to you.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 931mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
You lose a dimension and disappear from view.

civilized <1040hp 1118m 931mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
You have been vouched for and may now enter the library.


civilized <1040hp 1161m 926mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

[Exits: north south]
A sturdy desk is here, with neatly stacked piles of parchment.
An astute librarian stands behind her desk, straightening the scrolls and
organizing various quills, a smile playing on her pale face.

civilized <1040hp 1161m 925mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Maellina the chief librarian nods quietly and allows you to enter the library.
The Great Library

[Exits: north east south west]
A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
A gnomish professor rustles through a stack of historical notes, keenly fixed
on the contents within as he mumbles to himself.

civilized <1040hp 1161m 923mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare has arrived.

civilized <1040hp 1161m 923mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You step back into three dimensions.

civilized <1040hp 1161m 923mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare says 'II sstaassheed thee haand baack theeree.'

civilized <1040hp 1161m 923mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'I don't feel in the mood to entertain.'

civilized <1040hp 1161m 923mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare The Great Library
(PK) Daphedee The Great Library

civilized <1040hp 1161m 923mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare says 'Coouuldn't haavee Liithoodooraa sspyiing iit.'

civilized <1040hp 1161m 923mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1212m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You nod at Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1162m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare sits down on the ground.

civilized <1040hp 1162m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You say 'Do you think the arts will leave you?'

civilized <1040hp 1225m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare pauses, a thoughtful look on his face.

civilized <1040hp 1225m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
You say 'Or it's just another of the great unknown?'

civilized <1040hp 1225m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare says 'It's a fear of mine.'

civilized <1040hp 1225m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
The Great Library
You find yourself walking in the heart of the library as you stroll in
between the tall bookshelves made from rich mahogany and polished to a glossy
shine. This section of the library seems to have a noble ambiance about it,
as you glance at the thick stacks of archives. There is a circular rug at the
center of the floor here, with a variety of family crests depicted upon it.
Marble eyes stare out blankly from a small bust placed on a mahogany stand,
and the noble looking figure is of an indiscernible race and gender. It is
here where the exploits of the most famous champions and villains of Thera
are forever archived to be studied by future generations. Peaked archways
constructed from white marble cobblestones allow exit in any of the four
cardinal directions, leading out to more sections of this vast library.

[Exits: north east south west]
A heavy book about past heroes and villains beckons you to read.
(Ghostly) A salient, unnatural chill heralds the presence of Gaspare Gnazzo.
A young dwarf flips through the pages of a heavy and dust covered book,
reading about the life of a dwarven war hero.

civilized <1040hp 1225m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
You say 'You might not care about anything at all.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You say 'And then who will I talk to?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare grins evilly.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare says 'You know, right here...'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Heroes and Villains of Thera

Amberlea Von Straaden - The Artiste Macabre
Amlaruil - the Dragonbane of Master, Lady of the Elements
Arolin - the Enforcer of Master
Astragal - the Enchanter of Darsylon
Attila - the Ancient Ranger Justicar
Baldur - the First Skjald of Battle
Braerus - the Knight of Destruction
Challen - the Destroyer of Devils, Blooded Knight of Thera
Crellan - the Dark Ranger King, Hater of Magic
Dylan Heartsbane - Lady of Lust
Gareth - The Mortal Life of the Heavenly Warlord
Guerric - His Mortal Life
Hargrave - the Wrath of the Trees
Ihlrath - the Fury of Arvandor
Ilecytra - A Glimpse of Her Life's End or A Tale of Misguided Romance
Iomahk Skyhammer - The Famed Arbiter Lord
Istendil Val'Malach - The Blessing of Pain: An Epic
Jaragh - the First Knight of Thera
Khara Sudio - the Lost Bard
Laurella the Lady of Elorianthas - the Mistress of Proper Etiquette
Malic Cole - A Short Biography by Tiatan Qa Vansedien
Montolio - the Warder of Light
Nicolette D'aermon - the Guardian of the Fallen
Shokai the Skyborn - as told by Sune Rai, Captain of the Maran
Trurkrag - the Legend of Seantryn Whorehouses
Woru - The Betrayer of Law

The Chronicle of the Fallen - Friends Remembered by Pippin the Bard
The Windgust Family - A Legacy of Magic

There is a notice at the bottom of the page that catches your attention. If
you are interested in seeing a biography added to this collection, you should
definitely read it.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Gaspare thumbs through the book on Istendil.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
You say 'I've read it and you know, he was miserable.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
You say 'So maybe nothing will change after all.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
You give Gaspare a crooked smile.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
A wry little smile crosses Gaspare's face.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
You say 'I'm afraid I'll lose your company either way.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
You say 'It bothers me.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 PM>
Gaspare pauses, a thoughtful look on his face.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 PM>
Gaspare says 'Take no offense...'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 PM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 PM>
You say 'I'm not easily offended.'

