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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectGuilt?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=349
349, Guilt?
Posted by Thunderpants on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do people feel the least bit guilty about spam killing newbies? This imperial in amazing gear just ganked a whole bunch of people, stole their stuff, and then told this newbie to come to Balator to trade for their eq. The newbie went and got killed again and the imperial took all the rest of the #### he couldn't carry.

I mean come on, does anyone in this game feel guilty about being such a wanton ####head?

Are there countermeasures to stop people from level sitting and popping off people like it's nobodies business?
412, RE: Guilt?
Posted by kaishaku on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice post.

I've always assumed that CF was PK before RP. But after seeing the
responses to this post and apparent concern I begin to wonder.

IMMS actually care about players who play CF just to PK and do their
best to multikill you if you take too long to get your corpse?
( among many other things, OOC "favors" are often overly blatant )

I played CF many many years ago and it was the same way. I am all for
PK, but what I see is just people, juvenile males, doing their normal
juvenile male thing, playing an FPS in text, using whatever resources
they can, usually unrelated to RP and scraping the bottom of the
barrel to Roleplay because it is required, or something.

I am/was/hoping-to-continue evaluating playing CF again. I played
Dragon Realms before it closed, RP/PK/CLANS/WARS, and I am not afraid
of PK by any means, but what I see is something I cannot really
overcome. Blatant cheating, blatant OOC reasoning and motives.

If you'd like to chat about it in an abstract or analytical sense,
you can mail me at cf@kaishaku.org. I do seek other options.
413, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No matter how well balanced the majority of CF becomes in regards to
melding their PK with solid RP, there will always be a few who make
"killer" characters that just annoy everyone else. The best defense
against this is simply in becoming better than they are, in every
regard. It happens the most, however, at the lower ranks. A few of
the many incentives to reach Hero are that A) you will be much
harder to kill, B) you can go to many places that a lower level
character cannot easily go, which means you can hide a lot better if
you need to, and C) you have all of the tools available to your
class to defend yourself and kill others with. So, just strive to
become a Hero and don't get bogged down in the extremely rough ranks
(Unless you are prepared to do cut-throat battle! Which can be fun!)

414, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Blatant cheating, blatant OOC reasoning and motives.

If you see examples of "blatant cheating", you should send up a pray explaining your observation, or email imms@carrionfields.com. We investigate every such claim.

Also, one of the perks to CF is that the registration system is very easy- no accounts, no credit cards, etc. This also means that the lowest ranks will often have a lot of players who are new to roleplaying, and need a little teaching. My experience is that:

- RP breeds RP. If you set a good example, most will catch on. Generally, when I see poor RP, it's a group of people who reinforce each other's bad habits.
- Some people don't "get it" initially, or came from a game with low standards for RP and haven't realized how things are done here. (This usually manifests as someone who speaks as if IC, but frequently steps OOC to talk about game mechanics or RL events.) Most of these people respond to a push in the right direction, however.
- Some people just plain don't want to RP. These people are unfortunately playing the wrong game- there are plenty of non-RP games out there, and if it becomes clear that they aren't trying, we'll happily move them along after they've been given plenty of opportunities to do otherwise. It's like any other rule- when you come here, you agree to them.

Roleplaying is required, and we on the immortal staff spend a large fraction of our collective time rewarding the better examples. If someone is blatantly OOC as you mention, that is a rules violation and you should report it as above to help us speed up enforcement. However, I'm trying to give some context above as to why involving the staff immediately isn't always the best path. Sometimes, just setting the right example is easier and better for everyone.

372, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do. That doesn't always stop me from killing the guy, but usually if he's wearing junk then I just leave it all except the coins. I'll usually leave him alone for a while after that, unless he really goes out of his way to get killed again.
368, Thats low
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not the killing part, but if what you say is true, the rest of it is pretty damn low on any character's part.

If CF was not an IC game, some people might ask you to post the imperial's name, he would probably lose that set within 2 hours. }(
366, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Romanul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Notice that this mud is called CarrionFields. Expect to die,
expect that there will be players who only play this game for
one reason: to kill everyone in their range. I am guessing that
said newbie probably got multikilled because he threw a fit or
started crying, possibly going ooc at the person that killed him.

From every death you take you should learn what you did wrong, this
will make you a better player in the long term. Now the newbie will
know not to trust people, especially not an evil imperial, thats just
common sense.

>Are there countermeasures to stop people from level sitting and popping off people like it's nobodies business?

You can go sit in your guild/at the Inn for some sort of protection,
though this will only make you a weaker player in the long run. Just
learn to deal with dying, learn how the class matchups go, avoid
those classes that can rip you a new one and hunt those you have a
good chance against, at least until you get a handle on the art that
is playerkilling in CF.

373, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good advice about identifying mistakes when you die. But some deaths just can't be accounted for. "Not spamming where every second my character's life" isn't a valid "mistake" that can be blamed for a death. Neither can "even engaging that guy in the first place," in situations where role-play demands it. Sometimes you identify the risks, decide they're worth taking, then wind up getting burned.
350, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You stated in your post that this just happened, but I'm unable to find an incident like it in Balator in the last day. The only newbie-level people that died in Balator died to orphanage children, and the only PKs there occurred well after your post.

Is it from further back?

351, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Thunderpants on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pmed you the specifics

it might of happened in imperial lands
415, Newbie also may not necessarily mean lowbie...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some people on the mud are far more trusting than veteran players are, but may have been bitch ranked by others, by happening upon a lucky group, etc etc.