civilized <1040hp 1182m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
Gaspare says 'I think you'd only grow fonder for me.'

civilized <1040hp 1182m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
Gaspare says 'If that were the case.'

civilized <1040hp 1182m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
You say 'How do you mean?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You say 'I guess I see what you're trying to say, sort of.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
Gaspare says 'Your fondness for Sindrir has grown, hasn't it?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You say 'Well..'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
You say 'It's different.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 PM>
You say 'I'm different.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 PM>
Gaspare nods.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
Gaspare says 'Even if but a fraction of my emotions remain...'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
Gaspare says 'I don't imagine I'd forget my gratitude to you.'

civilized <1040hp 1231m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1231m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
Gaspare says 'For being a large part of what made these days bearable.'

civilized <1040hp 1231m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
You say 'I'll just have to find another equally miserable soul to commiserate with.'

civilized <1040hp 1231m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
You mutter quietly to yourself.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'It's part of what I do.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare says 'Commiserate?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
You say 'Make life bearable for people when it otherwise might not be.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare says 'I suppose it does the same for you.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You say 'How do you think I ended up meeting Sindrir?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You say 'Anathema aren't the happiest people, you know.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
Gaspare pauses, a thoughtful look on his face.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
Gaspare says 'Yes, that's another concern.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
You say 'You're worried about that?'

civilized <1040hp 1173m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
Gaspare waves his hand in a dismissive manner.

civilized <1040hp 1190m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say 'Assuming you keep your wits and sanity, you've got a place here.'

civilized <1040hp 1190m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1190m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Gaspare says 'I'd imagine that would end your positive relations with the Empire.'
You say 'And even if you don't, you'd probably still fit right in.'

civilized <1040hp 1190m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Gaspare nods sagely.

civilized <1040hp 1190m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say 'I'm not sure there's much left, to be honest.'

civilized <1040hp 1225m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
You say 'It's down to you and Caecilius.'

civilized <1040hp 1135m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
You say 'And Caecilius doesn't trust me.'

civilized <1040hp 1135m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Gaspare says 'Don't forget Quintus, absent though he may be.'

civilized <1040hp 1135m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'We're not exactly best friends.'

civilized <1040hp 1194m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
Gaspare says 'Oh, he's trying to get something out of you.'

civilized <1040hp 1194m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
You say 'Caecilius?'

civilized <1040hp 1227m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare says 'He's trying to twist your arm for a better bargaining position.'

civilized <1040hp 1227m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare nods.

civilized <1040hp 1227m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'He thinks there's more to me than there is.'

civilized <1040hp 1227m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'I'm content to let him think that.'

civilized <1040hp 1227m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare says 'And he thinks there's less to me than there is.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare says 'Also fine.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare gets a berry pie from the girdle of endless space.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare finishes eating a berry pie.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
You say 'Did I ever tell you I gave speech lessons to Crizus?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare says 'Pie will not be my last meal.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare says 'That's fascinating.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
You say 'I liked him.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare drinks water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'He hated me.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You say 'He figured people wouldn't take him seriously if he talked like a dumb giant.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You say 'I told him the was right.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'What will your legacy be?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
Gaspare taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
You say 'It sounds like you'd better take care of it now, just in case.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
Gaspare says 'Raltevio credited me with heralding a golden age of art.'

civilized <1040hp 1235m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
A librarian suddenly arrives and escorts Gaspare away.

civilized <1040hp 1235m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
[HERALD] Daphedee: I vouch for Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1235m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
Gaspare has arrived.

civilized <1040hp 1235m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
Gaspare sits down and rests.

civilized <1040hp 1145m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
Gaspare says 'And the Imperial Hall of Art, certainly, will be a jewel in my crown.'

civilized <1040hp 1125m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
Gaspare says 'The High Priest of Eil Shaeria...'

civilized <1040hp 1125m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 PM>
Gaspare says 'Has offered to make a book of my skin if I should fail.'

civilized <1040hp 1159m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 PM>
You nod at Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1159m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 PM>
Gaspare says 'I agreed to that, so long as the book contains my poetry.'

civilized <1040hp 1159m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 PM>
Gaspare says 'I figure it would be a suitable gift for Raltevio.'

civilized <1040hp 1191m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
You say 'Is the process painful, do you know?'

civilized <1040hp 1191m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare says 'Maybe the Lyceum, if it's his bidding.'

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare says 'Well, I'll be dead.'

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
You say 'Oh, I mean.. if you aren't dead.'

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare says 'Oh.'

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare says 'No one's lived to tell the tale.'

civilized <1040hp 1181m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare sniggers to himself, clearly hatching evil plans.

civilized <1040hp 1236m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
Gaspare shrugs indifferently.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
Gaspare says 'Istendil doesn't remember much.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
Gaspare says 'And his account is the only one I have to go by.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
Gaspare says 'The process includes actually dying.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
You say 'Oh..'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You say 'Dead either way then.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
Gaspare nods.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
Gaspare says 'Whether I rise or not is a different matter.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You say 'It's funny, kind of.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
Gaspare says 'Though I hope the High Priest's record on animation is better than mine.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
A wry little smile crosses Gaspare's face.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
Gaspare says 'Yes, it is.'

civilized <1040hp 1241m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 PM>
You say 'What'll happen after, with your love?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
Gaspare says 'She's being channeled into a phylactery.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
You say 'But will you care, at that point?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
You say 'That's the real question.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
Gaspare says 'Wouldn't that be ironic?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
You say 'Will you have gone through all of this, just for nothing?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare says 'What, then, will I live for?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
Gaspare says 'I see no way back at this point.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
Gaspare says 'And I can't see the way forward.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
Gaspare says 'It's a leap of faith.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
You say 'You'll be fine.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
You say 'Both of you.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
You say 'And you'll be together!'

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You smile at him.

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'Just hold onto that.'

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say 'Wait.'

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Gaspare drinks whiskey from a shot of oak barrel-aged whiskey with peaty overtones.

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say 'Damnit.'

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Gaspare stands up.

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say 'You won't be miserable then EITHER.'

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You groan loudly.

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Gaspare sits down and rests.

civilized <1040hp 1234m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
A wry little smile crosses Gaspare's face.

civilized <1040hp 1173m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
You say 'I didn't think this through very well.'

civilized <1040hp 1173m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Gaspare says 'I could become crippled.'

civilized <1040hp 1231m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
Gaspare says 'If I survive and am rendered an imbecile...'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare says 'Maybe I'll just serve food and drinks here. Wash dishes.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'You might scare away business.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You say 'Sort of like Sodsob, but less threatening.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare says 'Or, there's the Deck of Fate.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You say 'Hey, it worked for me.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare says 'Well, I'll probably come drooling and groveling to you if that ever happens.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'Try to keep as much of my dignity intact as possible.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'That's my only request.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'I plan on trying to keep you sane either way.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare pauses, a thoughtful look on his face.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say 'But you know.. you COULD draw from the deck.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say 'What's it going to hurt?'

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Gaspare says 'If I am crippled, I'd have little to lose and all to gain.'

civilized <1040hp 1153m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Gaspare says 'I truly have very little idea what the Deck is capable of.'

civilized <1040hp 1195m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
Gaspare says 'Except for horror stories.'

civilized <1040hp 1195m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
You say 'I've seen a lot of people draw.'

civilized <1040hp 1195m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
Gaspare says 'What can happen?'


civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
You say 'Very few find anything beneficial.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 PM>
You say 'I'm one of the lucky ones.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
You say 'That's why I stopped at one card.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
Gaspare nods.

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
You say 'Besides, who else would draw the Emperor from that deck?'

civilized <1040hp 1242m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
Gaspare gives you a crooked smile.

civilized <1040hp 1242m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 PM>
You say 'It really is a Deck of Fate.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
Gaspare says 'It certainly is.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
You say 'I'm rambling.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
Gaspare shakes his head.

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
You say to Gaspare 'You're too polite to say so.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
You chuckle politely.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 PM>
Gaspare says 'It takes my mind off of things. You do have a gift.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
Gaspare says 'Well, it is time that I rested.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
You say 'What would be worse to you..'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 PM>
A librarian suddenly arrives and escorts Gaspare away.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare The Entrance Hall of the Great Library
(PK) Daphedee The Great Library

civilized <1040hp 1243m 932mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 PM>
The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

[Exits: north south]
A sturdy desk is here, with neatly stacked piles of parchment.
A salient, unnatural chill heralds the presence of Gaspare Gnazzo.
An astute librarian stands behind her desk, straightening the scrolls and
organizing various quills, a smile playing on her pale face.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare says 'Please, go ahead.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare sits down and rests.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'Rest well. You might not get another chance.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
You shake your head in his direction.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare says 'I had assumed you were finished.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
You say 'Just idle musings.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 AM>
Gaspare says 'I won't have our last conversation end in an unfinished question.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You say 'Is it the last?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
Gaspare says 'Which this very well may be.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
Gaspare shrugs indifferently.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You stop using an ivory figurine of a felar.
You hold the Cornucopia of Kings in your hands.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You invoke the power of cornucopia!
A pleasant warmth makes you feel as if you had just eaten a king's feast.
You feel refreshed as if from a cool drink of water. A bit bloated, actually.

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You stop using the Cornucopia of Kings.
You hold an ivory figurine of a felar in your hands.

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
Gaspare says 'May I see that, by the way?'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'Would you rather be dead, or undead and be numb to everything you had hoped for?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
You give the Cornucopia of Kings to Gaspare.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Gaspare The Entrance Hall of the Great Library
(PK) Daphedee The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
Intently, Gaspare peers at the Cornucopia of Kings, inspecting its quality.

civilized <1040hp 1183m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 2 AM>
Gaspare says 'A strange thing.'

civilized <1040hp 1223m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 3 AM>
Gaspare gives you the Cornucopia of Kings.

civilized <1040hp 1204m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
You say 'It's not a really pleasant question.'

civilized <1040hp 1204m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 4 AM>
Gaspare says 'I suppose...'

civilized <1040hp 1237m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
You say 'But I think it's worth asking.'

civilized <1040hp 1237m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 AM>
Gaspare says 'I suppose both would be rather upsetting.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
Gaspare says 'Though, I would not be upset either way.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'But from where you're standing now.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Your eyes tingle as they begin to see raw magic.

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'If you knew going forward, it would be one or the other.'

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
You say 'Would it change anything?'

civilized <1040hp 1238m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 7 AM>
Gaspare says 'Can one produce art from a place of numbness?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare says 'Would I lead a hollow existence?'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
You say 'Maybe.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 AM>
Gaspare says 'I suppose I'd welcome death more easily, then.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
Gaspare says 'Maybe that's why so many liches are rumored to simply end themselves.'

civilized <1040hp 1203m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 9 AM>
You say 'There's not many other options.'

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'But I've heard of no lich that was previously an accomplished artist.'

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'Perhaps I'll find something the rest haven't.'

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You nod.

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare says 'Or perhaps I'm fooling myself.'

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
You say 'I'm not sure the others tried.'

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare chuckles politely.

civilized <1040hp 1233m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM>
Gaspare stands up.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
You say to Gaspare 'It'll all be fine.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare says 'Daphedee...'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare hugs you.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 11 AM>
Gaspare says 'You are too good for this world.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Daphedee chuckles quietly.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
You wrap your arms around him fondly.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
You say 'I'm good, but I'm not THAT good.'

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Gaspare shakes his head and gives you an odd smile.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
Gaspare utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Gaspare disappears.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM>
You have been vouched for and may now enter the library.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
Maellina the chief librarian nods quietly and allows you to enter the library.
The Great Library

[Exits: north east south west]
A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 932mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
The Great Library

[Exits: north east south west]
A heavy book about past heroes and villains beckons you to read.
A young dwarf flips through the pages of a heavy and dust covered book,
reading about the life of a dwarven war hero.

civilized <1040hp 1193m 931mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 1 PM>
[47 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Gaspare Gnazzo the Haunted Artist of the Troupe, Emperor of Thera
[21 Fire A-P] Mordegar the Evil Fighter, Black Servant
[42 Human Shf] Akmar the Changeling Adept
[30 D-Elf War] [TRIBUNAL] Axcid the Man-At-Arms, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
[47 Human Bar] (PK) Acenith the Master Historian
*51 Elf Tra* (PK) [HERALD] Daphedee the Leader of the Great Innperial Army, High Herald of the Eternal Star
[15 Human Shf] Yonnoy the Magus
[51 Fire A-P] (PK) Sodsob Daikoal the Ever Present Danger, Imperial Dread Lord
[51 Elf Pal] (PK) Koob "Cooper" Ildranotunatiel the Shin Puncher, Giant Fighter

Players found: 9

civilized <1040hp 1243m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 5 PM>
The Great Library

[Exits: north east south west]
A simple, brown leather text catches your attention.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 932mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
The Hall of Heralds

[Exits: north east west]

civilized <1040hp 1243m 931mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
The Hall of Heralds

[Exits: east]
A blue and silver tome rests on top of a glass pedestal.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 930mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
You rest.

civilized <1040hp 1243m 930mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 6 PM>
You say to yourself 'I'm losing friends faster than I can make them.'

civilized <1040hp 1193m 933mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 8 PM>
Daphedee shakes her head slowly.